♠ ᴛʀᴜsᴛ ♠

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Having returned from the Stormtrooper inspection with a silent and chilly General Hux you immediately set off to the temple in order to meditate. Channeling your anger through your veins, the recent information about your past family that clearly abandoned you got you boiling. Even now, general Hux had tried to get you killed. Perhaps it was connected to the murder of those who raised you...? It didn't matter. They were dead to you, and so were the Hux family. After two hours of tamed fury fuming inside of you, the practise target droids got mauled with the untrained skills of your lightsaber fighting. Essentially none, but your anger had you swinging and slicing down anything that moved. Sweating and panting, you made for a tired sideways slice towards a droid, feeling how it slammed into something much more solid. Spinning around you were face to face with Kylo Ren. His brown eyes meetings yours behind a curtain of curly, black hair. It sent your heart into a jolt. By surprise... surely. 

"Master." You uttered as your lightsaber was pressed against his. It was hard to hold against his force, already being tired from kicking droid butt for two hours. 

"Sources tell me," He began, then force pushed you away a meter in order to make for a new arching swing towards your side. Just about managing to block the lightsaber you were again in a stand-off, "That you and Hux had a disagreement."

"It's inevitable with that man." You huffed, irritated and tired, "He put the bounty on me."

"Ah, so you're the Hux, from the mother." Kylo Ren let out a thoughtful hum. It seemed so easy for him to stand there, putting his strength against yours, whilst you were dying of exhaustion. 

"I don't care." You groaned, lifting a leg to pull a dirty trick from the streets. Kicking his knee you freed yourself from the situation. Your arms were screaming of the strain, but got little rest. Kylo was already up in your face as your lightsabers hissed against each other.

"You've grown stronger." He murmured, pushing the lightsaber harder, getting closer to you. The heat from the sabers were brushing against your face, reminding you of the deadliness they held. Kylo's eyes were staring into yours with suspicion... Why was he suspicious? Did he not trust you now? You swore an Oath of Obedience! He was all you had now. There was nothing for you to return to. Kylo held up his hand towards you and the familiar sensation from Hoth returned. Your tired body instantly let go of the lightsaber as he began to force choke you. Lowering his lightsaber he stepped up and eventually grabbed you by the throat himself, clenching on the sides with his leathered hand. You began to feel light-headed, but didn't break eye contact.

"The General is force sensitive too... Ah but you knew that, ...yes, I can see it now." Kylo took several steps forward with you on his hand, pressing you up against the wall, "And you let him live, even after putting such bounty on your head, and attempt of killing you... Twice?"

You gasped for air to counter the dizziness affecting you, but it was not helping. Your legs barely kept you standing by now. Why was he prying in your head? That was private! How could he not trust you... You trusted him entirely. Perhaps it was dumb. Probably... But you couldn't help it. 

"A Sith shows no mercy. Why didn't you kill him?" He stared at you coldly. Did he think you had made a pact with the general because he was family? Was that it? You tried to speak a word, but nothing would pass through. Not to mention that you had begun seeing blurry spots in your field of vision. The attempt to speak came out more as a desperate gasp for air. Kylo let go of your throat, but the impact it had had on your body in combination with the training made it a bit too much. With a panicked inhale you fell to the floor, hitting it roughly. The quick surge of pain in addition to the soreness of your body already made it momentarily unbearable. Kylo took a step forward and loomed over you like a deadly hawk, giving you a stern gaze. It was the last thing you saw before your body gave in and you passed out. 


Waking up what felt like seconds later was far from pleasant. Similar to waking up too early in the morning from nightmares. You expected to see Kylo still looming over you with the disappointed and cold stare, but instead you were greeted by a medical droid. You hadn't even been moved from the position where you passed out. 

"Function restored!" The droid exclaimed happily, but all you could think of was that Kylo had abandoned you in the belief that you had betrayed him. That hurt more than any of the damages on your body did. In a desperate sadness you reached out for the lightsaber and winged an attempted force summon. It seemed to work, as it flew straight into your hand. The hurting sensation in your chest was briefly relieved as the droid was cut in half. Stepping over the mechanical pile on the ground you lowered the lightsaber and latched it onto your belt. Leaving the training hall you entered the desolate corridor. Your throat was hurting like hell, but you didn't care. You had been abandoned, again. Hurrying to your quarters you grabbed your items in a bag. You had been ready to lay your life for this cause, to follow Kylo no matter, and he had left you over the first sign of trouble. He could've searched your mind to find the truth, but instead he chose not to believe you. Pained by the sorrow of his distrust you raised your hood and left the dorm. Perhaps this wasn't where you belonged after all.

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