♦ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴs ♦

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"Good. I knew my intuition was right. Now listen carefully to me. Stay exactly where you are. Don't you dare run from me. It's futile."

"'Stay exactly where you are.' Like hell I will." You swiftly got up on your feet and began to rummage the tiny hideout. Your left leg hurt like hell, sporting the biggest bruise of them all, which were spread across your body. Ignoring the pain you pushed onwards. Grabbing a backpack you put down some food, artificial warmers and all the credits you could find down. Putting on the snow gear Beeth had you felt the keys to the speeder in the pocket and a data stick. Odd. Perhaps a bounty? It didn't matter. Hurrying out of the hut you entered the cold winds of Hoth. Sinking down a bit in the snow you forced yourself through the harsh climate towards the speeder. It was protected under a separate garage building which allowed for quick mounting. As you started it, the smallest navigational display lit up. It was no bigger than half of your hand, but it did at least point to the nearest pick-up point. One of the only ones, really. Covering behind the smaller windshield you turned the gas and sped off, flying over the dunes. It was far, and the winds extremely cold. Thankfully it was summer, but the wind in combination with freezing degrees you still felt it where the snow costume was damaged. Sliding over the glistening white snow, it felt like forever when you eventually saw the lights in the distance. You were practically encased in carbonite, but snow, when you stumbled into the tiny outpost. Two humanoids sat in white masks and gear, huffing at her entrance.

"When's the next transport off this planet?" You looked between them both. They were surprisingly tired. One lazily reached for an interface and looked at some data, then held up five fingers.

"Five hours? Days?" You tried to decipher. The person shook their head, "Five weeks?!"

"A repair crew." The second grunted. 

"I can't wait five weeks. I need to get off this planet now." You shook your head.

"Hrmgh." The first sighed and poked at the computer again, "Two days on pad ATL-3. If you leave now you might make it on speeder."

"Can't believe this planet!" You exclaimed in annoyance, then turned on your heel, left the outpost and hopped on the speeder. That irritation was only amplified as you saw that ATL-3 was extremely far away. Even if the speeder would be able to reach that, perhaps, it was doubtful if you could. The cold was lethal on Hoth. What choice did you have? Reaching for one of four artificial warmers you put it beneath your snow suit, then kicked off from the station. Hours went on, and on... Sun came up and the bright snow was painful in your eyes... Then evening came again, and your entire body was hurting from not moving or stopping. The artificial warmers had died hours ago, and you no longer felt your fingers. Your entire body was screaming, and even as you stopped to get the second set of artificial warmers it screamed that it didn't want to move. You came halfway through your backpack when you felt light-headed and fell into the snow. Your body was giving up, pained by the beating Beeth had given you and the cold biting. Was this how you went? For some reason your mind started to think of a childhood lullaby. Not one that was sung to you, but the family next-door had sung it together in the evenings and you had heard. It was soothing, but it also brought sadness. The sadness was drowning you, or perhaps it was the snow you had sank into. Either way, darkness slowly began to wrap itself around you. What was that? You felt it again, the breathing of everything around you. The snow touching your skin, the ice covering the rocks beneath. It was as if you were outside of yourself, one with the world. Disassociation, perhaps? Your body looked fragile, small, from where you looked. How pathetic, really, that this is how you ended up. Weak. Anger began to bubble up within, anger for your past, present and forsaken future. The anger spread out around you, like an aura, and before you knew it you saw how the snow around you began to melt. Steam rose up as everything was boiling. Your anger, the snow. As you opened your eyes, you were sitting up with both hands out. A meter of snow had melted, and you sat upon a rock surface. Furiously, you screamed out in pain and hatred, letting go of the grasp you had of the surroundings, peering up in the sky. You really hated this planet. 


Right in your field of view you saw the entrance of a massive First Order Star Destroyer, covering the entire sky with its grey hull. 

"What the hell?" You muttered, never having seen a Star Destroyer with your own two eyes. All of this was extremely confusing. You had no idea what was going on, and you were unable to even comprehend the situation. You instinctively decided to ignore it, because you were afraid of what you clearly didn't understand. Climbing out of the snow pit you had melted you quickly got back on the speeder. What had even happened? It didn't matter. You had to get going if you were going to flee. The Star Destroyer was hardly here for you. Still, as you sped across the dunes again, you had an ominous feeling. Half an hour later or so, you heard the weird sound from dispatched vessels far up in the exosphere. Why were they heading this way? The transportation pads were far off... Probably nothing. But as you looked up again a minute later you realised they really were heading your way. 

"Shit." You cursed, was the First Order trying to catch you now too? Could someone, for the love of Mandalore, say what was going on?! You groaned and pushed forth, trying to speed as fast as possible. The winds bit your shape roughly, but somehow that wasn't nearly as painful as before. It then became evident that your suspicions were true. A larger space ship landed a hundred meters in front of you, and out came a dozen of troopers and some dark clad figure. Steering sharply to the left you tried to make a moon shaped movement past them, perhaps you could out-maneuver them because they were standing still. It seemed to work... almost. Suddenly the speeder flipped over and sent you flying into the snow. Tumbling and rolling across the snow, bruising up your already hurt body even further. Eventually you stopped rolling. With a pained groan you pushed yourself up. Half of the snow suit had been torn off and the backpack was long gone. Snow had gathered up inside of your clothes and your leg felt worse than ever. 

"What do we have here?" A deep male voice was heard behind you. It seemed kind, but still sounded cold and threatening. You pushed yourself out of the snow and stood up. What disgusting person wanted to kidnap you this time? Facing the person with the voice you turned around. He was... Beautiful. You were quickly taken aback by his appearance. It seemed to amuse him, your reaction. It was humiliating.

"Didn't I tell you not to leave?" He shook his head, "And look at the mess you're in now."

"I was doing perfectly fine on my own." You snarled back, "I'm tired of being hunted and dragged around by smugglers and bounty hunters!"

"Why, I can see that you are." He smirked subtly at you, glancing at your body. It felt like he undressed you, even though that probably wasn't it. You realised he was inspecting the bruises and the frost damaged skin.

"What do you want?! What do all of you want? I've done nothing!" Anger was boiling up in you again. This whole situation was absurd, "Who even are you?!"

"I am the Supreme Leader, and I can show you everything." He held out his hand towards you, "Come with me."

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