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Annabeth POV-

I woke up to a tap on my shoulder. My surroundings were unfamiliar.

"Annabeth, you fell asleep here," a voice spoke. It was Paul. My eyes went wide when I suddenly realized where I was. I felt an arm on my shoulders and saw a tv against a blue wall in front of me.

"Oh my god," I mumbled in disbelief. How had I fallen asleep? What time is it?

"It's alright. Sally said to wake you up though and tell you that she's sorry that Percy probably drooled all over you. Also, that you might want to call your parents because your phone is going crazy."

My dad was probably flipping out. "What time is it?"

"It's around five. Sorry we didn't wake you up sooner, but-"

"It's fine. I'll just call my dad."

"If you want to stay for breakfast that's fine. Sally makes amazing pancakes."

"Thank you. I don't want to be a burden though."

"You're absolutely fine. Estelle has so much fun when you're here. Percy seems happier too." I smiled and looked over at Percy's sleeping figure. He drools in his sleep.

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"Of course."

I leaned in and grabbed my phone out of my small purse, careful not to wake Percy. Sure enough, my dad had called multiple times throughout the night. I pressed on his name and heard it ringing.


"Hi dad."

"Oh my god! I was so worried about you! Where have you been?"

"Sorry, I fell asleep at Thalia's we were watching a movie and I just dozed."

"Okay, as long as you're okay. How long are you staying at her house for?"

"I'm not sure."

"Just be home by dinner tonight. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up and leaned back into the couch. Percy stirred in his sleep and his eyes fluttered open. I stared at him for a minute. He looked confused, a bit more than usual.

"I fell asleep here," I whispered and couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. He looked shocked. "Your parents said I could stay for breakfast, is that okay with you?"

He smiled sleepily and yawned, "that's fine." His arm still hadn't moved from my shoulders as he closed his eyes again, trying to fall back asleep. I decided to try to get some sleep as well.

I woke to the delicious smell of pancakes. Percy wasn't here anymore so I figured he was in the kitchen already. I stood up and headed in that direction.

"Percy! Estelle! Stop eating the batter!" Sally told them while laughing.

"But it's so good!" Percy whined.

"You can have it cooked and it will taste even better. But if you keep eating it, there won't be any to cook."

"Annabeth! You're awake!" Estelle exclaimed.

"Good morning, Estelle," I said.

"Good morning!"

"Hi Wise Girl." Percy took another scoop of batter and ate it.

"I thought I heard your mom telling you to stop eating that." He turned red and put his spoon in the sink. "Also, you drool in your sleep." His face flushed.

"Five minutes until all the pancakes are ready. Why don't you go set up Mario Kart or something, Percy," Sally suggested, "then you can play after breakfast."

Percy smiled and headed into the living room, I followed him. He finished getting everything all set up just as Sally called us for breakfast.

We sat down to eat the pancakes.

"I'm so happy you stayed Annabeth!" Estelle exclaimed. "We can play princesses again!"

"Of course we will."

"I'm here! Don't worry family!" An unfamiliar voice yelled. Percy cursed under his breath.

"Percy!" Sally scolded.

"Sorry. Estelle, don't listen to a word I say."

"I try not to."

"Anyone even home?" The voice called again.

"I'm sorry, Wise Girl, I forgot Leo comes Saturdays for pancakes," Percy said.

"It's fine."

"In here, Leo!" Sally yelled.

I heard footsteps scurrying through the house, A boy appeared in the doorway.

"Leo, you could have knocked on the door," Sally said.

"I don't mind crawling through windows." So far he hasn't noticed me.

Sally sighed, "Okay Leo. I don't want you getting hurt though."

He ignored her as he said, "Annabeth Chase?" I waved. "Should I like bow or something?"

"I'd be cool with a fist bump."

"You should bow to me, though!" Estelle exclaimed.

"Oh of course, Lady Estelle, how could I forget?" He bowed down and Estelle giggled. Then he reached his hand out and gave me a fist bump.

"So, why is Annabeth Chase in our household?"

"Percy and I are friends," I said. Leo raised an eyebrow in Percy's direction and then shrugged.

"Cool. Can I have an autograph?"

"I guess."

"Sign my bicep, please." He flexed his arm to form a muscle, but he didn't have muscle. I struggled with what words to say to him.

"Leo," Percy warned, seeing my face.

Leo put his arm back down at his side. "I'm kidding. I'll just take like a slip of paper or something like that. Are there any pancakes left for me?"

"Of course, Leo. Help yourself," Paul said.

Leo walked towards the counter and filled up a plate. For a small, scrawny boy, he ate a lot. He came to the table and sat next to Paul.

"Thank you for making a wonderful breakfast," he said.

"Of course, Leo," Sally said.

"Annabeth can we play dollies?"

"Estelle, you have to wipe your face, first" Paul said, picking up his daughter and carrying her towards the sink. He put her on the counter and she giggled as the wet cloth ran over her face. Sally watched with a smile.

"I thought we were gonna play Mario Kart," Percy complained.

"How about you let Leo finish eating his food before you play Mario Kart. If Annabeth wants to play with you though, you can until Leo's done."

"Okay mom! Annabeth? Do you want to play dollies?"

"Sure Estelle." She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her room, where her doll house was set up. I heard Percy and Leo chatting as we left.

   Hi! I just have a few things to say. First, I kinda rushed through this chapter ngl. I completely forgot what day it was and yeah... also, what do you think of the length of the chapters? Would you rather them be shorter or do you like this length? (I do about 1000+ words)

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