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Percy POV-

Annabeth took Estelle with her when she went dress shopping, leaving me with no excuse not to talk with my dad. Especially because my mom and Paul shooed me away from dish duty, despite my Baby Seal Eyes. I guess that I wasn't cute enough anymore in my about-to-go-to-college age.

"Percy, can we please talk privately?" My dad asks. I frown but agree anyways. We go and sit out on the fire escape. He tells me all about what happened between my mom and him. And as annoying as it was, it was also nice to hear the same story from him as I heard from my mom.

I think I would've been devastated if I heard a different story come out of his mouth, one that made my mom look like the bad one. I probably would've screamed at him if he said anything awful about her. But he didn't.

But he wasn't shitty in the story either.

And I think that might've made it worse.

He up and left not long after I was born. It wasn't because he "wasn't ready" or he just didn't want me, or anything like that. He had to leave because of work, and my mom understood. He offered to take us with him, but something in her heart told her to stay here to raise me.

If she had gone with him, things wouldn't have worked out and we would've been stuck there. He met another woman not too long after him and my mom ended things. They didn't work out either. At least he didn't leave her with a kid to raise. Because that kid wouldn't have been visited.

Just like how I never was.

If it had ended badly, he could've made that excuse. But now, he didn't have a reason. He just didn't show up until he was here for work.

"I'm sorry, Percy. I'm so sorry. I've been trying to make up for it, I really have. Next month, I want to head to Boston."

"Another woman you left with a kid?" I ask.

"Yeah," he sighs. His smile is faint. "His name is Tyson. His mother used to send me a whole bunch of pictures of him growing up, just like your mom did, but one day, hers just stopped. I've been trying to get ahold of her, but I haven't been able to-"

"Tyson?" I ask, remembering the boy at the Chase Space. Was it possible? "Can I see a picture?"

"Yeah, sure." He pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of a little boy, around two. "This is the most recent one I have.

Although it was outdated, I knew it had to be him. I stare at the photo for longer. How did I not pick up on it?

It wouldn't have made sense if I did figure it out sooner, but it felt cruel to be with Tyson for three days and have no idea.


"I know where he is," I tell my dad.

"You do?"

"Yeah, he's umm... he's in the Chase Space. It's a place run by Annabeth's cousin Magnus and his friends... it's a homeless shelter for kids. He said his mom died. I-"

My dad lets out a sad sigh. "I'm an awful father."

"Well, I already knew that, so I'm glad you figured it out."

He looks at me and then smiles sadly. "I'm sorry. I want to try to get better, I just don't know where to start. It's especially hard when my son won't even talk to me."

"I would've talked to you if you would've actually visited me before today. Or at least called me. I know you have my number." I cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry." He waits for me to tell him that it's okay.

I don't.

Finally, he gets the idea and stands up. "I hope to see you again soon, Percy. If that's okay." When I don't respond, he leaves, sliding through the window.

My mom appears by my side. "I saw him leave. I brought you cookies, Sweetie." She holds out the plate to me and I smile softly at her, taking one. She brushes away a tear from my cheek with her thumb. "I'm sorry, Percy. I won't let him back again. I thought maybe the two of you could patch things up... I know how much you always wanted to have a dad around and..."

"It's okay, Mom. I have Paul."

She smiles. "You do. Now what did your father do."

"He just kept apologizing for being an awful dad. He didn't do anything wrong, but I heard enough. I don't need him to apologize anymore. What's done is done. I think it hurt more that he left some empty promises. He told me he was going to visit another son, Tyson. That same boy from the Chase Space. And he said he would come back here more often." I sigh and she wraps her arms around me. "I just don't want to hear his lies anymore. He said for years that he would visit. It always got your hopes up. And mine too. But he never showed. And I probably won't see him ever again."


"It's okay though. I have you and Paul and Estelle. I don't need him to have a family." She rubs my back soothingly.

"How about a movie night? We haven't had one with just us since..." I think about the nights that we would camp out in my room with the door locked when Gabe was in a fit of rage. We kept an old TV in there, where she would turn the volume up extra loud just so I couldn't hear him cursing and threatening us.

"I would like that." She kisses my forehead.

"Go in and wash up. I'll get some snacks for us. What movie?"

"Anything is fine. I'm not picky." We stand up and leave the fire escape. I go off and shower and get dressed in my pajamas and my mom busies herself with getting snacks.

She puts on the cartoon Alice in Wonderland for us and we crash onto the couch, placing the snacks between us for us to share.

As the movie ends and our snacks are gone, Estelle and Annabeth come home. They sneak in the house quietly.

"I didn't know that you'd be up. I was gonna get her to sleep," Annabeth tells my mom.

"Thank you, Annabeth. Don't worry though, I got her. Let's get you ready for bed, Estelle. Annabeth, are you staying here tonight?"

"I don't think my mom cares, but I do have work in the office tomorrow so-"

"We can take you. It's not a big deal. It's late anyways. You don't want to be out in New York." She picks up Estelle and takes her to the bathroom.

"How was dress shopping?" I ask her. She just sighs and crashes down onto the coach next to me.

"I've changed my mind. You're wearing the dress. I want a suit." I kiss her on the lips.

"Would that make your wedding day perfect?"

"Yes. It would."

"If that's all it takes then I'll do it."

"I was only joking, but now you're going with all of the girls and you're trying on dresses. I want lots of pictures."

I smile at her. "If it makes you happy."

Hi guys!

Sorry for the long wait on an update, I've just been very busy. And I'm working on this and Beach Daze now!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day!

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