♠ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴛɪᴛᴇ ♠

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You had slept in Kylo's quarters and with him ever since the night you two unified, hurdling together in the safety of each other's embrace. Things made so much sense now, of course. This was how it was always supposed to be. After you had learned that you were born of the force, now channelling not only Vader's powers but fuelled by the Jedi, you wielded powers neither you or Kylo had expected. And so did he. Having shared the power, Kylo Ren was mightier than ever. Perhaps it had made sense to kill him, to get all the power yourself, but that idea was entirely distant from your mind. Somehow, it seemed that the passion you held for him and the passion he held for you only increased such powers. During a meditation session you realised that you didn't need nearly as much anger to funnel your force, but the desire and devotion for Kylo was enough. Several months had passed, and you had been able to forge your own lightsaber as well as train. After many duels with Kylo to determine your favourite style of fighting and weapon, it became a dual-bladed lightsaber with a bright red colour. Learning the way of the First Order, you had gotten quite the hang of what it meant to be a Supreme Leader. Part of you were thankfully that responsibility did not lie on your shoulders, because it meant you could sometimes go off on your own and do side missions more worthy your time. However, no one seemed to question your position as Kylo Ren's second in command as much anymore. If they did, they'd quickly regret it. Now you were on a transport to a planet named Theliek near the First Order planet of Batuu in the outer rim territories. This was the uninhabited planet that was chosen by General Hux for the creation of the Sith academy, and had been built with haste. The structure of how force lessons were going to be done had been your primary task in the past couple of months, and still something you were very busy with. How to find force sensitive candidates was hard enough, but getting instructors and the logistics to work was tough. At least you had some good ideas. Landing on the grass-clad planet you stepped out and peered over the horizon. One side had a vast turquoise ocean, and the other forests and mountains. Behind you was a chain of mountains, and by the base a massive set of buildings in black polished rock. The closer you got, the more details you saw; pillars, statues and golden ornaments gave the academy a tasteful appearance.

"You can say a lot about the general, but at least he has taste." You glanced at a massive statue of Kylo Ren, then back at the academy. Kylo Ren turned to you and smirked, 

"We'll get you next to me." He nodded at the statue, "Headmistress [Y/N]."

You held back the urge to jump him and rip all of his clothes off, or fight intensely and make out on the floor with a few lightsaber burns. Either were just as good. Kylo seemed to pick up this idea of yours and bit his lip in the same attempt of self-control, but he also teased you, making it a lot harder. In a desperate act of defence you threw your hand out and force pushed him to the side. Just as he was about to leap back at you with a sly desire, someone cleared their throat. 

"If you two could behave, that'd be brilliant." Hux frowned, his voice strained.

"General." You grinned at him.

"Supreme Leader, Darth [Y/DN]... or Headmistress." Hux glared momentarily, then turned around. Escorted by a whole group of stormtroopers the three of you made it over to the academy. He began by introducing the working process, as well as the general idea of the academy. It certainly was ambitious, and would eventually become a massive school, you realised. One you would rule. You'd control the creation of the Sith all over the galaxy. The thought sent tingles in your body. Hux guided you through some of the basic parts of the academy, such as the training halls, the temples and eventually ending in your own main office. 

"Say, how exactly do you wish to go about getting Sith instructors? I doubt you'd be able to find someone proficient at all in the force, the ways of the First Order and tutoring." Hux stood gazing out of the windows with his hands locked behind his back. Kylo Ren looked at you as well, but said nothing. 

"I'm not all too worried. It's a good time for me to get an apprentice, and I know exactly who that'll be." You looked at Kylo. Even though he no longer was your Master, tutoring in the force, you both knew very well he most definitely still was your master. You winked playfully. His amused expression was subtle, but you knew exactly what was on his mind.

"Well?" Hux turned around, just about missing the exchange you had with Kylo.

"Why, you, of course. Not only do you have the tutoring skills, but you're force sensitive and already a general." You stepped forward and stared at him calmly, taking in every second of his confusion, "Or you could decline and I'll just take revenge for the multiple times you've tried to kill me."

"I... I see." His surprise seemed to overtake the anger which was his standard, "I suppose I am grateful."

"You'll prove it to me later." You waved him off, but gave him a firm nod, "Now, go fetch the holo-pads from the vessel and return here, then we can discuss exactly how I should run this academy."

"Right then, will do." The General scurried off in confusion, still not sure how to deal with the idea that he was about to wield the force. At least it gave you and Kylo Ren a moment of privacy.

"You picked Hux? Armitage Hux? As apprentice?" Kylo Ren blinked, not very convinced. 

"You picked me? A random person captured by bounty hunters, on Hoth? We both have questionable judgement." You shook your head, then smirked at him.

"Oh but that was the best choice I've ever made." Kylo stepped up right in front of you and pulled you in by the waist, then leaned down to hungrily steal a hard kiss from your lips. You tugged him over to the desk behind you and tangled your fingers in his hair. You had time, right? Your desire to be with him was convincing enough. He slowly made it down, getting on his knees. You took a breath, ready for-...

"[Y/N], I cannot live, or even breathe, without you. I can't imagine us apart, or not together for eternity. You're MINE, and no one else's. I will kill anyone who lays a finger on you, if that's what I have to do." He looked up at you with a passionate gaze, "You already rule the galaxy with me, so [Y/N], will you marry me?"

Yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ MINE [Kylo Ren XReader]Where stories live. Discover now