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Annabeth POV-

Before I had left, Percy and Estelle gave me a bag full of stuff. Percy gave me his blue sweatshirt. His favorite one, the one that he knows I love too. Because it was his favorite, he wore it more often. That meant that his sea scent that lingered was stronger. After slipping the hoodie on, I keep digging through the bag, finding a Dory stuffed animal with a little note taped to it.

'Now you have the Dory to match my Nemo!' I laugh and continue reading. 'I love you Wise Girl. We'll find each other again, like Nemo and Dory find each other, I promise.'

Before I know it, tears are dripping down my face. I squeeze the Dory stuffed animal close to my chest. I realize there's more in the bag, wrapped in pink glittery tissue paper. I knew it had to be from Estelle.

I look at the envelope that sits on top of the paper. I carefully undo the envelope and open up the card. In there was a note from everyone written on it, along with a folded piece of letter paper. I set the paper aside and read the message.

'We love you so much Annabeth! We'll miss seeing you, but we're so happy you're following your dreams! We know it'll be hard, but you'll love it! (and if you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find us)
- Sally and Paul'

I smile as more tears run down my face. I continue reading. This one was in Percy's sloppy writing.

'I love you! I hope you enjoy the sweatshirt and the Dory stuffed animal. Along with the stuff your probably about to open next! Mom said no spoilers and I have to listen to her because she threatened to take my cookies away. But I know you already saw Dory and the sweatshirt because they were sitting on top.
Anyways, as mom said, we're so happy you're following your dreams! You finally did it Wise Girl! You're free! This is everything you could ever dream of! Be happy! Celebrate!
Another thing: If you ever want to take a stroll through Central Park near the playgrounds, relatively close to the swing set on a Saturday night around 6:30 in the summer, you may find a man who matched your beautiful song description pushing his sister on the swings. But you didn't hear that from me.
I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! And I know you're probably crying right now, but please don't. Can you smile? Please? I don't want you to cry when you think of me.
The random guy at the park pushing his little sister on a swing set as you happen to stroll through around 6:30 on a Saturday night in the summer. (Percy by the way)'

I laugh at him. Why was he like this? I tried to smile for him a little longer, I really did. I didn't want to cry when I thought of him either, but I couldn't help myself. I grab a tissue and wipe my eyes. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it through Estelle's letter without crying. God, I never knew a little girl who likes to play princesses and have tea parties and sing karaoke could mean so much to me. I read the small note that she wrote. She had good hand writing for a eight year old, although some of the spelling mistakes made it difficult. It was cute and perfectly Estelle.

'I'm so happy you get to build Princess Castles! I hope you can build mine soon. I put the list of what I want inside it in your present. I hope no one takes it out because it's super important! Mommy said not to worry about it, but I wanted to make sure it was in there because I think it'll help you out when it comes to building. I wrote it in invisible ink though because I got one of those fun pens from the book fair at my school! I gave the pen to you though so you could read my list.
I love you! You're the bestest person ever! (Don't tell Percy)
-The Amazing Goddess Estelle

I laugh at her signature and unfold the letter paper that was somewhat crumbled inside the envelope. I assumed it was Estelle's list. I would make sure to check off every requirement. As I unfold it, a heap of pink and blue glitter spills out, along with a small yellow pen with a blue light at the top.

The weird thing was, the list was written in a pink gel pen. So what was the invisible message about?

I shine the light on it paper.

'Dear Annabeth,

'Everyone in my family thinks I have no idea what's really going on. I know that you're leaving and I won't see you again. I know that you don't like singing on the radio. And I know you're now working at a new job for your mommy. But why do you have to leave our family? It doesn't make sense. I thought you loved us. Did we do something wrong?

"Oh, Estelle," I whispered. "Never." Tears were flowing like rivers down my face now. I continued on with the letter anyways.

'One time I asked Percy if he was going to marry you. He said someday he would. If you come visit us, you could marry him, and we could be sisters! I would have the bestest big sister in the world! You guys could get a puppy like Mrs. O'Leary and I could come visit you every weekend! Or you could come visit me in my Princess Castle.'

Their address was displayed next.

'I wrote down our address in case you forgot it. That way you can come visit us and send letters. We could be pen pals! If I don't get a letter back, I understand. I want you to know that I still love you though. You're my hero, Annabeth. And I want you to be my big sister too. After a lot of whining and pouting, Percy finally agreed that if you came and saw him in the summer at the park that he would marry you in the summer if you want. He said you two weren't old enough, but I don't think age matters because you two love each other. And I've always wanted a sister because brothers don't make pretty princesses and they're bad at singing, so you have to marry him!

-Estelle, Goddess of Everything'

I feel so many different emotions when reading her letter. I laughed and cried and blushed and cried some more.

I continue unwrapping the gifts they had gotten me. They didn't need to do that.

Estelle gave me one of her princess crowns. I laugh and place it next to my Dory stuffed animal. As I keep digging, I find an 'Architecture Around the World' book, another sketch book for my designs, pencils to draw with, and a box of blue cookies with a note from Percy telling me that because he loves me, he didn't eat any out of it. As I arrive at my mom's house I put all of the stuff back in the bag and step out of the car. My brother stands on the front porch with an inviting smile.

"I'm so happy you're here, Annabeth! Mom's at work but I'll show you around."


I cried writing those letters, I won't lie.

And just writing these chapters have been emotional roller coasters for me and I'm sure all of you too.

But we must continue it for the drama

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