♥ Pʀɪᴅᴇ ♥

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Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.

Through Passion I gain Strength.Through Strength I gain Power.Through Power I gain Victory.Through Victory my chains are Broken.The Force shall free me.

It was day 7 within this temple. You had read every single book, hardly slept and even begun to grasp the strangeness of some new language. The mantra you kept repeating in your head about peace, passion, strength and so on was the first thing you had learned to decipher in the odd runes. For several hours of the day you meditated, remembering wrath, learning to embrace the force within you. It was amazing. Like a glass of water in the desert, you craved it. Once you closed the last book you felt awakened, alive. Hungry for more. Now... To call upon your Master. With a deep breath you strained your muscles and sharpened your mind, gathering air into your lungs. 

"MASTER!" You screamed, the sound cutting through the walls and the ship, resonating with a loud and painful pitch. It was satisfying, feeling the strength within you. You sat down and patiently waited. The darkness inside your mind was a lovely place to go to, and before you knew it a longer time had passed when the doors opened. Kylo Ren came marching in with heavy footsteps, looking angry.

"Stand up." He demanded, pacing back and forth. You hastily got to your feet. It was just enough time to catch the item he threw at you. It slammed into your chest, but at least you didn't drop it.

"Treat it with more respect. It's your second most useful tool, to bring you the destruction you desire, after the force." Kylo reached for a hilt hanging by his belt, "Defend yourself!"

The Supreme Leader then activated his lightsaber, the red light reflecting in the dark polished rock around them. He looked ready to kill you, and charged from the spot. Quickly you reached for the hilt he threw at you, then fidgeted with a button. A clear, red light cascaded out from it like a volatile sword. It was with a panicked reaction that you threw the blade up and blocked the first incoming arching strike from Kylo. Then another from the other side. It came fast, and hard. You could barely hold against the hits, stumbling backwards repeatedly. 

"Fight me!" He shouted at you, but you were having a hard time even staying on your two feet. After a few more seconds of intense blocking and lightsabers slamming, he spun his saber around and instead slammed his hand into your abdomen, harshly throwing you into the floor. The air was pushed out of your lungs and the saber flew across the room. Kylo loomed over you, staring down where you lied on the floor.

"Truce?" He pointed the lightsaber at your chest.

"Peace is a lie." You stared intensely at him, not breaking eye contact. Upon these words, Kylo withdrew his lightsaber and placed it on his belt. 

"So you have learned." His anger seemed to fade into a pleased nod. Holding out a hand you took it, surprisingly enough getting helped up on your feet.

"Yes, master." You inclined your head.

"Lift your head, [Y/N]. Show pride and confidence. I will not have an apprentice who is oppressed." Kylo placed a finger beneath your chin and lifted your gaze to meet his. He had beautiful eyes, you realised.

"Yes, master." You nodded firmly.

"Now come with me, there's work to be done." Kylo had withdrawn his hand and now turned to exit the temple, "Leave the lightsaber."

You nodded and followed, realising you had grown attached to the safety of the temple. The non-black interior felt like a needle in your eyes as you made it through the exit.

"Right across here is the training halls. After you've meditated, you will spend two hours each morning and evening practising in there with the lightsaber." Kylo pointed at a door ahead, "Unless we're having another lesson."

Walking past the training hall and down the corridor you got into a transport lift, bringing you to a massive bridge. Windows peered out over some planet, and stations were filled with operators. The man who had tried to kill you in the medical quarters a week prior was just about to walk past you when he stopped.

"You." He glared, "Why is she still here?"

"She's my apprentice. Where are you going?" Kylo eyed the black leathered folder in the General's hands.

"Pah. Fine. I'm going down to the surface to inspect the Stormtroopers whilst the two of you play around with your... things." Hux was about to leave but Kylo held up a hand and stopped the man in motion.

"[Y/N] is going with you, on my behalf." The Supreme Leader looked at you. This was not what you wanted. On his behalf? You had no idea how the Stormtrooper education worked, and even less what Kylo Ren would say during such inspection! You shook your head lightly, but Kylo Ren gave you a stern look. "You'll respect her words as you would obey mine."

"Is this a joke?" Hux snarled, his eyes darting between the two of you.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Kylo Ren let go of the grapple and pushed Hux forward, causing him to stumble, "[Y/N] needs to be back before seven. Stop wasting time."

"Master." You said, almost questioningly. Kylo gave you the coldest stare you had seen from him, sending shivers down your body. "Yes, Master."

You and the General left the bridge in total silence. He was ignoring you all the way to the Upsilon-classed command shuttle the pilot introduced you to. Hux reluctantly said you'd be joining, then returned to ignoring you. Not wanting to enter a staring contest with the general in the waiting area you went to the cockpit and sat down next to the pilot.

"So, you been driving this thing your entire life huh?" You asked, trying to make time go, and get an excuse not to converse with the general. 

"Ma'am?" The pilot seemed confused about being addressed.

"What? It's not a hard question." You leaned back and sighed.

"The pilots don't talk to us." The general had approached and seemed determined to enter that staring contest anyway. Why did he want you dead and still seemed interested? 

"Great, I'll just talk to you instead then." You sighed and left the cockpit with Hux hot on your heels. He however did not seem very talkative, so for the rest of the ride you just stared at each other. 

Yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ MINE [Kylo Ren XReader]Where stories live. Discover now