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This one's gonna be a little longer than usual. It will be worth it, though. Sorry, no Estelle content yet, next chapter though. She is mentioned though, because we can't go too long without mentioning the goddess.

Annabeth POV-

"Annabeth, what are you doing? What's wrong?" Will asked. He followed my gaze. "Oh. Boy problems? Me too."

I laughed, with a blush on my cheek. "So you actually admit to liking Nico, huh?"

"I never said it was Nico." I raised an eyebrow. "But yeah, it's him." His cheeks were red. "How do I ask him out?"

"Don't ask me. It's not like I've done it before. I'm still trying to debate how to talk to Percy after..." I sighed.

"What happened?"

"He walked into the studio and saw Luke kissing me. I think he mistook it for Luke and I kissing, but it was completely one-sided and I shoved him away. Percy was already gone though."

"Oh. That's... wow. Good luck with that."

"Gee thanks, Will. Any advice?"

"Tell him the truth. Any advice for me?"

"Be yourself. Nico won't want anything big and extravagant, just simple. Just ask him."

"So it's a no on the giant parade, confetti, glitter cannons, fireworks, or the band that my dad told me to hire? He said they were completely necessary..."

"Definitely get rid of all of that." He pulled out his phone. Probably to call all the companies. "Use some of your stupid puns, too. I have no idea how or why, but he always blushes when you use those," I told him, right before the line was picked up on the other end. He gave me a thumbs up, his cheeks still rosey.

He left to talk on the phone, and my gaze traveled back to Percy. Why was it so easy for me to give advice to Will, yet I couldn't figure this out myself? Percy stood up and started heading my way, waving goodbye to Rachel.

"Hi Percy," I said as he came my way. He smiled nervously.

"Hi. I umm... I thought you'd be hanging out with Luke still." Was that jealousy in his voice?

"No, he's gone. I kicked him out."

"Why would you kick him out?" He was glaring at the ground now.

"Percy, you know that I hate him."

"You have a weird way of treating those that you hate." His gaze held mine for a moment as we walked. I stopped in front of the elevator.

"Percy. He kissed me!"

"You didn't really seem to care."

"If you had watched for longer, I shoved him away."

"I couldn't-"

"And you can't just jump to conclusions either."

He sighed. "I'm sorry, Annabeth. I just- I don't know. I know you hate him, but seeing you kiss him-"

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now