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Percy POV-

Magnus wrapped up the tour of the mansion. The tour didn't matter, I would still be lost. Estelle had already fallen asleep, clinging to my back. It was late for her to be up, and thankfully we already put our luggage in our rooms (which we did before the tour) and ate dinner (unfortunately, the food wasn't blue). All we had to do was call our mom, which I could do and explain that Estelle was asleep already.

Magnus and all of his friends were super nice to us and told us what time they would have breakfast around tomorrow. Vince was settled in, enjoying his new room and I was happy for him.

Annabeth stood in the doorway and chuckled as I tried to pry a clinging Estelle the sloth off my back and lay her into her bed. She was in the room next to ours.

I carefully tucked her in and made sure she looked comfy before I walked away.

Annabeth's smile was huge when I looked at her again.

"What?" I whispered, closing Estelle's door behind us but keeping it cracked to let a faint light in. Estelle hated her room to be pitch black.

"Have I ever told you that you're the sweetest and most loving boy in the world?" She asked, wrapping her arms around me. I smiled and gently placed a kiss on her lips before I opened the door to our room.

"Have I ever told you that you're the most wonderful, amazing, smart, talented, beautiful girl in the world?" She blushed. "I love you, Wise Girl."

"I love you too, Seaweed Brain."

I let her use the bathroom first to shower and get ready for bed. While she was in there, I decided to call my parents, as promised to them.

"Hey mom," I said. "Hey Paul."

"Hey Percy. How are you doing?" My mom asked.

"Good. We got a tour of the mansion, but I'm pretty sure I'll still be lost. Annabeth's definitely gonna have to help me. Estelle fell asleep during the tour, or else she would be here too. I figured it was best to just let her sleep." We continued to talk for a little bit, until Annabeth came out of the bathroom in her pajamas.

"Hey, gotta go get ready for bed. Annabeth's done in the bathroom. Talk to you later. Love you," I said.

"Love you too. Don't hang up though, I want to talk to Annabeth," my mom said sweetly. I passed my phone to Annabeth who took it with a smile.

"Annabeth, how have you been? I hope Percy and Estelle haven't been too much of a bother. Mainly Percy, I know Estelle's fine," I heard my mom say.

Annabeth laughed when I exclaimed, "hey!"

"I'm just teasing, Percy. Go get ready for bed." I went into the bathroom, showered, brushed my teeth, and put a t-shirt and shorts on for the night. Usually I slept shirtless, but because Annabeth was here, I decided against it. As I exited the bathroom, I saw Annabeth with tears and a smile on her face, still talking to my mom.

"Thank you for talking and checking up on me, Sally," she said, wiping away a tear.

"Of course, Annabeth. It's always wonderful to talk to you."

"No, I seriously mean it, Sally. My own parents never call me to check up on me, unless I'm late and they feel like yelling at me. They didn't even give a proper goodbye before we parted. They just kinda waved me into the limo." I walked over and laid down beside her on the bed, wrapping my arms around her. I gently pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Annabeth, I'm sorry sweetie. You can talk to me anytime, alright. Especially if you want to complain about Percy. Definitely call me then." Annabeth laughed.

"Mom!" I groaned.

"Oh Percy! You're back!" I could picture her faking an innocent smile on the other end of the line. I loved my mom.

"Thank you, Sally."

"Of course. Good night," she said. "I expect to talk to Estelle tomorrow morning."

"Not a problem mom. Good night, love you."

"Love you too." We hung up and I plugged my phone in, laying it on the dresser.

Annabeth laid her head on my chest. "I love you so much," she said. I wiped the tears from her face and stroked her curls. Annabeth rarely let her barrier break, but when she did, it broke my heart.

"I love you more."

"Impossible." She gave me a deep, passionate kiss, which I gladly returned.

As she snuggled back into my chest, I pulled the blankets over us and we drifted off to sleep.


I woke to a faint knock on the door. It couldn't be morning yet. The sun was still down. The clock said two a.m. Annabeth and I shared a curious look.

"Come in," I called. The door opened, letting light in, and I could see Estelle. She had tears on her cheeks.

"Percy, I miss mommy and daddy," she sobbed. I sat up on the bed and scooped her into my arms. She had never gone overnight and stayed far from our parents.

"It's okay, Estelle. You'll see them soon." I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. "I promised mom that you'd call her tomorrow morning. We don't want to wake her right now. Can you wait until tomorrow morning?" She nodded her head and more tears slipped down her face. I pulled her close to my chest.

"Estelle, you'll get to see them before you know it. In two days, you get to come to my concert, and then the next morning we'll leave. We're gonna have so much fun," Annabeth told her. Estelle smiled at her.

"Do you want me to sing 'Under the Sea' to get you to fall asleep?" I teased. She giggled.

"No way."

"Then I expect you to fall asleep before five minutes is up. Annabeth's gonna start counting." Estelle quickly closed her eyes. Soon enough, her breathing changed and I know she was out. Annabeth placed her hand in one of mine.

"You're so good at being a big brother," she said. She gave me a quick peck on the lips and snuggled into my side, placing her head in the crook of my neck.

I kept one hand on Estelle, but wrapped the other one around Annabeth.

I could imagine us in the future. A little girl laid in my lap, just like Estelle did, but it wasn't her.

It was Annabeth and I's daughter. She had Annabeth's beautiful blonde hair.

Woah. That's a weird dream. Annabeth and I had just started dating not too long ago, and I was already thinking about our future? A future where we were married and had kids?

Is it bad to say that as I looked over at a sleeping Annabeth, I couldn't wait for that day to come?

Wow! Did I just do double update?

Yes, I did!

I really loved writing these last two chapters! I hope you enjoyed them as much as me!

Thanks for reading!

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