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Percy POV again-

"Hey, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said as I came into the building. "How was the party yesterday?"

"Good. Umm... Leo gave me his notebook for you to sign, if you don't mind." She held her hand out for me to place the notbook in.

"Do you have a pen?" She asked. I pulled one out of my pocket and handed it over. "Thanks."

She flipped open the notebook to the first page. Estelle may have written her name all over it and taped her school pictures in.

"Leo gets an Estelle autograph and I don't?!" Annabeth complained. "We're gonna have a talk about this." I laughed. She opened the next page and signed. Her hand writing was graceful and neat. I watched her as she closed up the book and passed it back towards me. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a figure walking from the cafe to the elevator.

"Thalia!" I called, running to catch her before she stepped into the elevator. "I have this letter for you. It's from my friend, Jason."

"Oh my god," Thalia mumbled as I handed her the letter. "Jason gave this to you?"

"Yeah, why?"

She ripped open the envelope and scanned it over. Tears ran down her face. She looked up at me. "He's alive? And he's your friend?"

"Thalia, what's this about?" Annabeth asked. "How the hell do you know Jason?"

"He's my brother! I thought he was dead!" She exclaimed. She smiled. "Can you take me to meet him? Today, right now?"

"I'll call him and see if he's home." Her gaze returned to the letter, reading it over again.

"Wait?! You have a brother?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Annabeth asked.

"I thought he was dead and there was no need to tell you. Now, apparently he's not. This is amazing!"

I grabbed my phone and called Jason. He picked up on the second ring.


"Jason, are you home?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Thalia wants to see you."

"She does?! O-okay, anytime she'd like, she can come. Or we can meet at Central Park or somewhere like that."

"We can go to his house. I want to make sure whatever family is raising him is doing it right," Thalia whispered to me.

"She said that you can meet at your house."

"Alright, thank you Percy."

"Of course. We'll be there soon."

I hung up and put my phone into my hoodie pocket.

"Do you want to go by yourself or do you want us to come with you, Thalia?" Annabeth asked. She had Thalia wrapped in a hug.

"I-I'd like the company. I'm nervous. I haven't seen him since he was two and eating staplers-"

"He still has the scar. We tease him about it all the time," I told her. "He also gets hit by bricks? Was that normal?"

"That should never be normal!" Annabeth exclaimed.

Thalia laughed. "What's he like?"

"Mature, responsible, kind-"

"Ugh, what a disappointment... I still want to meet him though."

Will promised to cover for us while we were gone, hearing the situation at hand.

We arrived at Jason's apartment in about twenty minutes by cab. Thalia took a deep breath before stepping out of the vehicle and Annabeth payed the driver.

"I'm ready," Thalia said. "Lead the way, Kelp Head."

"Really?! Kelp head?!"

"Yep. Now go to his apartment. I want to see my brother!"

I walked into the building and hit the up button on the elevator. Thalia paced back and forth nervously as we waited. Annabeth wrapped her in a hug.

"He'll be so excited to meet you again! Thalia this is amazing, don't panic."

"I'm not!"

"You definitely are," I said. Annabeth glared and I shrugged. "It'll be fine though, Thalia, he'll be so happy to see you again. He's probably nervous too."

We arrived at his door. "Alright Thalia, this is his. Just knock," Annabeth said. Thalia leaned towards the door. Her hand hit it only two times before it swung open. Jason wrapped his sister in a hug. Tears were on both of their faces.

The Grace siblings let go of each other.

"I can't believe it! I thought you were dead!" Thalia punched Jason in the arm, hard. He laughed and she smiled brightly at him.

"We'll be going now. Call me if you need anything, Thals. Love you!" Annabeth exclaimed walking away. She grabbed my hand and dragged me away with her.

"Thank you for doing that for Thalia. I've never seen her smile like that before," Annabeth said as we got into the elevator. She hadn't let go of my hand yet.

"Yeah, of course. I didn't even know what the letter was about. All I knew was it was from Jason to Thalia."

"You didn't catch the 'Grace' last name similarity?" She asked.

"Could've been a coincidence. I didn't know."

"Seaweed Brain," She muttered. Her hand was still in mine. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. As we stepped out, the front desk worker-Mike, I think-was trying to control a large crowd.

"Back door?" I asked Annabeth. She nodded and sprinted to the emergency exit door. I was dragged behind her.

"Miss Chase!" They called.

We decided to walk to the building instead of taking a cab. The traffic was crazy and we might actually make it to Apollo Record's sooner by walking rather than waiting every 5 minutes for a stop light that lasted 10. Annabeth still held my hand. I didn't want her to let go anyways.

"What day do you have off of work this week?" Annabeth asked.

"Umm... Friday maybe. I don't know, I'll have to check with Will."

"Okay. Tell me when you find out. We're going somewhere."


"It's a surprise. It'll be fun though, trust me."

"Okay, if you say so." She smiled.

"Good luck with the records, I have to go talk to Luke." She scowled at his name.

"You need more luck than I do." She laughed.

"See you later Seaweed Brain."

"Bye." She headed up the elevator to her floor while I went to the front desk where Will was seated with Nico.

"Grover will take you to the studio, I believe he's in the café," spoke Will.  I headed that way, seeing the brown haired boy. He was talking to a girl, another worker I assumed, considering she wasn't a celebrity that I knew of.

"Hey Percy!" He called. He gave the girl a kiss on the cheek and ran my way.

"Ready to go meet the band?"

"You sound kinda nervous," I pointed out.

"You would be too if you knew who they were. Let's go."

And we went into the elevator. I was nervous about meeting the band. Why was Grover so fearful of them? 

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now