♣ ʙᴀʟᴀɴᴄᴇ ♣

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TW: NSFW part in this chapter. Additional TW will be given.

Through the brown eyes of Kylo Ren you saw exactly what Darth Vader had told you. Someone unknown had once compared the eyes to that of a window, peering into the soul. This certainly was it. The many essences of Jedi surged within the Supreme Leader, some very old, some mere younglings. 

"[Y/N]." Kylo Ren gasped for air, reaching out towards his lightsaber. You put one of you feet on his hands, stopping him from doing any such thing. How were you supposed to kill the Jedi within him? Without killing him...

"Rey." You searched within him, calling out for the resistance Jedi. Kylo Ren frowned,

"What are you doing?!" He growled, but you ignored him. 

"Rey!" You exclaimed, suddenly feeling the essence of someone within him budge. You latched onto it, grabbing it with all your might. It was more difficult than you imagined, and took all the concentration you had to force it to do what you wanted. As you held the essence in your grasp, you saw memories and felt emotions that were not yours. The final moments of Rey as she had absorbed all of the Jedi that ever had existed, but still died. If you killed her... You'd kill them all. It became so clear. With a strained groan you poured all of your might into the grasp, and tugged. Like pulling out an arrow that was lodged, the recoil was enough to throw you back into the wall. Kylo quickly got to his feet, staring across the room with arched eyebrows. The shape of a brown-haired woman clad in white fabric stood on the other end with a frustrated expression. She was not looking at Kylo, but rather at you. Getting onto your two feet you returned the stare.

"So you're the Jedi, the other dyad of the force." You eyed her up and down, "I expected more."

"Rey." Kylo tried to get her attention, but she ignored him. 

"A Sith... guarded by no other than Darth Vader." Rey she huffed, "I made sure Palpatine died, and this will be no different. I have all of the Jedi with me."

"Shame, you forget one thing." You stepped forward, slowly raising your hand, "You're already dead."

Grabbing her essence with the force you channelled the inner energy of Vader. He knew so much about the force, knowledge you never imagined to exist. A memory flashed before you, a memory of a Sith so powerful he consumed planets. The energy sap. Ah, you understood. Killing Rey now as a force ghost would simply channel the Jedi to you, perhaps that was why she so easily let you grapple her? No, you had to destroy her, and all the Jedi. By simply eating up their energies, there'd be nothing of them left, just fuel for your powers. Before Rey realised this was your plan, you had already set it in motion. Your teeth had already sunken in, and the energy sap was underway. The masses of energy were immense, overwhelming, but so addictive. You could no longer hear or see your surroundings, you were just being swallowed up by the sheer size of the power. Somehow you had stumbled over to Kylo Ren, which perhaps was what saved you in the end, for he became a vessel for the power as well. It was invigorating, but exhausting, yet you knew this was what you had to do. Bringing balance to the force. To the galaxy. Power.

What felt like hours later you finally lowered your hand. It was aching, just like the rest of your body, from the strain... But you hadn't felt so alive in your entire life. You looked over at Kylo who was holding your hand. His aura was now like yours, bright red and radiant, stable. He seemed confused. As soon as your eyes met you saw that they had turned yellow, intensely so. 

"The Jedi, they're gone." He looked around, then at his hands, "Only the Sith remains."

"Peace requires the possibility of war. There was never supposed to be a divide in the force, there was never supposed to be a possibility of war. Therefor, peace is a lie." You pondered upon the information that had come with the powers roaring inside you.

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