♦ ᴀʙᴀɴᴅᴏɴᴇᴅ ♦

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You stomped up to a pilot standing by a tie fighter and ordered him to fly you to the nearest transit hub, which eventually he reluctantly did. A lightsaber and some force powers helped a long way. You realised that even if the pilot swore to secrecy, and left you without a word on the station, the information of you leaving with reach the Supreme Leader within short. You had to act quickly. Shifting through the crowds of people beneath your cowl you considered the best place of hiding. A well populated planet could make it easier to hide, but also easier to be spotted. Going to a planet that was uninhabited would be risky, especially since the transport you took could be tracked. You best option was to go to a big city planet and maybe move elsewhere afterwards. You looked at a board of departures and decided that Coruscant was the best option. Getting on such a transport was cheap and easy, but also the one departing within the half-hour. Getting onboard you found the furthest corner away and sat down in it, going through your plans and meditating on your anger. You had been abandoned by Kylo, over nothing. You had done nothing wrong, and he still didn't trust you. Clenching your fists you held back any audible and visible signs of your melancholy. You didn't want to leave, but you knew when you weren't welcome anymore... 


Coruscant was vast and a perfect location to vanish in the masses. Thankfully the recent rebellions against the First Order had been tamed as Kylo Ren had beaten the resistance in outer rims of the space and brought back a massive fleet. Somehow, things had changed after that, and it was beneficial for you now. Stalking into the lower levels you went in the shadows, avoiding the shady figures trying to escape tough situations by illegal means in less supervised areas. Having found a well hidden place to stay you spent a couple of weeks just honing your force powers, practising your fighting skills and taking missions to earn credit. It was credit you needed to get a ship and fly somewhere no one would find you. You didn't belong here, you didn't belong anywhere, so nowhere was your home. It was painful to accept that a happy ending was just not for you. Not that you ever believed anything would ever stop being a struggle. After all these weeks, you were finally on your last bounty. It was a resistance member still working in the dark, attempting to bring instability and chaos into the First Order. You approached a barred door and covered yourself in force stealth, going invisible to the naked eye. With a steady leap you hopped up to the nearest balcony, thanking the force for being such an amazing tool. You heard voices on the inside of the door, discussing a sector on Coruscant. The conversation was enough proof for you. Getting out of the stealth you kicked the door open and barged in. Immediate blaster fire came your way, something you were prepared to deflect with the saber. There was two of them, and they looked extremely guilty. 

"Filth!" You called out, force grappling one of the resistance traitors and with an aimed gesture threw the lightsaber into the second opponent. Grasping for the lightsaber and tugging it back into your hand the person fell forwards in a pained gurgle, defeated. 

"You don't have to do this." The grappled resistance person groaned, attempting to kick free without much success. 

"It's about time you woke up, and realised that the dream of the resistance is false." You approached them, "You cannot justify the things you do by claiming the good fight. You know nothing." 

"You can never kill hope!" They exclaimed, rallying for what they believe in. 

"Don't care." You sighed and shrugged. You just needed the bounty, and the resistance was dead. These were but echoes of the past. The lightsaber did what was necessary, and you accessed the central bounty point to send a confirmation droid. Meanwhile you approached the desks and walls, reading the notes. They were a bit out-dated now, but extensive. Your eyes traced the red lines, realising that they all mostly went to one location. 

"Rey." You read out. The same Rey Hux had spoken about? What was Kylo's connection to a leader of the resistance? You tore the papers down and ruined as much of it as possible. It allowed you to leave the instant the bounty droid had transferred the credits upon arriving and confirming the deed. You felt upset about the entire situation. Not only had you been compared to a resistance leader, but Kylo was priorly involved personally somehow? You stopped and kicked at some debris on the ground, unable to hinder your emotions from bubbling up. Suddenly you heard footsteps behind you. Taking out your lightsaber you spun around and attempted to locate the enemy.

"Show yourself!" You called out, but surprisingly enough couldn't see someone. 

"I should kill you where you stand." Kylo Ren stepped out from the shadows, staring at you with a furious expression.

"I never made a pact with Hux, but you were never going to trust me, were you?" You hissed, feeling a pained emotion stab at your chest as you saw him. You just wanted to be by his side again, but now all he wanted was to get rid of you. 

"I know, now." He replied coldly, "And still you left. I can't have an apprentice who broke the Oath of Obedience run around freely. You're a problem."

"I'm the problem?! I was nothing but obedient, and you let your previous involvement ruin it all! I don't deserve toxicity." You aimed your lightsaber at him, "Who's Rey?!"

"How did you..." He closed his eyes momentarily and took a deep breath, "Rey was a person I thought I could trust, and find belonging with. Turns out I was just projecting my wishes and desires onto someone without it being true. She is now dead."

"Great. You're treating me like a problem because of your ex." You clenched your fist to avoid overflowing with emotions. How could you have been so foolish? Dumb, silly [Y/N]. Reality was never what you wanted it to be. 

"She was not my-... Enough of this!" His anger returned, "Rey is nothing. She was never who I thought she was, and I do not care about her no more. You are my problem now."

"Go ahead then! Kill me! Do what you came here for." You yelled at him, tired of this suffering. You had nothing to go to, nothing to lose, nothing to be. The Supreme Leader threw out his hand towards you and flexed his fingers, force clenching your chest. A moment later you were pulled towards him. Stumbling across the street you were in front of him within moments. His gloved hand clenched around your jaws, forcing you to look at him. Poetic, that this was how you died. At least that was better than in the hands of some smuggler looking for a bounty...

"No." Kylo whispered, looking into your eyes.

"No..?" You mouthed, confused. Did he want to torture you first? Make you an example? 

"No, because you're MINE." He held you closer, stern, "And I'm here to take back what belongs to me.

Yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ MINE [Kylo Ren XReader]Where stories live. Discover now