Chapter #2

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Veer Lok

Baalveer :- Why have you called us Shaurya?

Vivaan :- Is everything alright?

Shaurya :- Let Baalpari come, and then we'll talk.

Baalpari :- I am here Shaurya. What did you want to talk about?

Shaurya :- I wanted to talk about Ray with you all.

Baalveer :- What about Ray?

Shaurya :- See now that you two have killed bambaal and birba, I am sure that Ray will surely plan to take revenge against you both. He might try to harm the residents of Bharat Nagar. So I want all of you to be more alert now.

Vivaan :- Don't worry Shaurya we will not let anything happen to Bharat Nagar.

Baalpari :- Baalveer you must tell all these things to Ananya also. And please help her in recognizing her powers.

Baalveer :- Don't worry maa I am going to Ananya's house for lunch so after that I will help her.

(Baalveer and Vivaan leave from there.)

Ananya's house

(Ananya and Devkiji were setting the table for lunch when Debu knocked on the door.)

Debu :- Hello aunty.

Devkiji :- Hello! Why are you standing outside, come in. We were waiting for you only.

(Ananya was completely lost in Debu.)

Debu :- Ananya! (He said snapping his fingers.)

Ananya :- A....a...a hi debu (stammering) you are looking good.

Debu :- Thanks you are also looking good.

(Ananya blushes on hearing a compliment from Debu which goes unnoticed by Debu and Devkiji.)

Devkiji :- Now you two stop talking and start eating food.

(Both nodded and sat down. After lunch Devkiji went to her room while Debu and Ananya were still sitting on the dining table)

Debu :- Ananya I wanted to talk to you.

Ananya :- Yes, tell.

Debu :- Not here, come we will go to your room.

Ananya :- Ok let's go.

(They went to her room. As soon as they got inside the room, Debu bursts out laughing.)

Debu :- Hahahahaha! What have you made your room look like Ananya? It is looking like a fish market. (He said while laughing.)

Ananya :- A..a..aa actually I was busy these days so I forgot to clean my room. Stop laughing like a mad man. (She said hitting him on the shoulder.)

Debu :- Ouch! I am sorry but I can't stop laughing seeing your room. (He said still laughing.)

(Ananya was angry so she went a little ahead but her leg bumped into the sandal on the floor and her ankle got twisted.)

Ananya :- Aaaaah! (She screamed on top of her voice.)

Debu :- What happened?

Ananya :- I think my ankle has got twisted. It's painful. I think I should take some rest. You go home now, we will talk later.

(Without thinking Debu lifted her in his arms.)

Debu :- I am not leaving you alone in this state. Understand that.(Saying this he placed her on the bed.)

Debu :- Where is the first aid box Ananya? (He asks in a worried tone.)

Ananya :- I don't know. It can be anywhere in this room.

Debu :- Now where will I find the first aid box in this mess?

(He started searching for the first aid kit everywhere. At last he found it in the shoe rack)

Debu :- Seriously Ananya! In the shoe rack.

Ananya :- Stop scolding me!

(Debu took out a balm from the first aid box and held Ananya's leg.)

Ananya :- What are you doing? (She said instantly removing her leg from his hand.)

Debu :- I am applying a balm on your ankle. Now stop disturbing me.
(Saying this he folded a little part of her jeans and started applying balm on her ankle while Ananya was just staring at him.)

Ananya's POV
Awww! He looks so cute when he is worried. I really want to pull his cheeks. But I am feeling butterflies in my stomach because of his touch. Just shut up Ananya what are you thinking. You need to control yourself.

Debu :- Why are you smiling looking at me? (He said snapping his fingers.) I have never seen anyone smiling when they just have got hurt.

Ananya :- A..a..aa actually I remembered a joke that's why. (She said, stammering a bit.)

Debu :- You are really a weird person. Anyways I have applied the balm, so you will get relief after a few minutes.

Ananya :- Thanks Debu. Well you wanted to talk to me.

Debu :- You take a rest now, we will talk later. And I will tell Devkiji about your leg. So if you want anything you can call her.

Ananya :- You will not be here? (She asks in a sad tone.)

Debu :- Actually I have some work so I need to go.

Ananya :- What work is more important than me?

Debu :- Few minutes before you were telling me to go and now you are asking me this?

(Ananya was about to speak but just then Devkiji entered the room.)

Devkiji :- What happened Ananya? Why are you laying down on the bed?

Debu :- Actually her ankle had got twisted. But don't worry I have applied balm on it so she will be fine.

Devkiji :- Thanks!

Debu :- Please don't say thanks aunty, she is my friend. Anyways I will have to leave as I have some work.

Devkiji :- Okay.

Debu :- Bye Ananya. (Saying this he left from there.)

To be continued...
Word Count - 900


So end of chapter 2. How was it?

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