♥ ᴄᴏɴᴠɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ♥

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"No, because you're MINE." He held you closer, stern, "And I'm here to take back what belongs to me." 

Your heart made a backflip over what just happened. He wasn't going to kill you. Being this close to him sent shudders down your body and awoke the tumultuous emotions rummaging in your belly. You wanted to kiss him, you really wanted to, but he held you so firmly you couldn't move at all. All you got was an intense eye contact, practically drowning you in his brown eyes. Maybe he had killed you, because you felt completely stunned. This was until he let go and tossed you aside. 

"Let's go. We have work to do." He turned on his heel and began walking. You managed to find balance in the stumble just about, gasping. Disappointment washed over you, yet you felt relieved. For weeks you had been convinced that you were a dead person walking. Lowering your lightsaber and attaching it to your hilt you hurried along, walking back to his ship with him. There were so many things you wanted to say, to express, but you remained silent. Boarding the ship you cursed yourself for not having said something in the moment, and now it was gone. As the ship darted back to the Star Destroyer, Kylo spoke momentarily again.

"You've been away on a mission for two weeks, nothing else." He said stalely. 

"Yes, Master." You inclined your head, "What about Hux?"

"You or the general?" He glanced over at you with a faint, tired, slyness, "The general has been given a new assignment, one very well suited for a person such as him."

"I see... May I ask what that is?" You sat down in a chair next to Kylo's, attempting to converse with the Supreme Leader. It was something you hadn't really done that much.

"The First Order no longer needs to fight resistance in order to find stability, and our dominion over space grows every day. As we're able to create structure and safety, we have a responsibility..." He took a long breath, "To train the force sensitive. He's off to build the academy for our young, to be, Sith."

"Oh, who's going to train them?" You looked at him. He was the Supreme Leader, surely he did not have time to do both. Kylo looked over at you with an arched eyebrow. 

"You will." He said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "By the time the academy is finished and built, you'll be able to train on your own."

"I... What?" You stammered. You? Train the future of all the force users? That was a huge responsibility. You hardly knew how to... to... Kylo put a hand on your leg and squeezed it.

"Wake up, [Y/N]. You're spiralling inwards again. Don't think I haven't noticed you doing that." His gaze seemed to look past all of your protective layers, straight at you. The anger from before seemed to have subsided, and he was once again calm. 

"Sorry, Master. How am I supposed to train an entire academy of force users?" You asked, voicing your concerns. 

"Perhaps you don't see it yet, the way I do." He turned back to the navigational interface as the ship began docking, putting automatic movement in, "Come with me, I need to show you something."

You nodded and followed him as the ship docked and you were able to exit. The familiar scent of the Star Destroyer was comforting. You found that the sound of marching Stormtroopers, the odd sounds of interfaces and subtle conversations were quite pleasant after all. You and Kylo walked across the docking bay into a lift, eventually making it to the desolate corridor where the temple, training halls, his and your quarters were located. You expected a left turn to the temple, but instead he went straight forward towards his quarters. Were you going to his quarters? You were. A surge of nervousness went thought your body. Doing your best to stay calm, and failing miserably, you entered the private quarters. Down a short set of stairs Kylo finally stopped in front of a podium.

"Look at it." He pointed at the item on top of the podium. You stepped forward and out of nowhere an insane headache spiked. Your heart was hammering like wild. You had seen that mask before, in your nightmares.

"Touch it." Kylo instructed. When you did nothing he stepped forwards and grabbed your hand, forcefully moving it onto the destroyed mask. Everything went dark, for a moment. The next time you opened your eyes you found yourself on top of some temple with lava coursing over the entire surface beneath, no longer in Kylo's quarters.  You looked around in a shocked attempt to locate yourself. Where the hell was this? A sound of heavy, almost mechanical breathing was heard behind you.

"[Y/N]... Finally." The voice said. You turned around, spotting a man in a fully dark suit and the helmet... but this time intact. 

"Who are you?" You asked, searching for a lightsaber you didn't have it seemed.

"My grandson did well. Come, you will accept my powers." Vader said with a demanding tone, holding out a hand, "This is not a choice."

"Grandson..?" You mumbled, walking over to the Sith.

"The dyad in the force was destroyed, and with that Kylo Ren carries immense powers. All of the Jedi, and all of the Sith, runs through his veins." Darth Vader grabbed your hand roughly, squeezing it cold, "But not all of them. There's always two, that's what the prophecies always say. There has to be balance in the force."

"If you're suggesting I'd become a Jedi, you're horribly mistaken." You shook your head.

"It's a lie! Today, we destroy that prophecy which enslaves us to imbalance! To chaos, and suffering! Today, we take control of our own fate." Vader dragged you closer. Your hand was hurting badly from the grasp he held, "The balance was never between Jedi and Sith. The balance was always just the Sith. The fanatical Jedi order cannot rise, and you'll ensure it."

"How? How do I...?" You made a pained grimace at your hand, but ultimately it did not matter. He spoke of such great things, of truths born out of ageless wisdom...

"You take my power, and you kill the Jedi within Kylo Ren. Destroy them, and return a balance to the force! A balance to our galaxy." Darth Vader rallied, then grabbed your head with his free hand. The headache began to return as you felt an immense surge of energies rush around you. "Do not fail [Y/N], or it will be the inevitable destruction of everything as we know it."

You wanted to reply, but the pain was so immense all you could do was scream. Falling to your knees you screamed your lungs out until there was no air left. The energies forced into you paralysed your entire body, hurting in every vein, limb and muscle. Tears streamed down your face, or so you believed, as you were unable to open your eyes. Moments later, as you finally were able to open your eyes, all the pain ebbed out and you were back in Kylo Ren's private quarters. He was holding you on the floor.

"[Y/N]?" He called out your name, worried. You panted for air, but managed to utter:

"Master." You sounded pained, with good right. He was wiping something off your face with a white cloth, which is when you realised it was not tears but blood.

"Are you still in pain?" He eyed you up and down, as if trying to find any physical injuries. Surprisingly enough, you felt fine. You felt even more powerful than you did before, like you were in full and total control. Your surroundings were now constantly breathing, awake, something you only felt before when concentrating. Turning towards Kylo Ren you saw him with a new set of eyes. He had a faint aura of grey, wrapped around him in a controlled and firm manner. Looking down at your own hand you saw something else. Your aura was bright red and strong, volatile. Then you recalled what you had to do. To bring balance... You turned towards Kylo and grabbed him by the throat. He seemed shocked and attempted to get free, but with your new found strength the force helped you to keep him in place. You pushed him on the floor and straddle him.

"Kill..." You whispered, staring into his fearful eyes.

Yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ MINE [Kylo Ren XReader]Where stories live. Discover now