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Annabeth POV-

We arrived at the mall after a little time in a cab with a sketchy driver. I expected nothing less from New York City. Estelle grabbed Percy and I's hands and yanked us towards Macy's. "Do you think they'll have a princess dress for me in here?" She asked.

"Let's look and see. Maybe we can also go to Claire's and get you more tiaras, jewelry and makeup," I told her. Estelle smiled and Percy stared at me in shock.

"Annabeth, you don't have to-" Percy said, but was cut off by Estelle's squeals.


"Of course. Anything for the goddess." She performed a little happy dance. Percy smiled at me.

"Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome. Now let's go pick out the dress!"

Estelle hurried over towards the section for girls her age. I figured that I'd let her get a real dress instead of a play one, she could use it more.

"Look at this one!" She exclaimed, grabbing a light pink one off the rack. It had little flowers along the knee length skirt.

"That's so pretty!" I exclaimed. I walked over to the rack and grabbed two different sizes that looked like they would fit Estelle. Percy held his hand out to take them from me. As I was passing them to him, Estelle dashed off towards another dress. I laughed and followed her.

"Percy! It's blue!" She exclaimed. This one was navy blue with silver sparkles near the bottom. It also had a little bow to tie around the waist.

By the time Estelle was done choosing, Percy was holding twelve dresses with no distinct style, besides the fact that they were all fancy. He handed them to me and I put them into the fitting room for Estelle to change into. She came out to model them for Percy and I.

"I like this one!" She exclaimed, twirling a bit. It was purple with a flower print. I tied up the bow that came with it.

"You've said that about all of them, Estelle. Remember that you can only choose one," Percy said.

"Okay." She danced around in the dress for a bit more time. "This goes in the maybe pile!"

"You're so organized Estelle," I spoke. "I bet you're much more organized than your brother."

Percy shrugged and then nodded his head in agreement.

"I definitely am. His room is so messy."

"I bet. Come here for a moment so I can untie that bow for you. Then you can get changed into the next dress."

Estelle turned around to face the other way as she reached me. I untied the bow and she raced off back into the dressing room.

"You don't have to do this you know," Percy said.

"I want to."


"Your family's given me so much. I want to return the favor. Besides, Estelle deserves the prettiest dress we can find." He smiled softly at me. The door flung open to the changing room and Estelle was in the blue dress we had found earlier.

"This is my favorite!" She exclaimed, giving another twirl. Again, I tied the bow and she did a little dance.

"You look lovely, Estelle. Do you want to try on the last one, or do you want this one for sure?" Percy asked. She was in thought for a moment.

"I'll try on the last one really fast. Then I'll make my decision."

"Okay. Be quick." Estelle raced back into the changing room. In a moment she called out. "I forgot to undo the bow, can you help me?" The door flung open and Estelle came out with a smile still on her face as she walked towards me and I undid the bow. Estelle dashed back into the room and came out moments later with the pink dress on.

"I love this one too." She pouted, "I don't know which one to choose!"

"I took photos for you Estelle," Percy said. "We can look through those and decide what you like best."

In the end, Estelle decided on the blue dress with sparkles. It was an amazing choice because it looked so adorable on her. She always looked adorable. We bought it and headed towards Claire's for some accessories. As we did, we passed a small pet store. Estelle ran up to the window and looked at the puppy's inside.

"Percy look! This one looks just like Mrs. O'Leary!" Estelle exclaimed while pointing at the glass kennel where a dog played with its squeaky toy.

"Sometimes we have to dog-sit for our neighbor Mr. Daedalus. He has the most adorable dog ever," Percy explained. "She's so fluffy!"

"Aww. I'd love to meet Mrs. O'Leary sometime."

"Come on Estelle, we have to go pick out your tiara and makeup." Percy held his hand out and Estelle grabbed on to it, then she grabbed on to mine and the three of us walked towards Claire's.

"Annabeth! We didn't pick out your princess dress!" Estelle exclaimed, just realizing it.

"Oh it's okay Estelle, I have many princess dresses. I'll bring one next time I come, alright?" I replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Now let's get your tiara."

She picked out a silver plastic crown with fake blue gems. The color palette she chose for makeup was blues and purples in a little heart shaped container. 'To match her dress' she told us.

By the time we made it back to their building it was five o'clock.

"I'll have to go home for dinner soon," I spoke. Estelle and Percy pouted.

"But Annabeth!" Estelle whined, "you can't go home!"

"I agree! I want to destroy you in Mario Kart!" Percy exclaimed.

I looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry, but my dad and stepmom will kill me if I don't get home soon. It's been forever since I've actually had dinner with them. Not that I care."

I smiled to let Percy know it was okay to let out a little laugh at my words.

"Dinner usually doesn't start until a bit later, so I have a bit of time to hang out, maybe to show your parents the new outfit, Estelle, but not much," I told them.

"Okay!" Estelle cheered.

We headed into the apartment and Estelle grabbed her bags from Percy. As soon as we entered the room, I was hit with the heavenly scents from the kitchen.

"Mommy! Daddy! Come see my princess stuff!" Estelle called. Sally and Paul came into the room from the kitchen. Estelle opened her Claire's bag wider and pulled out her crown and palette. "It matches my pretty dress!" She exclaimed and then pulled her dress out, carefully setting the stuff down on the couch.

"Oh my, Estelle! Those are so beautiful!" Sally said, Paul nodded in agreement. "What do you say to Annabeth?"

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She said for the 600th time from the mall to her home. She wrapped me in a hug.

"Anytime," I said. "I better be going now, traffic's usually awful around dinner."

"We'll see you soon," Paul said.

"I'm sure of it." I headed towards the front door, Percy followed behind me. "I need to come play princesses with Estelle in her new dress."

"I'll walk you down to the bus stop," he said.

"You don't have to, I'm completely capable."

"I don't doubt that, but I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" He pulled out his phone. I saw him click on the news.

"Your parents are gonna be a little upset." He pulled up the latest article.

"Shit," I cursed.

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