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Percy POV-

I ordered my blueberry flavored hot cocoa, I saw that the barista, Katie, also put blue marshmallows on top, that made me very happy. She handed it to me, I was surprised at the charge actually being cheaper than most places. I pulled the gooey blue marshmallows out first with a spoon and ate them.

See, I used to have a stepdad, he was abusive and made fun of me a lot too. I asked for a blue themed birthday party one year, blue decorations, blue cake, blue food, etc. He told me that there was no such thing as blue food and I got a little upset. My mom, to cheer me up, went all out with the blue birthday party. It was amazing. Ever since that day, we ate a lot of blue foods to prove Gabe wrong. Even though he's in prison for child abuse and a bunch of other stuff, we still continue on with our tradition.

"You really like the color blue, huh?" Annabeth joked as we took a seat at the table. I smiled.

"How could someone not? Blue is the best color ever invented," I said.

"Tell that to my cousin, Magnus," Annabeth mumbled. I dramatically placed my hand over my heart and gasped.

"He doesn't like blue?!"

Annabeth's shook her head, quietly laughing at me. Her laugh was really pretty, just like her singing voice. I had never been into pop music or anything like that, but she had a beautiful voice.

This drew the attention of a group of people in the room. The people she had been watching before we ordered our hot cocoas. I took it that these were friends of hers, and I noticed that the boy was the one that the boy at the front desk had been eyeing. He looked a lot like the girl sitting next to him, so I figured that they must be siblings. They both had black hair and dark eyes, similar facial features too. The similarities ended there though, he was paler and wore darker colors, a frown was on his face, but a smile on hers.

"Are those your friends?" I asked. She smiled.

"Thalia's my best friend," she said, she leaned out of her seat a and yelled, "Thalia! Get your lazy ass over here!"

"Coming, Annie!"

"Don't call me Annie!"

I watched the best friends have their very odd argument, Thalia threw a piece of scone at her.

"So Annabeth," Thalia started, "who's this?"

"A new friend-" I smiled at being considered a friend. It wasn't everyday that a famous pop star calls you a friend. -"he got the job for the new recorder."

Thalia gave me a once over, seemingly inspecting me, making sure I was good enough to be a friend.

"I like him better than Luke!" Thalia decided. I had no clue who Luke was or how a once over made her decide that, but I enjoyed the compliment, I think it was a compliment. Great, now I'm second guessing myself.

Annabeth groaned, "don't bring up him!" I suddenly realized that Thalia's comment about me wasn't much of a compliment.

"It's true though! I like him better than Luke, he seems nicer already!" Thalia exclaimed. "I better go back to my table though, planning a new song."

"Alright, bye Thals," Annabeth said.

"Bye Annie!"

"Don't call me Annie!"

Thalia walked off without looking back, Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"So umm... how'd you end up here anyways?" She asked me.

"I saw the sign on the door when I was walking around," I replied.

"So you live around here?" She asked.

"You kidding? This is like rich people estate around here," I replied. I whispered to her information that I didn't usually trust people with. Not even my closest friends. "My family, we're pretty poor."

"Oh. I didn't realize. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I go to a lot of private schools, many people don't expect it."

"Is there anything I can do?" She blurted, she looked confused for a second and then smiled at me.

"Umm..." I couldn't think of anything, but then I remembered my promise to Estelle. Could I really be this lucky? "My little sister, she's a HUGE fan. Could you maybe sign a poster for her, she made me promise to get one and I can't say no to her."

She laughed. "Of course. Next time you come, tomorrow, remind me, I have those stupid posters all over in studio. And if you're not working in my studio, come stop by."

"Okay! Wow! Thanks so much!" I exclaimed.

"No problem. I need to get rid of those awful posters anyways. I have like 50 just lining the walls in there. My parents did that."

We continued chatting and laughing.

"I better get going home, my parents will get worried," I said eventually. Her smile faded a bit, but it returned back shortly.

"Alright. See you tomorrow," she said, "remember to come get the poster for your sister."

"I'll try to, I tend to forget things though," I joked.

"I might have to remind you then, what's your phone number?" She asked. My eyes went wide. Annabeth Chase wanted MY phone number?

"Umm... it's 387-5782." She smiled and she put it in her phone. (Random number)

"Alright. I'll text you sometime. Also, tell your sister I said hi," Annabeth said.

"I-I will."

She smiled. I waved and left the coffee shop, heading back to my family's apartment.

I opened the door wide, My mom and Paul were cooking dinner and laughing and Estelle ran around singing another song that I figured Annabeth had written.

"Percy!" Estelle exclaimed. I hugged her, picking her up and carrying her to the kitchen table, setting her in her seat next to mine.

"Hi Perce!" My mom said. "Did you get the job."

I smiled happily, "yep!"

"Oh I'm so proud of you, sweetie!" My mom hugged me.

Paul gave me a pat on the back. "So it all went well?"

"Yeah, the interview was really short, but Apollo taught me how to use the sound system."

"Did you meet any famous people?" Estelle asked.

"Yeah, I did. Guess who's studio I got to practice sound in?"

"I don't know. Who?" Estelle asked.

"Estelle, you're supposed to be her number one fan, you know who it is."

"Annabeth Chase?!" She squealed.

"Yep. I got to meet her and talk to her too. Tomorrow I'm gonna get you that poster," I told her. She gasped and jumped out of her chair to hug me.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She danced with joy. I decided to get a video of her celebratory dance. She jumped and twirled. My parents laughed at her, as did I.

"Estelle, come sit down, you'll get your poster tomorrow, but you have to eat dinner," Paul said.

Estelle ran over to the table and climbed in her chair.

She wiggled around the whole time as Paul served the homemade lasagna.

That night, as I went to bed, I got a text.

Hi, is this Percy?

I couldn't help but smiling, knowing it was Annabeth.

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now