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Percy POV-

Everything was dark. I could hear only the squeal of tires and the crash of cars. The sound replayed over and over in my mind until.

"Percy!" A voice exclaimed. I loved that voice.

"Annabeth," I said. I could picture her beautiful smile and her gorgeous golden curls.

"Percy, you're gonna be alright. You're gonna be fine. Because you have to be. Because it can't end like this and I love you so so much. God Percy, the fates have it in for us, huh? I followed your directions and went to the park to find you. But you weren't there, Seaweed Brain. And now you're here. Now get your ass out of this damn hospital bed and kiss me!" I wanted to. I wanted to so bad.


"I love you, Percy. I do. And I never stopped loving you and I never will. My mom actually let me come visit you. Can you believe that? I still don't know if she likes you or not necessarily... but she's difficult. I'm sure you and my brother would get along great though. He does want to meet you by the way..." she keeps talking and I try to listen, I really do. But her voice was so soothing and peaceful that I escaped back into my dreams again, only to be woken by "Percy! You're drooling all over yourself and these hospital pillows!"

I feel something. I feel her hand on my face, wiping at my drool. Then I feel something gentle touch my lips. "Percy, just please wake up. Can you do that?" She whispers. And I try so hard to just open my eyes for her.

She sighs and I hear a thud and a little scratch. She must be sitting in a seat next to my hospital bed. I try to find her hand with mine. I don't even know if my hand is moving until she speaks.

"Percy, I love you, but  you're squeezing my wrist really tight and it kinda hurts. Can you hold my hand instead?" I smile at my efforts and I feel her delicate fingers curl around mine. If my eyes would just open, I could see her. And I just wanted to see her face.

"Annabeth..." I say. I want to tell her that I love her too, but my voice dies off.

"What? You're too amazed that I'm here to speak. I'm surprised I'm here too. Seriously, Percy! The hospital? I would've much preferred to meet on a Saturday night around 6:30 near the swing sets on the playground at Central Park." I try to laugh. She remembered the details of that note so well. I knew if my Wise Girl loved me she would come to the park the first chance she got, and she did. I'm sure her life now was busy and exciting, but I hoped it wasn't to crazy and she still had a place for me in it.

I feel as she carefully combs her fingers through my hair. "Seaweed Brain, I'm going to go home with your family for the night. It's been three hours already. Can you believe that? You have to stay here though. I love you, okay?"

I didn't want her to leave my side ever again. I squeeze tighter on her hand.

"Percy, I have to go."

"Stay," I try to mumble. I'm not sure exactly what it came out to be.

"What was that?" She asks. I can picture a beautiful smile on her lips.

"Stay," I try to pull her closer to me. I hear her tell my mom that she was being held against her will and would just go get hospital food later and she would rest in the chair. I hear the faint laugh of my mom.

Mom! Mom! I'm here! I'm alive! Well, you already knew that because the doctor's told you and I'm talking to you. The words are too much and don't come out of my mouth.

Annabeth POV-

So far he had managed two words. 'Stay' and 'Annabeth'. His mouth moved when he heard his mom's laugh, like he wanted to say more, but the words never made it past his lips. His parents wait a moment, to see if he's going to say more, but he doesn't. They carry a sleeping Estelle home for the night, leaving me here with the boy I love.

"Percy? Are you still there?" Drool had been beginning to form again. The doctor had said to try to keep him "here" for as long as possible. Whenever he truly fell asleep, he would have nightmares and flashbacks from... well, all different details in his life, but mainly the crash.

He hums. What I wouldn't give for my name to tumble from his lips again.

"I love you," I say. "I'm just going to be in the chair next to you." He still doesn't let go of my hands and pulls my closer to him.

"... love..." I smile at him, although he's holding me so close and I just needed some sleep.

"Percy, I can't stand. As much as I love you, I need to sleep." His hands slide up my arms and he pulls me even closer. I realize what he wants. "Percy, I can't sleep next to you in the hospital bed. There's barely any room and I don't want to hurt you."

He hums again. I sigh. I was not getting out.

I crawl next to him in the hospital bed. A little smile touches his lips, and then it forms into a smirk, like he wants to brag about his victory.

"Shut it, Seaweed Brain."

He hums again, and soon both of us drift off.

Percy POV-

"Percy, Percy, you're alright, it's just a nightmare," a beautiful voice says. Annabeth! What was she doing here. I couldn't let her get hurt. But Gabe was stumbling towards us now.

"Percy! Just wake up, Seaweed Brain! Please! You're shaking and sweating and... Percy I'm scared. Just please wake up and let me know you're okay." That jolts me awake. I had to protect Annabeth. And this time, I could see her beautiful face.

"Percy? You're really..." she kisses my lips gently.

"I missed you so much, Annabeth. Your mom actually let you come here?"

She nods. "I went to the park to meet you there but instead I ran into Estelle and Paul. They told me that you were here." She looks at me and I see tears in her eyes. I wipe them away. "Percy, I was so worried about you! I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you laying here. You would barely even talk. You could only say like three words."

"I'm-" I cough. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me." She reaches her hand out and runs her hand through my hair. Out of the corner of my eye, I see scratches on her wrist. I grab her arm, just above the scratches. "Annabeth-"

"I'm sorry," she sobs.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I should have never left you. It was awful, Percy. My mom is difficult to deal with, and she's always yelling at me. I was so alone. I had no one to talk to and no one who seemed to love me-"

"I love you, Annabeth. Always remember that." She nods her head. "And you better never do this again. You're too smart and talented and kind and wonderful and beautiful to do that. Okay? You're too amazing to be doing this to yourself." I see tears running down her face. I pull her close, not caring about the pain my bruises felt when I did so.

"I love you too, Percy. And you better never end up in this hospital again. Now, you're parents are going to want to know that you're awake now."

"They'll visit soon enough and find out. Just cuddle with me?"

"Percy, they're worried sick about you. We need to. Your mom gave me your phone to call her if there was an emergency or anything. I'll let you call her." She passes my phone back to me and I call my mom.

"Annabeth? What's wrong-"

"Mom, it's me."

And we'll leave off right here for now!

I finally gave you guys a pretty happy chapter, right?

It'll get even better soon! I'm not joking. I have great plans.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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