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So it's been a while... during my leave of absence I had the wonderful opportunity of a trip— babysitting my cousins as we explored Europe! It was so fun! Some of these quotes from Estelle are things that my 2 & 1/2 year old cousin said while on our vacation.

Anyways, who's ready for some Estelle time?

Quick recap: Annabeth has decided to do another tour to see if she loves singing without Helen there. A certain #1 fan really wants to go to every single concert.

"Mommy! Please can I go to Annabeth's concert! Pleeeeeeeease!"

Estelle begged and Sally struggled to say no. "Estelle, you can't go to every single one, okay? You'll have school starting soon and you can't miss too many days. You can go to all the ones that you're able to, okay?"

"I want to go to all of them though! I'm her number one fan!"

Seeing as it may turn ugly soon, Percy intervened. "Estelle, let's go watch a movie!"

She immediately turned and sprinted towards the living room.

"Thank you, sweetie," Sally said. "We'll try this conversation again tomorrow."

"Percy! I'm waiting for the movie!" Sally kissed her son's forehead before he walked to the living room.

"What about Encanto?" It has been a recent obsession of hers due to her love for the soundtrack. She played it only slightly less than Annabeth's albums.

Annabeth was starting to get offended.

"Encanto isn't a movie."

"Oh. What is it then?"


"Ah, I see. So it's better than everything else."

She once again yelled. "It's Encanto!"

Percy sighed and put on Encanto. He thought it was adorable the way he could never actually hear the movie because she memorized it and recited it word for word. And how she would get up to sing and dance.

"Percy, when will Annabeth be here?"

"She's not coming over until tomorrow, Stelle. She's very busy today."

"Is she planning for the concert? Tell her I'll be there!"

"But not at every single one. Some of them are super far away. I don't know if you can stay that far from home. It can be scary," Percy tells her. "Maybe you should just go to the ones around here."

Estelle frowns. "Oh... okay. Can I still get a pretty dress?"

"Of course. Maybe we can ask Annabeth to help us pick it out soon."

Estelle didn't hear the last part because her favorite song from Encanto came on, and she desperately needed to dance.


"This is the perfect purse for me!" Estelle exclaimed, pointing to a purple one. Of course, it was in Kate Spade. Estelle really has expensive taste.

"And how are you going to buy it, Estelle?" Annabeth asked. She would pretty much buy anything Estelle wanted, but she was not willing to waste money on overly priced purses especially for a kid who would no doubt wear it out within the month.

"Percy's money." Percy made a surprised face while Annabeth just laughed.

"Estelle, let's pick out another purse somewhere else. I'm sure they have purple ones too."

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now