♠ Aɴɢᴇʀ ♠

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                                       Something whispered in the dark...

"Nothing will stand in my our way and I will finish what you started..."

"Another one of the force... The true prophecies are coming true."

You jolted awake, tumbling out of your bed and onto the cold stone floor beneath. The image of a ghastly, destroyed and ruined black mask haunted your dreams. Just as you were about to turn around to look at who was whispering you woke up. The nightmares were tiresome, and you couldn't recall when you had a good night's sleep last. The room you were in was dark and cold, as it always was on Hoth. You hated it here. It was a prison. 

"[Y/N]? Why are you awake? Trying to escape again, you filth?" Your jailor, Beeth K'wat, slammed at the door angrily. The Zabrak smuggler was far from your friend, and he made sure of that every day. 

"Piss off." You grumbled back, pressing your hands against your forehead. A growing headache was imminent

"Go for it then! Your pathetic body will freeze to death before you make it anywhere." Beeth laughed and left the door, probably to indulge himself in some alcohol. You let out a desperate sigh and approached the door. Through a crack in it you saw the only window this forsaken hut had. It was still night. Returning to your bed you sat down and began thinking about all of the people who ever betrayed you. You knew so many, yet you had no idea why you got kidnapped. Kidnappers then killed each other in order to catch you. Over the past several months, Beeth was your ninth jailor. When was this going to end?! You threw a rock angrily at the door, causing a loud rumble. You froze. It did not please the Zabrak. He was most likely drunk by now too. Cursing came from the living room, followed by the door getting unlocked and kicked to the side.

"What did I tell you?! Not to try something! You're causing this yourself. You're making me do this to you!" Beeth yelled angrily, holding a metal rod in his hand. 

"Please don't..." You cowered up in the bed, closing your eyes. You knew he didn't hear any pleading anyway. If you just focused on something else, this would go faster... Focus... Beeth's angry cussing seemed to fade out until it became oddly quiet. Too quiet. You opened your eyes, realising you were no longer in the cell on Hoth. It was entirely black, empty.

"Hello? Who goes there?" Someone asked, the voice echoing all around.

"What trick is this? Show yourself!" You looked around in confusion and anger. Somehow, your feelings felt more real here, not suppressed. Still, was this another smuggler coming to claim you?

"Rey? No..." 

"What? I'm no Ray. Ow..." You had no idea what he spoke about. Out of the blue you felt pains across your body, appearing without a clear source. 

"I can feel it, can you? I've never felt it like this before. Not even... Where are you? Answer me."

"I don't need more people hunting me!" You called out, but the presence was already slipping away, and the pains were getting worse. An intense pain in your leg struck, so hard you were unable to remain standing. Falling to the floor, you could see the shadowy figure of someone in the distance, but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't see who it was.

"Fine, it doesn't matter. I'll find you, one way or the other.

"No!" You yelled, tired of being chased, but you were no longer in the darkness. Instead you were back in Hoth, lying on the floor, yelling at Beeth who was preparing to strike you again. Pain was surging through your entire body, but your anger surpassed that. Your hand was held towards him defensively, but something made you stretch it out...

"Here, I'll help you..."  The whispers came through to you, even now, "Trust me."

"W-what?" You stammered, but before you could get a reply you felt this intense surge within you. Like an awakening of your senses, bringing life to everything around you. For a moment, you could feel everything. The snow falling outside, the tauntaun lizards roaming in the distance... the drunken Zabrak in front of you... The power in your grasp.

"Take it! Take. It!" And you did. Somehow you did, and the entire room was lit up in a bright red as a crackling lightning streak fired out of your hand and into the smuggler. Beeth's entire body seized up and rattled, gurgling with foam at his mouth. The cries of pain was like music, tunes of freedom. He fell to the ground with a heavy thud, dead. You simply stared at the body for many moments, then at your hand. With haste, you got up and began to rummage around the house in order to find the gear and keys allowing for your escape. What the hell was that? What had happened? Who was in your mind? A final whisper came through to you.

"Good. I knew my intuition was right. Now listen carefully to me. Stay exactly where you are. Don't you dare run from me, it's futile."

Yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ MINE [Kylo Ren XReader]Where stories live. Discover now