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Happy Birthday to Percy! Sadly this is not a bday chapter, but I thought I would release a chapter on his birthday anyways.

Percy POV:

I was throwing my shoes off near the door when my phone rang.

"Annabeth, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yes! Percy! I'll be done soon! I talked to my dad. He's gonna talk to Helen about my contract and seeing if I can get out of the music business! I'm so excited Percy!" She let out a laugh, filled with nothing but joy. I smiled on the receiving end of the call.

"Annabeth! That's great!" I smiled. "I'm so happy for you, Wise Girl!"

I pictured her drawing blueprints, with a look of longing and desire on her face.

"I'm so happy!" I heard a voice in the background and a sigh from Annabeth. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Do you want to come over tomorrow? I don't work so we can hang out at my house or go do something."

"That sounds fantastic."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too, Seaweed Brain. See ya."

We hung up and I went to my bedroom, sleep overtaking me as I crashed into my bed.

Estelle and I went to the park the next day, taking Mrs. O'Leary with us. I wondered how everything was for Annabeth. She told me that today would be the day she would talk to Helen and possibly go in to talk to Apollo about it, to see if there was a way she could quit without breaking the contract. She said that she would text me when she was on her way to Central Park.

"When's Annabeth coming?" Estelle whined as we took a seat on the bench. Mrs. O'Leary sat down on the grass with her head on my lap. I hadn't yet told her about Annabeth possibly quitting the music business because I wasn't sure on how she would take it.

"I'm not sure, Estelle. Am I too boring for you?" I asked.

"Yes you are. Let's go play!" She pointed to the playground.

"I don't know. I'm pretty exhausted from that long walk. I'm also a boring person, so I don't think a playground is for me." Estelle jumped up from the bench and grabbed my hand. When she tried to yank me off of the bench, I refused to move. She frowned.

"Percy, please!"

"Nope, I'm a boring person."

"You're not boring, Percy!"

"I'm not?!" I exclaimed. I got off the bench and grabbed Estelle around my waist, throwing her over my shoulder. She giggled. "Well, now that I'm not not boring, we can play." I ran toward the playground, with Estelle on my shoulder. Mrs. O'Leary chased us the whole way, yipping and wagging her tail. I lifted Estelle up to the monkey bars, letting her climb across them to the slide on the other side. I chased her around and went on the swings with her, waiting for Annabeth to come.

Annabeth POV-

I sat with my father, waiting for Apollo to come into the conference room. This could be it. I could be done. I danced in my seat, nervous, but also excited.

"What do you need to talk about?" Apollo asked.

"We came to discuss the terms of my contract."

Apollo pulled out my papers. I spoke again, "I was wondering if there was a way to quit without breaking the contract." Apollo's eyes go wide.

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now