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Annabeth POV-

"That's it?" I ask. "You guys hated each other just like that? You didn't ever try to talk things out?"

"I tried to talk with him, but he wouldn't listen," Athena says. "He was too busy with Medusa."

"Just because Medusa was there when you refused to be does not give you the right to be angry at me!" Poseidon yells back. Then, he storms out of the office.

My mother frowns, but slowly, a slight nostalgic smile graces her lips. "He hasn't changed."

"Whatever happened with him and Medusa?" I ask her. She shrugs.

"Not sure. I placed a box of snakes on her desk one day. She ran off screaming and never came back."

"Mom! You didn't!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Actually, it was meant to be an apology gift. The principal suggested getting her something nice because I had punched her in the face. I passed by her one day in the halls and she was talking about snakes. She was also constantly reading books about them. I figured she enjoyed them. It's okay though! I haven't seen her since. Such a blessing." The fact that her story is completely serious and held no amusement or tease scares me. I think Malcolm and I were wrong when we said that our mother was a party pooper in high school.

I just shake my head and return to drawing my blueprints.

"Annabeth," my mom says. "It's almost five. Don't you have dinner with Percy's family tonight?"

"Shit! You're right."

"As always."

I let out a small laugh and gather up my blueprints. Then, I make my way to Percy's apartment.

I hear footsteps racing towards the door just after I knock. Percy swings the door open wide and presses a gentle kiss to my lips, then, he steps aside and lets me into the house

"Hi," he says. I smile.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain."

"My dad is here, just a warning."

"The same guy you've never met in your life?" He nods, clearly upset. "What the hell is he doing here?"

"I wanna know the same thing. It's okay though, we can just avoid him. Estelle's throwing a tea party with just her and I. I'm sure she'll invite you too." His face lights up a little bit as he talks about his sister

I let out a little laugh. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me in close to him. He smells the way he always does, like the sea with a hint of cookies. I laugh a little giddily.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing," I say. "Let's go meet this father of yours."

We walk towards Estelle's room, Percy's arm still around me.

"Shit!" I curse when I see Poseidon standing there. So, my suspicions were correct. Of course they were.

"Annabeth!" Sally exclaims.

"Estelle already knows that one so it's fine."

"That's what I told her earlier, but she still yelled at me," Percy says. "Even though it's completely your fault."

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Estelle exclaims from her room, giggling the whole time. Sally glares at Percy, causing him to point to me in accusation before running to his sister.

"Estelle, no," Percy scolds. He kneels down next to her. "We talked about this. Just because Annabeth says it doesn't mean you can."

"It's not just me who says it!" I exclaim. "You do too!"

"Yes, but she doesn't listen to what I say, so she must've learned it from you." Estelle giggles and I can't help but laugh too.

"Okay, Estelle, you know you can't say that word now, right?" Sally asks.

"Yes, mommy!" Estelle smiles cheekily. Sally smiles softly back.

"And Percy and Annabeth are going to refrain from using that word around you?"

"Yeah, we can use other words instead," Percy agrees. I nod.

"That better not be other swear words, Percy," Sally warns. "I expect words like sugar cookie."

"Yes ma'am." Percy salutes. Sally ruffles his black hair.

Poseidon stands in the doorway, laughing at the scene before him. I had almost forgotten he was here. He smiles politely at me, and I hesitantly smile back.

"Small world, isn't it?" He asks. Percy turns and looks at him, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Poseidon explains, "I was in her mother's office today to get a blueprint drawn for my new business. It'll be here in New York. I'll be able to visit more often, Percy."

"Please don't," Percy remarks. I can't help but choke out a single laugh, covering my mouth with a fist to hide it. Sally gives Percy a warning look.

"I'm home!" Paul calls and I hear the front door latch again.

Percy smiles and calls out, "We're in here, Dad!" Sally rolls her eyes but smiles, knowing exactly what Percy is trying to do. I try to hold back my laugh.

Paul appears behind Poseidon, who turns around to greet him.

"You must be Percy's real dad," Paul says. "I heard you were coming today, it must be so nice to see him again. I mean you haven't since he was a baby. You must be so busy, not even be able to visit him at all." Paul smiles innocently but winks at Percy, who's smiling brightly at him. Poseidon frowns but doesn't say anything. And then there's Sally, whose eyes scold Paul, while her lips are turned up into a smile.

Estelle taps the back of my leg. I look down to her and she hands me a purple tea cup.

"Thank you," I say and pretend to take a sip of her invisible tea. She gives a toothy smile.

"Can I be the flower girl at your wedding?" She asks. I laugh and scoop her up.

"Of course you can, Estelle." She wraps her arms around me for a quick hug. Then, she wriggles out of my arms and runs out of her room.

Everyone follows her into the kitchen as she tries to reach into the cookie jar. Percy opens it and pulls three cookies out, handing one to Estelle and I and taking the third for himself. I smile softly at him.

"Alright, you three. Let's eat dinner so Annabeth can go dress shopping with the girls."

I let out a groan.

And we'll end it here for now.

I hope you all enjoyed!

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