♣ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ♣

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"Why are these Stormtroopers missing so many shots?!" Hux exclaimed angrily at some instructor, entirely caught up in his frustration. You rolled your eyes and quietly left to let him do whatever he wanted. He had been shouting and yelling at several instructors for practically two hours now anyway. Approaching a stormtrooper on the far end of the shooting range you eyed her up and down. She was clearly nervous, shaking. 

"Take your helmet off." You demanded. She quickly pulled it off, revealing a terrified expression. "Why are you missing the target?"

"I'm bad, ma'am. I'm sorry. I'll practise more." She looked down, avoiding your gaze.

"Don't be dumb. It won't get better with that attitude. Show me your stance." You took a step back in order to inspect the stance. Learning to shoot well with a blaster was a must if you wanted to survive on the streets, so you had done it at early age. 

"Put your feet further apart for a steadier base. Left hand further out on the gun to stabilise it." You circled the woman, correcting the faults, "Shoot on exhale and try to get two shots away per exhale. Mind the recoil every time."

"What do you think you're doing?" Hux' malicious voice behind you caused the stormtrooper to immediately put the helmet on and return to a neutral stance.

"Perhaps you should get better instructors. No wonder they miss their shots if they can't even hold the blasters correctly." You rolled your eyes. 

"Perhaps you should leave our Supreme Leader alone and go ahead and be an instructor yourself. At least then you'd not be in our way." He spat back, "No one wants you here. Leave."

"You mean you don't want me here." You took a step closer and put a finger against his chest, emphasising your message. 

"Accurate." He slapped your finger away, "Next time I will kill you, since everyone else seems to have failed before."

"You're the one who put a bounty on me?" You arched your eyebrows, feeling the anger boil up inside, "Why?!"

"You were never supposed to live from the start!" He hissed, then punched the stormtrooper on his side and grabbed the blaster, aiming it at you. By pure instinct you threw your hand up and flexed your fingers, fuelling the power tingling inside you. The grasp you held paralysed Hux from being able to move his hand. 

"I asked WHY!" You yelled angrily at him. He was the reason you had been beaten, thrown around, kidnapped and enslaved. He deserved to die. The stormtrooper recruit scurried off to the side, not wanting to get caught in something.

"You're a Hux, [Y/N]." The General angrily replied, "A bastard from the mother. Pathetic!"

"We're related?" You felt shocked, perhaps disgusted, but mostly angry. It sounded like a lie, but surely he would not pull such a lie if it was just to survive?

"No, I'm a bastard to my father, but this world doesn't need another Hux!" He was clearly fighting against your force grasp. Curious. You walked up to him and smacked the blaster out of his hand, across the room.

"And you're force sensitive." You muttered, feeling the sensation of the force steaming inside of the general, kept under a lid. Hux seemed both surprised and desperate.

"Lies! I am no such thing, and you're overstepping entirely!" He tried to get free but your grasp just tightened, now paralysing his whole body. 

"So you put a bounty on me to try and kill me because I'm another Hux, and you're also hiding force sensitivity?" You stepped forward, the flexed hand in front of his face. It was as if you could sense memories, or whispers of thoughts. "I wonder what the Supreme Leader would say about that."

"No! You can't. You mustn't." Hux seemed pleading, yet his expression was still angry. He had clearly mastered the 'fuel your powers with anger'-situation.

"Why didn't you kill me the first time?" You asked, staring into his eyes, "Why do you want me dead to begin with? We're not related by blood."

"Imagine the disgrace you'd bring upon our family were you ever to surface. You weren't raised as a Hux. I could not risk that!" He snarled, giving you a deadly gaze in return, "I got different thoughts when I first saw you, but now you're simply in the way!"

"In the way for what? How?" You started getting tired of this, "You said Kylo doesn't need another Rey?"

"He does not. Kylo might have rejected and neglected me for years, but he should not have to settle for someone who doesn't see his worth!" Hux blurted out angrily. You blinked a few times, putting pieces together. With a sigh you let go of him. 

"Well then. You now know I won't be a disappointment to the Hux, or whatever that family stands for, it's not mine. I never grew up with a family like you did, so don't worry. You can carry the name on your own." You crossed your arms, "And I'm not Rey. I'm me, and it took me years to appreciate myself for the person I am. I don't need you to compare me with someone else. I'll see you back at the ship before departure."

"Whatever. Don't be in his way." Hux turned on his heel and ran off. You glared at his back as he vanished, finding his pettiness to be excruciating. His emotions were not your problem. At least he didn't seem too eager on killing you anytime soon. Either way, he wouldn't succeed. Leaving the training hall you made it out to some balcony. So you were a Hux? From the mother... Then why did she send you off to another family? A family that eventually died... You didn't feel like a Hux, nor did you want to be. You were just... you. No, you were Kylo Ren's apprentice, and that was worth more than any family that didn't want you. Perhaps, being with Kylo Ren was where you belonged now. 

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