♠ Dᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ ♠

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"I want you to die."

His hand grappled hard around your throat, stopping air from reaching your lungs. The hard push against the wall made it difficult to move. Your body was already tired from the recent damage it had sustained, and the months of being a prisoner. Meeting his gaze you stared intensely into them with anger, not only directed at him. At everything, honestly. Somehow, his eyes seemed familiar..? You couldn't place it. Something made it feel like you weren't strangers. Perhaps he felt it too, for his gaze softened in surprise. Letting out a shocked gasp he let go and stepped back.

"It can't be..." He mumbled, looking at you as you stumbled down on two feet. 

"You'll regret that." You crowed, spitting out some blood-tainted saliva. The General simply looked at you with a confused gaze, then turned on his heel and fled the room. You were getting pissed at this. For months you had been enslaved and beaten, and now this? The anger got relayed to the destroyed droid who had to endure many of your kickings, ruining it further. After a while you had ventilated most of the anger, allowing you to focus again. You were supposed to find the Supreme Leader, so you stormed out of the medical bay and almost collided with a pair of stormtroopers. They eyed you cautiously.

"Halt. Identify yourself." One asked. Most likely they were suspicious due to the torn and destroyed snow outfit that you wore, in addition to the many bruises covering your body still. 

"Or what?" You snarled at them, starting to walk off. One of them peered into the medical bay, spotting the ruined droid. It caused them to hail someone on their communications, but whatever the answer was, they didn't follow you. Navigating inside the Star Destroyer was harder than you anticipated, as you realised that you were back where you started after half an hour of walking around. At this point you were entirely calmed down. With a heavy frown you considered the options. Either you had to ask someone, to which they'd probably not lead you to their Supreme Leader... Or maybe... you had spoken to him via some weird telepathy before. With a deep breath you closed your eyes momentarily and reached out to the surroundings. The encased metals, electrical systems and many wires felt stale compared to the snow on Hoth, but you felt it. Not that you were looking for the infrastructure of the ship. Some sort of odd instinct allowed you to decide which paths to take. Upon each juncture, going one way over the other felt more natural. After walking for a while you realised you had no idea where you were, but it was at the end of a corridor and in front of a door. What were you gonna do now? Knock? Did you want to knock? You still felt apprehensive about the situation. Being brought off Hoth and threatened, treated like a child and told you were filled with some sort of power? The last part sounded like a weird lie, but it also explained all of the oddities happening recently... If anything, the Supreme Leader said he could give you answers, or at least guidance. You knocked. The door opened on its own, bringing you into a white area with several pedestals placed out through the wall. On them laid various objects like museum items. You were about to approach them to get a closer look when Kylo Ren stepped out right in front of you from a room to your left. He eyed your body.

"Took you a while." He said, then walked past you and down the corridor. You decided it was best to follow.

"Perhaps because that red-haired person of yours tried to kill me." You crossed your arms.

"Clearly he failed." Kylo Ren practically ignored you, eventually stopped in front of a door, "Go in and get changed."

You reluctantly went inside the door, but to your relief found it to be a completely ordinary clothing service point. The droid made some electronic pinging noises from behind the counter, then spoke. After you conveyed that you needed new clothes it had you take off the torn snow outfit and step up in the middle of the room where it measured you prior to sewing new garments. At first it wanted to put you in a black crop top and a long matching skirt, but you heavily objected. A crop top was high risk and very unrepresentative. Eventually you got a pair of black pants, a layered tunic and a thick cloth belt around your abdomen. It looked kinda menacing, you though, surprisingly enough similar to Kylo Ren's appearance. Whatever, must be First Order fashion. Stepping out with the polished boots you found that the Supreme Leader was still there, having expected him to leave again. He eyed you approvingly, but didn't say anything about it. Instead he just started walking.

"Where are we going? Are you not gonna do something about your officer?" You asked, trying to catch up to the man who was walking with both long legs and fast. 

"I'm going to start teaching you things, so that you can do it yourself. Would that not feel better? To be powerful yourself?" He glanced down at you intently, looking genuine rather than angry and bitter. It threw you off, having being defensive and angry to protect yourself from the strange surroundings and wicked people.

"I... Yes." You admitted, following him into what seemed to be a temple. The black interior was broken off with only pillars and bookshelves, "What power are you talking about? Why do these strange things keep happening around me?"

"I can teach you everything. I can tell you all that you want to know. You can become more power than you ever imagined, and no one can stand in your way. I can show you the force." Kylo turned on his heel and faced you, his eyes lively for once, "As long as you pledge your allegiance to me, and forever stay by my side."

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