♦ Dɪssᴏɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ♦

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"I can teach you everything. I can tell you all that you want to know. You can become more power than you ever imagined, and no one can stand in your way. I can show you the force." Kylo turned on his heel and faced you, his eyes lively for once, "As long as you pledge your allegiance to me, and forever stay by my side."

"I..." You felt like he practically proposed to you. Forever? What did you have to lose... You had no proper family, no career to return to or obligations. None that hadn't already replaced you in the past months. He did offer you power... All power you could ever imagine. Could you trust him? You looked at the tall man, the Supreme Leader, who seemed genuine in his offer. If he didn't gain something from this, or believe in you, he wouldn't have retrieved you on Hoth to begin with. Perhaps... A shudder went down your spine. Perhaps he was the first person to ever see you. To see potential.

"I will. I will pledge myself to you." You felt a great relief? A sense of belonging. The fact that you'd no longer be afraid sleeping at night. No longer find every day a pain to go through, perhaps. 

"Swear it. Swear it with an Oath of Obedience." He stepped up  in front of you and stared right into your eyes, "Get on your knees."

"I don't know how to... Swear such Oath..." You practically whispered as you got down on your knees in front of him, clenching your fists tightly.

"I'll be your guide." He said with a deep calm, "Repeat after me. I, [Y/N], swear this sacred Oath..."

"I, [Y/N], swear this sacred Oath." Your voice was trembling, why was it trembling? 

"that I shall render unconditional obedience to Supreme Leader Kylo Ren." He continued, "To exercise every power in service to the First Order."

"That I shall render unconditional obedience to Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. To exercise every power in service of the First Order." You had no idea how you managed to recite it perfectly, because being kneeled in front of him made you nervous. Was he going to be your master now? Master Kylo Ren...

"and shall, whensoever I am asked, be prepared, as a loyal servant, to surrender my life for this oath." Kylo Ren finished, his lip trembling slightly by it. Was he affected too?

"And shall, whensoever I am asked, be prepared, as a loyal servant, to surrender my life for this oath." You repeated, this time confidently and firmly. You were not afraid of the fate ahead of you. Nervous around Kylo Ren? Yes... But the trials? Any trials you were ever to face, you'd beat. Nothing would stand in your way.

"Rise, my apprentice. Rise, and accept the knowledge... Of the Dark Side." Kylo Ren placed a hand beneath your chin and gently motioned you up on your feet, aiming your face towards him.

"When do I start?" You met his eyes again. They seemed pleased? Kylo seemed pleased as he looked at you.

"Now." He whispered lowly, his tone sly. Moving his hand out you were tossed across the temple by some invisible force, landing on the black rock floor roughly. Looking up, you saw lightning playing in his palm for a moment, and a floating piece of marble above the other one.

"This power, it's not just a power. It's an energy, running through everything around us. If you're sensitive enough, you can wield it. Bend it to your will. It is called the force." Kylo Ren lowered one hand, letting the lightning fade, "Take the stone from me. Try to sense it."

"The force..." You mumbled, so that's what it was called. You reached out a hand, instantly sensing the stone soaked in Kylo's grasp, attempting to grab at it. Whilst the grasp was strong, it did not budge. "I can't move it..."

"You can. Use your anger, let it fuel your power. Think of everything that ever hurt you, everyone who abused and failed you!" Kylo exclaimed firmly, "Grab what is yours!"

"Urgh!" You groaned in strain, thinking about the pain of your childhood, how you'd forever be haunted by such memories. Somehow, it worked, it gave you strength. It was easy to feel the power of your anger and you pined for it. You kept thinking of your childhood, your 'friends' and all the broken promises. Eventually your anger, synonymous with your force, became so strong it ripped the marble stone right your direction and slammed into a wall behind you. 

"I HATE THEM!" You screamed as the force grasp no longer held onto something, simply roaring like a fire within. The scream echoed in the entire temple, amplifying twice before fading. Kylo Ren looked pleased once again, smirking. 

"I knew I wasn't wrong." He motioned you over, somehow making your legs move on their own. As you were in front of each other again he placed a hand on you shoulder. You were still shuddering and clenching your fists in anger.

"You'll be following me from now on. I want you by my side at all times, learning. Learn your place, and then earn it." Kylo looked into your furious eyes, smiling slyly, "Each morning between six and seven you shall be here, meditating on your anger. Fuel it, dwell on it and recall the pains. Then again between seven and nine in the evening."

"Alright..." You nodded, not even sure what time it was right now.

"You'll address me as Master." He corrected you sternly.

"Yes, Master." You lowered your head submissively, still fuming with anger. A gentle pat was felt on your head. 

"In this temple you'll find holocrons and books with lore you must know. You'll not leave this temple until you've read them." He let go of you and walked towards the exit, "Don't call me until then."

You watched as he left, making the temple uncanny and cold. Forced to stay inside this temple? Another prison? ... But you had also sworn an Oath of Obedience. With an angry groan you located the bookshelves. With an even more frustrated sound you grabbed the first book and opened it. Thankfully, you enjoyed reading. This was not going to be a challenge. 

Yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ MINE [Kylo Ren XReader]Where stories live. Discover now