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Annabeth POV-

I could tell Percy was nervous the second we entered my house. His palms were sweaty and he kept rubbing the back of his neck.

"Percy, it's okay," I tell him. He looks at me, nods, but turns away quickly, not wanting me to see how he really felt. But I could tell.

"Hi! It's so fantastic to meet you! I'm Annabeth's brother, Malcolm," Malcolm says as he greets us. He shakes Percy's hand with an encouraging smile. He must be able to tell he's nervous too. We all head to the dining room, where a feast sits on the table.

"Hello," my mother says, giving Percy a once over. She doesn't say anything else, just motions for us to all take a seat. Percy pulls out a chair for me and then takes the seat to my right. My mother sits at the head of the table, and Malcolm across from Percy and I.

My mother asks Percy question after question, staring at him the whole time. He shifts nervously in his seat. I grab his hand and squeeze it tight. He visibly relaxes.

"So, Percy?" My mother asks. "What are your intentions with Annabeth?" I roll my eyes at her question. Percy doesn't need a second to think before words spill out of his mouth.

"To always be there for her when she needs it. To love and support her no matter what. Be the best boyfriend ever and eventually, if she says yes, the best husband ever." He turns to look at me, asking if it sounded good. I smile at him and give him a kiss on the cheek. Malcolm smiles and gives him a small thumbs up. The corners of my mom's mouth lift ever so slightly, and her eyes narrow towards him.

"You're good, for now. Don't ever get on the bad side though." She takes a bite of her meal.

"I don't plan on it."

The dinner continues, Malcolm, Percy, and I making small conversation, my mother joining in every so often. Afterwards, the three of us leave to go watch a movie, while my mom does whatever it is she does after every dinner.

"What movie do you guys want to watch?" Malcolm asks. Percy opens his mouth and I know what he is going to say.

"We are not watching Finding Nemo, Percy," I tell him. He smiles innocently as Malcolm raises an eyebrow.

"Is that what the Dory stuffed animal is about?" He asks. I nod my head and sigh.

"He has a Nemo one."

"Because they always find each other no matter what," Percy says.

"That's oddly kinda cute," Malcolm says.

"Shut it, Malcolm." A blush is on my face. He laughs.

"Whatever. Now what are we watching you two? Or do you want me to put on some sappy romance for you and leave? Because I don't want to watch a sappy romance while listening to you two being a sappy romance." Percy and I's faces go red.

"Whatever you wanna watch, Malcolm," I say. "Im sure it'll be better than Finding Nemo."

Percy gasps dramatically. "How dare you!"

I stick my tongue out at him. He whacks me with a pillow. That's when the war starts.

Malcolm chooses to turn on the tv and ignore us, letting Red Notice play on the screen. Percy and I chase each other throughout the house, a pillow in each of our hands, tackling and hitting each other with them, laughing the whole time. My mother looks up from her desk as we run by her office, but surprisingly, never yells at us to stop. I'm at the advantage of knowing the way around my house, where he doesn't. I lead him in circles and trap him where he has no escape from me and my pillows wrath.

"Okay! Okay! You win, Wise Girl!" Percy exclaims, laughing hysterically. He puts his hands up in surrender.

"I'm not sure if I should do this the legal way or the Estelle way where I kill you anyways."

"The legal way sounds fantastic." I pretend to contemplate it for a moment.

"Fine. We'll do it the boring way," I sigh. I whack him one last time with the pillow.


"Last time, I swear! Let's go watch the movie." He grabs my hand and we walk back to family room, where the movie plays on the screen. Malcolm smiles at us as we crash onto the couch, side by side.

"About time you finished your... whatever the hell that was. The movies almost over."

"It was an intense war. I won, obviously," I say. Malcolm let's put a small laugh.

"I expect nothing less from my super smart sister."

"She also broke war laws. She tried to kill me after my surrender!" Percy whines. I laugh.

"Were there witnesses to that?"


"Then is there evidence, because if not... I don't see any crimes committed. You could be making this up." Percy gasps dramatically.

"Are you accusing me of being a liar?"

"There's worse things to be accused of. Remember when you were accused of murder and had to be arrested by Bobby and Matthew?" I muse.

"I was framed! I swear!" I laugh at the look on his face.

"I'm not sure I can trust you. You are a liar after all."

"You tried to brutally murder me after my surrender and you know it. Just because you're beautiful..." he reaches out and gently tugs on my curls, watching for a moment as it springs up and down. I can't help but blush as he gets sidetracked. He presses a gentle kiss to my forehead and bows his head to whisper in my ear, "you're so beautiful and wonderful... but you still broke a major law. I can't believe I'm dating a criminal!"

I roll my eyes but laugh at his antics. "I whacked you with a pillow. I think you can handle it. After all, you've been through Goddess Estelle's Great Warrior Training. I thought you were supposed to be some strong muscular hero or something."

"Most of that was actually making cookies and stuff. And then I ate a lot of them, so I wouldn't be too sure." I laugh.

"And yet you somehow have an eight pack. Please explain." He shrugs.

"Don't ask me. You're the smart one." I ruffle his hair. I peer over at Malcolm to see his eyes glued on the screen, trying to ignore us. Probably for the best. Since Malcolm's not looking, I take the opportunity to give Percy a kiss on the lips. He seems a bit shocked at the randomness of it, but quickly kissed me back.

Percy leaves, taking a cab back to his apartment, but I unfortunately have to stay here. We already made arrangements to meet up tomorrow though. As I'm about to go to bed, I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I say. The door cracks open, letting light flood  into the dark room.

My mother enters, coming to sit down on the edge of my bed.

"You really love him?" She asks. I nod. "And he really loves you?"


"Good... just don't let it hurt you." With that she walks out of my room.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I hope you enjoyed and hopefully I can be a little bit quicker with this upcoming update. Basketball has now officially come to a close, so now onto track season! (I only really do it to keep me in shape for basketball and cross country, along with dance too, but that's a different type of energy needed all in itself lol)

Do any of you do any sports? What's your favorite?

My favorite is by far basketball, and everything I do is to help me with that. Cross Country for endurance, Track for foot speed (as long as they actually let me run a few sprints and not just the 1 mile and 2 mile), and Dance for balance, foot speed, leg strength, flexibility, and pretty much everything else lol

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