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This chapter takes place after the last Annabeth chapter, 51.

Annabeth POV-

My mom calls for me from downstairs, announcing that we're heading to the office. I race downstairs, a book bag loaded with blueprints on my back.

I did really enjoy my new job. I looked forward to drawing designs and going into the office to work.

It was odd, I guess, that I no longer would refer to the studio as my workplace, but it was a nice breath of fresh air. I felt free.

My mother takes me up to the very top floor of the workplace to her office. I would draw my designs in here until I got my very own office space. She was still working on clearing that out though. It's taken her a very long time. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but I really think she just liked me being in here with her.

I begin sketching a design for another home for the small neighborhood that I wanted to create out of the bare space of my old camp. This one was a bit larger than the rest, with enough space for plenty of room for kids to run around in the backyard. There was also room for a pool. That was very important.

I'm brought back to reality by my mother's angry huff.

I didn't really want to know what her problem was, but being the caring daughter that I was, I figured that I might ask. Even better, I didn't even have to. One look with my eyebrow raised and she begins to explain.

"An old acquaintance of mine is coming in today. He needs something designed."

"Isn't it good that you get to see an old friend of yours?"

"I said acquaintance, not friend, Annabeth. He's very annoying. He also wants so many fountains and so little olive trees." I raise an eyebrow again, almost thinking she's joking. My mom never jokes. And her expression was serious and angry.

Soon, there's a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mother calls.

A man appears. He has black hair with streaks of gray, and green eyes. He looked familiar, but I don't think I've ever seen him before in my life.

"Poseidon," my mother stares with a frown.

"Hello Athena and..."

"My daughter, Annabeth."

He offers me a smile. He seems nice, I'm sure why my mom dislikes him so much.

"It's nice to meet you, Annabeth."

My mother glares at him. "It's not lovely for her to meet you. What did you need to discuss?"

"I was looking at building a business around here."

So they fall into a discussion, arguing constantly over every little detail. It involves a lot of curses and name calling. And when they fall silent, the tension in the room stirs as they just glare at one another. I thought they might kill each other.

"Annabeth, how about you go get yourself something from the café?" My mom passes me a ten dollar bill. She probably wanted no witnesses to what she was about to do to the man.

I gladly accept the bill and hurry off, lugging my blueprints with me. I would stay down there for about a half hour, giving them time to hopefully finish their arguing. Eventually he would have to storm out and not want her business anymore.

I get myself a blueberry bagel and a cup of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. Percy was really wearing off on me. I had asked the woman for anything blue or blueberry with the hot cocoa too. She told me she had nothing. It was honestly disappointing.

I take my order and sit in a chair, drawing out the blueprints for my neighborhood. I glance at the exit every here and there, checking to see if Poseidon has left yet. After I finish both my cocoa and my bagel, I continue to draw some more. Finally, after over an hour, I head upstairs to make sure I didn't have to help my mom hide a body.

I walk in to more screaming and swearing and shudder. It was worse than before I had left them. Much, much worse.

"Mom!" I call, announcing my entrance. I hope it at least makes them calm a bit knowing that there are other people in the room. They do. They fall silent and turn to stare at me.

That's when I take a good look to analyze Poseidon and it all falls into place.

He had to be related to Percy. There was no other way. The resemblance was unbelievable. Was this Percy's real dad?

He gives me a questioning look when he notices my staring back at him.

There was no way that I'd ask in front of my mother. She'd just gotten used to the idea of Percy being around. She'd recently started to think that maybe Percy was actually pretty decent. And if my theory was correct and she knew...

She would hate him for life. And I could not let that happen.

But why was he in New York, but never with Percy? Percy's never even met him, because his dad's never made the journey. Actually, he lived far away.

Or was this the love sickness talking, and I was seeing Percy in everything? Maybe this wasn't his father? And I was mistaken?

I'm only kidding. I'm rarely ever wrong, and I knew something was up with Poseidon. He had to have some relation to Percy.

So I smile at the two of them. Poseidon smiles widely back, my mother's lips are still tight, but she gives me a small nod.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you two hate each other? Maybe we can look to find the cause of all this and fix it. What if it's all a misunderstanding?" I ask.

"It's not a misunderstanding. This horrible man-"

"It's your fault!"

I knew we would not get anything settled if it continued like this.

"One at a time please. How about Poseidon first?"


"Mom. He is our guest, so he speaks first. You will still get your chance. Please, just be silent and listen to it. Please."

She sighs. "Fine." She leans back into her seat and crosses her arms. She nods at Poseidon to begin.

"It began in Olympian Highschool. A private school for the rich-"

"-Actually, it was for very smart kids, who got scholarships there like myself. But of course, there were the few rich ones.." my mother states, side-eying Poseidon.

"Just because we had money didn't give us any less of a brain. Anyways, Annabeth, it was freshman year..."

And that's a wrap!

Sorry it took so long to get an update out!

Next chapter will be the backstory. I hope you enjoyed!

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