♣ Uɴᴘʟᴇᴀsᴀɴᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ♣

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"Get up." Kylo Ren marched past you after the Stormtroopers had gotten off, making if halfway off the ship before stopping. You had tried to get up, but the beatings by Beeth and the falling from the speeder had been allowed to properly reveal just how badly it hurt during the transport trip. Unfortunately for you, Kylo Ren came back in right as you fell into the chair rather ungracefully. He peered at the clumsiness, slowly arching his eyebrows. As he approached you flexed your arms and body, ready to defend yourself. But he did not attack. Kneeling down in front of you he grabbed your legs. Instinctively you flinched in pain as he touched the injured leg.

"It's nothing." You tried to escape the situation. He was so close, it made you nervous.

"Right." He scowled, grabbing the fabric of your snow pants and ripping the seams apart, revealing a set of massive bruises and frost damaged tissue. Looking into your [E/C] eyes he sighed. "Nothing."

"I just need some biochem." You hissed, feeling his cold hands against your bruised skin, fearing he'd intentionally make it hurt more. That's what everyone else had done in your life. Made it insufferable. 

"There is better methods within the First Order. Let's go." Kylo Ren shook his head. At first you frowned, wondering how he expected you to walk... Perhaps he'd force you to crawl or stumble behind him. You wouldn't be surprised. But then you felt how out of nowhere you were pulled up from the chair. The Supreme Leader had put his arms beneath you and picked you up in a bridal styled manner. Suddenly your head was against his chest and you were in his strong arms.

"Su-..." You began, instinctively objecting to him simply taking this act for granted, but got silenced. 

"Don't." Kylo clenched his jaw, pulling on the force to hinder you from talking. Grumpily you accepted your fate as you were carried out of the ship in the arms of the Supreme Leader. At first it was impressive to look at the interior of the Star Destroyer, but then you began noticing the glances of all bypassing personnel. Whilst they hid it properly you sensed their disgust, surprise or jealousy. It made you turn your head inwards to avoid their gazes. The scent had been subtle before, but now it surrounded you entirely. It was a pleasant smell, you thought to yourself, like leather, musk and firewood. Something burnt, perhaps? Even though most things hurt all over, and you felt stressed out about the several months of being hunted, this felt safe. It was a conflicting emotion, because it also felt humiliating. You didn't want to be patronised, or considered weak... But you couldn't help feeling settled in his grasp.

"Who's this?" Someone with a sharp and short tone stopped Kylo in his path. You turned your head in order to at least stare menacingly at the opponent. The darkly clad general stared angrily at you. He had bright red hair and a pale hue, with a clear jawline and grey blue eyes.

"Don't you have better things to do?" Kylo peered at Hux, who was staring at you intensely.

"Don't you have better things to do than rescue damsels in distress? Again?" Hux sighed but didn't remove his gaze from you. It was stressful, but you refused to break eye contact. Kylo gave the general a deadly stare then pushed himself past him with no other comments. 

"Don't waste time on scoundrels!" Hux called after him, but made no effort to follow. 

"Scoundrel." You spat angrily at the comment. Kylo said nothing, but his expression was stern. The grasp he held around you tightened until you entered a medical bay. A medicine droid slid up to the two of you and began to request details in a squeaky voice. Kylo sat you down on a stretcher and waved his hand hastily towards the droid, sending it flying into nearest wall. Electrical sparks and sounds of faulty wiring indicated the fate of it. Not that you cared. Kylo fetched a bag of some green gel, throwing at you.

"Apply it." He instructed, picking up what looked like a flashlight. Knowing you had no choice you did as asked, opening the bag and spreading out the warm gel across the bruised area. As he began to shine the hard light upon your injury the gel started to burn uncomfortably, but you did your best not to show it.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked after a longer moment of silence. Not for a second did you think he did this out of the good of his heart. 

"Your powers need to be tamed. You don't know enough to do that yourself." He didn't look at you, the black curls covering half of his face as he leaned forth. 

"I am not stupid." You objected with a frown. Maybe you couldn't properly fight, but you knew a lot about surviving on the streets and getting what you wanted.

"Being on Hoth seems quite stupid." Kylo Ren sneered, "Why?"

"Why I was on Hoth? Not by choice I assure you that, Supreme Leader." You rolled your eyes at being called stupid by him. His fist clenched around the flashlight, almost breaking it. He then threw it across the room and let out an angry growl. 

"I don't need to do this. Heal yourself, and come back when you're done being snotty." Kylo turned on his heel and stormed out. You sighed. Were you to feel bad for his reaction? Had you caused it? He did pick you up from Hoth after all... Whatever. Looking around the room you saw the medical tool far away. You tried to move your leg but it was unresponsive, entirely paralysed. 

"How the hell..." You let out a frustrated groan, staring at the tool intensely. Maybe if you could get another droid in here. Urgh! If just your leg was fine you'd be out of this mess. A slight headache was emerging in your mind as you glared the tool to death.  Suddenly it lifted from the ground and flew across the room, straight at you, and hit you in the head. For a moment, it caused you to pass out, and then seeing stars along with a screaming headache. The spot where it had hit you was pounding wildly and already swelling. Thankfully it had been beneath your hair, so you could hide the embarrassment of whatever the heck just happened. With a groan you grabbed the medical tool and began to finish the job on your leg with a new found frustration. Just as things were about to go your way, the doors to the medical bay opened.

"So this is where he left you." Hux stepped in, locking the doors behind him. 

"I have nothing to say to you." You returned the glare. 

"Then be silent." The General placed both his hands behind his back and started to circulate the room, "To be honest, I'd prefer it if you never spoke ever again!"

"What is all of this about?" You finished healing your leg and hopped off the stretcher with barely any pain, facing the man. 

"What's all this about?" He mocked your sentence and practically charged at you, grabbing you by the throat and pushing you against the wall, "The First Order doesn't need another filthy Rey. I want you to die."

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