♥ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴍᴇ ♥

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"I am the Supreme Leader, and I can show you everything." He held out his hand towards you, "Come with me."

"Sounds like a flirty way to kidnap me, like the rest of them." Your instincts were still on high alert, and something still said you should try to run. With a swift hand you grabbed the blaster and aimed it at him, managing to blast off two shots with perfect precision. You were confident it was going to hit until he out of absolutely nowhere pulled out a gigantic sword of red light, emitting this laser sound and bright shades all over the white snow. With absolutely no difficulty at all he deflected the blaster shots into the surroundings and suddenly you were choking. Even though his hand was far away, it felt like it was wrapped tightly around your throat, forcing the air out of you. Gasping for breath you fell onto your already hurt knees. Not until you were shaking and tears formed in your eyes, the choking stopped. He now stood right in front of you, peering down.

"Don't think for a second, that you can even begin to challenge me." He growled menacingly. You wiped your cheeks from the tears and stumbled back up on your feet. He was even taller this close, it was intimidating, but you did your best to keep face. 

"I will never stop struggling." You looked up at him and snarled back. He took a deep breath and disabled the lightsaber, hanging it onto his belt.

"And I am not here to force you." The Supreme Leader took a deep breath, suddenly a lot kinder, his tone becoming a bit warmer. Something inside you told you that was exactly what he was going to do, though. 

"What?" Was all you managed to say. You had expected further intimidation, anger and growling, and therefore prepared for that. Now you didn't know what to say, really. Was he letting you go?

"Don't you think it was strange? The lightning, the telepathy, the small crater you melted in the snow?" He inquired. You had no idea what that was, and your confusion seemed evident to him. "You're unique. You have a connection to the force, stronger than you could ever imagine. I sense it. Come with me, and I'll teach you."

"The force..." You mumbled, why did that ring a bell? The tales from the past, "Is... Is that why I was taken?"

"I wish I could tell you why you were taken, but I do not know. But in the state you are now, you won't survive Hoth, or any other planet you manage to hitchhike to from here." He scowled, "But that can be all irrelevant. With your power tamed, no one could stand up to you. Don't be a fool."

You glared at him for calling you a fool. You certainly were not... However, looking around and feeling your beaten body you realised that declining the offer would probably mean inevitable death or another kidnapping. Looking up into the sky momentarily it really hit you that it probably was the Supreme Leader in front of you after all. Perhaps you should've felt anxious, especially after the power move he pulled... But he didn't seem like he wanted to kill you?

"Come with me. Tame your power." He held out his hand once more, "Let me teach you."

You made up your mind. He promised power, and end to being weak. You were never going to be a slave again. With a pained motion, you took his hand. He seemed relieved.

"I am Supreme Leader Kylo Ren." He introduced himself, "Who are you?"

"[Y/N]." You answered truthfully. It pleased him to know your name, it seemed.

"[Y/N]..." He took your name and dragged it out, "Good."

Thereafter you both went back to the space ship which would take you to the Star Destroyer. The warmth inside was almost shocking, after the intense cold outside. You slumped down in a chair somewhere in a corner. Kylo went ahead to the navigational area to give instructions. Shortly after all of the stormtroopers boarded as well, seating themselves in the same seats as you in a row. They made no sound or movement whatsoever. You sighed and looked over at the back shape of Kylo Ren further ahead. Never in your life did you ever think you'd be in contact with the First Order. At best avoid them from afar. If it wasn't from the pain spread all over, you would've walked up to him, but the moment you tried to stand the pain was too overwhelming. Even the stormtrooper seated next to you had to help you sit down again without getting hurt from the fall. Leaning back in the chair you had to keep yourself from boiling up with anger. You hated being this weak.

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