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Annabeth POV-

I sat, listening to Luke go on and on about his new part in an upcoming movie. He was apparently the star. Maybe they would call it 'Asshole, The Musical' and make it a true story based on his life. I would probably buy buy t-shirts and other merchandise just to burn them.

"Annabeth, are you even listening?" He asked.


"This is exactly why we broke up, you never listen to me."

"No, we broke up because you cheated on me."

"I did not!"

"You kissed her, Luke."

"I was drunk! I didn't mean it, I swear Annabeth, I loved you." He disgusts me. "I still do." He looked so sorry, so vulnerable.

"It broke my heart when you left me," he said. He grabbed my wrists and looked me in the eyes. He pleaded for my forgiveness.


"I do love you."


"No, listen to me, Annabeth. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I-" He leaned in and kissed me. I almost fell for it. I almost melted into the kiss and forgave him. It felt so good to feel like someone loved me again. But it didn't feel right. Not when I l-

I heard the door slam shut, who was that? I shoved Luke away. "Annabeth-"

"Out!" I pointed towards the door. "Get out of here Luke!"

He left, shoulders sagging. I felt bad. Stop, Annabeth, he cheated on you, he doesn't deserve pity. But, there was still a part of me that wanted to apologize to him. Tell him that maybe we could work it out.

"I thought maybe I had a chance," he said. "Are you- are you dating that one guy, Percy?"

"I-" it would be so much easier to say yes, but that wasn't true. "I'm not."

"Oh. I just thought that maybe that's why you were so quick to turn me down."

"No, the reason I was so quick was solely because I don't love you." And maybe because of Percy too.

"Oh okay," he sighed. "I'm sorry. I thought maybe this could work. I'll see you tomorrow."

He left the room and the door slammed shut behind him. I sighed and pulled out my blueprints. Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called. The door opened and Reyna stood in the opening. She closed it behind her and walked towards me a few steps.

"I have a few questions," she said.

"Go ahead."

"First, where's Thalia?"

"Turns out she has a brother named Jason who's supposed to be dead."

"Oh. Okay." She nodded. "What was Luke so upset about?"

"I may have told him that I don't love him."

"Does anybody?" I laughed. "You're doing a good thing for his ego. What happened?"

"He confessed his 'love' for me and tried to kiss me. I shoved him away."

"Oh. Did the door by chance open while you were 'kissing?'"

"I heard it close, why?"

Her face paled and she bit her lip. "Umm... I ran into Percy as I was exiting and he was entering the elevator. He looked kinda upset but-"

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now