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Annabeth POV-

My mom and I come back laughing from our small art supply shopping spree. As I enter the house, I place my bags on the dining room table and make my way to the family room.

"Percy!" I exclaim as I find him sitting on my couch watching movies with Malcolm. Percy spreads his arms so I can collapse into them.

"I'm out," Malcolm says.

"Malcolm, don't leave." I raise my hand towards my brother, motioning for him to sit back down.

"You two are gonna be all gross and lovey though."

"Percy," My mom says, entering the room. "I wasn't aware you were coming over."

"I invited him over," Malcolm explains. "We we're discussing important matters."

I look at Percy. "He didn't give the whole you hurt me he'll hurt you speech, did he?"

"No. He gave me the hurt you and you'll kill me speech instead. I already knew that though." Percy smiles and kisses my forehead. "I would never hurt you though."

Malcolm complains, "Mom, they're being snuggly and sappy and I forbid it."

"They're so snuggly and sappy that I need you down here to keep an eye on them. I have to go put Annabeth and I's new supplies in the office. I'll be back."

"Mom! Wait! Please don't leave me!"

"Bye Malcolm. Call me if you need me."

Malcolm heaves out a sigh.

Percy and I sit up on the couch. "You know what else Malcolm and I were talking about?"


"Malcolm got a girlfriend." I look at my brother in shock.

"Percy!" Malcolm exclaims.

"Was she not supposed to know?"

He sighs. "I was gonna tell her."

"Sorry." Malcolm waves him off and his eyes return to the screen.

"Malcolm, tell me more about her. I need to know a name, what she looks like, and how you met. Come on! I need the info!"

"Her name is Mason, she goes by Mace. She has cute brown curls and these freckles that nearly cover her whole face. We met through a project I had to do for Law. I was working on a fake case on animal rights and she's going to school to work as a vet at animal shelters and rehabilitation centers. We just started talking and... clicked, I guess. I don't know, now I sound sappy."

"That's cute," I tell him, standing up to go hug my brother. "I'm happy for you."

He smiles lightly. "Thanks."

I return to my seat next to Percy. He pulls me against his chest and lays down on the couch again. Malcolm gets an evil look on his face as we hear my moms footsteps on the stairs and I wonder what he's plotting.

"Mom!" He calls. "Mom come quick! They are having sex!"

"What?!" She yells and comes running into the room.

"Malcolm!" I exclaim. "Mom, we're not having sex!"

My mom looks at us now sitting up on the couch and eyes us to make sure that all of our articles of clothing are on. Then, she sighs and turns to Malcolm. "Really?"

"Sorry, I just had to. You should've seen their faces." My brother lets out a laugh.

"Should I tell her about Mason?" I stage whisper to Percy.

"Who's Mason?" My mom asks. I smirk and pump my eyebrows to my brother.

Malcolm sighs and looks at Percy and I. "This is the last time I ever tell either of you anything."

"Mace's his girlfriend," Percy says, ignoring Malcolm.

My mom frowns. "And when were you going to tell me?"

"Over family dinner, I promise. Percy and Annabeth just ruin everything for me." She lets out a small laugh.

"They really do ruin everything."

"Seriously. All I can hear when I try to watch a movie is them whispering and kissing. I can hear you guys, you know." Malcolm turns to look at the two of us snuggled up together. We smile innocently towards him, our faces red.

"Do we really whisper and kiss that much?" Percy asks.

"You do," my mom confirms. "I'm making aglio for dinner tonight, by the way. And it's not blue." She needs to clarify, for Percy's sake. He frowns.

"That's no fun."

"But you'll still survive, as unfortunate as that is."

"Mom, be nice," I scold.

"I am. I'm letting him live." With that, she exits the room.

"It is very nice of her, I don't want to die before our wedding day." Percy hugs me closer.

Before dinner can even come around, I find myself asleep in his arms. I'm only stirred by Malcolm tapping on my arm.

"Hey, there's extra aglio in the fridge for you to heat up when you get hungry. It's nine thirty and I have a class at five, so I'm going to bed. Mom said to remind you about work tomorrow, but she said that you're an adult with an actual job, so you can decide if you want to kick Percy out or not. And to also tell you that she wants you to get your own house when you're married. She doesn't want to deal with him anymore."

"That's nice of her. If you see her upstairs, tell her I said thanks for food and he has to be home around eleven because he's gotta watch Estelle tomorrow morning."

"Alright. I'll let you wake him. Also, double date tomorrow? Mace really wants to meet you."

"Of course. Night, Malc."

"Good night." With that, he heads off to bed.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed.

Thank you to Nibblesoy for our new character, Mace!

Also thank you to everyone who created a name for characters! Although yours did not win, I hope you enjoy Mace. She'll probably be around a lot.

With that being said, have a great day/afternoon/night!

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