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Percy POV-

"You like her, don't you?"

"Mom!" I complained. I was on my way to school, my mom usually dropped me off considering our family only owns one car.

"What? Are you going to argue that you don't? You like her Percy, I can tell."

I hid my head between my hands so she couldn't see the redness of my face. Mothers are so embarrassing.

"I do not!"

"Sure, Percy. I can tell by the way you look at her. You like her."

"Mom! I just met her!"

"Annabeth seems like a sweet girl. I'd definitely approve of the relationship," she spoke, completely ignoring me. "And Estelle would be so happy!"

"Mom! I do not like Annabeth!"

"Really? Then why'd you invite her over to our house after like one day of knowing her?"

"Exactly! Mom, I've only known her for a couple days!"

We arrived at the school. My mom was smirking in the drivers seat and I sighed.

"Bye mom. Love you." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and climbed out the car.

"I love you too sweetie! Have fun, don't get into trouble, and please be home by dinner!"

I smiled and shut the car door. I took a deep breath and walked into the crazy school-building. I put my stuff in my locker, only taking out a couple notebooks and a pencil.

"Hey Percy!" My friend, Hazel exclaimed, running towards me in the halls. Our friend, Frank, followed her. They both liked each other, but neither of them realized it. I felt like such a third-wheel sometimes.

"Hi Hazel! Hi Frank!" Hazel wrapped me in a hug.

"I heard you got a job. Tell me all about it!" Frank followed behind her and waited for me to explain.

"Well, it's at Apollo's Records-"

"Have you met famous people yet?" Frank asked.


"Wait really?"-I nodded-"Who?"

"Umm... Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace, Apollo himself, and a few more people that I've passed in the halls."

"Oh my goodness!" Hazel exclaimed.

"That's awesome!" Frank said.

"Yeah, Annabeth got me a poster to give to Estelle. She was really nice," I said. They gaped at me.

Just then, the bell decided to ring. I said goodbye to my friends and dashed off to math class.

•••(we're just gonna skip math because nobody really enjoys it anyways, actually, we're skipping to lunch. Best part of the day)•••

"Hey Percy!" Leo exclaimed as I took a seat.


"Hazel told us that you got a job at Apollo's Records," Piper said, "meet anyone important?"

"Actually yes. I've met Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace, and Apollo himself. And his son, Will."

"Wait... Thalia Grace?" Jason seemed to perk up as I said her name.

"Yeah, why?" I raised an eyebrow. Why did Jason have such an interest in her? Their last names were the same, but that didn't necessarily have anything to do with it, right?

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now