Chapter 19 - Alive

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**has not been proofread**

A month has passed since me and Spencer returned from California. Our trip was cut short due to an unexpected case. The team was being so secretive nowadays, the only time I would see all at the same time  is during cases. I only kept up with Spencer, who's either at the firing rage or spending the day with me.

"Do you ever think about having kids?"

I loudly say to Spencer as he is focused on his aim on the person. He doesn't reply, he fired 3 perfect shots in the middle. He lowers and sets the gun in front of him down.

"All the time."

He said turning to face me, as I hid behind him. He holds onto my waist and pulls me into a kiss.

"You would be a great dad."

I relaxed into his embrace and slowly brought my hand to caress his face. He gave a small smile and kissed me again. Both of our phones started ringing, I looked at mine and he looked at me. We gave each other a light nod and we immediately started heading to the BAU.


"Welcome back."

Hotch walked into the door, setting his things down as he made his way to the front of the conference room. He had been sent to lead a investigation task-force in Pakistan. Everyone slowly gathered and sat around the table and Hotch began to speak.

"Seven months ago I made a decision that affected this team."

He took a brief pause and scanned the room. He cleared his throat, and leaned against a chair.

"As you all know Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. But the doctors were able to stabilize her. She was airlifted to another hospital to recover."

I looked up at Hotch confused and blank faced. He looked away and continued.

"She was reassigned to Paris, where she was given several identities which we were given no access for her safety."

The room went quiet, I felt everything turning to blank nothingness.

"She's a-alive."

Garcia slowly said as her face filled with tears. I felt my eyes start to water, as I sunk into my hands. I felt like I was just punched in the gut, unable to move or breath.

"but we buried her."

I heard Reid faintly say, as his voice quivered. Hotch spoke up as he held his head down.

"Like I said I take full responsibility for the decision . If anyone has any issues they should be directed toward me."

I heard Morgan say a remark, and I just completely zoned out. We heard steps walking towards the office, everyone looked up toward the door. I looked up and shifted towards the door. There she was. A black short haired tall women standing in the doorway clutching onto her leather bag. She was there, alive and well. I clawed my fingers into my chair as everyone got up to hug her. I stayed put, I didn't acknowledge her or anything. I stayed motionless.

"I am so sorry. I really am, not a day went by that I didn't wanna..."

She paused when she saw me. She took a step towards me, but I didn't look at her. She then apologized to Morgan, and Hotch clued us in on Declan whereabouts.


I wasn't really involved when finding in Declan. I mostly just helped Garcia organize evidence and stayed with her while everyone else was in the field. We had a lot of downtime while working this case, it was mostly towards the end when we were just waiting around to see if they got Declan safely.

"You've been working on this case before the rest of us were clued in right?"

I asked as I spun around in a chair. Garcia looked up from her screens and sighed.

"Morgan and JJ have been working ever since Emily died. I was just introduced a while ago and it was hard to keep this away from the team."

I nodded as I fidgeted with a pen. I looked up at her and sighed.

"Did you know Emily was alive?"

She quickly nodded and spoke up as she spinned to face me.

"No no I didn't, I don't think anyone but Hotch and JJ knew. We were all kept in the dark."

I gave a brief smile and she smiled back as she spun back to her screens. I got up from my chair and started making my way towards the door.

"I'm going to take a walk, call me if there's any updates"

She nodded and I made my way out of the room. I headed towards the conference room where I saw a file on the table. There was no one in the room, on the file it had bold letters "case file of Emily Prentiss". I sat down and opened it up. Inside were papers and reports of Emily's status and connections with Ian Doyle. I could feel tears start to form in my eyes as I read so I threw the file away. I put my head in between my knees and closed my eyes.

I can't believe she's alive. I don't want to believe she's alive. We buried her, I saw them bury her body in a hole. But there she is, right in front of all of us. I thought she was gone forever, I let myself grief week after week because she was dead. I thought she was dead, she made me believe she was dead. I've lost so many people in my life, Levi, Gracie, and even my dead beat mother. All these tears I wasted, all this sadness that was rekindled every time. I was lied too, I was fooled. And she gets to walk around like nothing happened working back on the case. I hate her, she left without saying goodbye even before her so called death. She left me behind. They all did.


I felt a hand on my shoulder and I immediately looked up and saw Spencer hovering over me.

"Hey Molly B. We got him, Declan is safe now."

I nodded, as he helped me off the ground.

"What about Doyle?"

I asked still holding his hand, he looked at me and sighed. I nodded as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Can we go home now."

I asked as I dug my head into his chest.

"Yes we can."

I know I haven't been writing much but there are some reasons for it. First I haven't been able to write because of lack of time. Second is I'm starting to get those winter blues which makes it harder to stay interested. And third I haven't  renewed my Netflix subscription and I'm still stuck on season 7. Once I get it back I'll move on from this storyline. But hope you all have a great night.

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