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Third Person Narration-

"My sweet Annie!" Thalia exclaims as she sees Annabeth's figure come through the door of The Huntress's studio.

"Thalia! You know I hate that name!" Annabeth scolds.

"I know! That's why I call you it, Annie!" Annabeth playfully shoves Thalia while muttering about how much she hates her best friend.

"How are you feeling?" Jason asks Percy. He came frequently with his sister. "A couple days ago your mom said you were still out."

"Did you pull a Sleeping Beauty and Annabeth kissed you awake?" Reyna teased.

"I'm better now. And Annabeth and I kissed only a couple times." Thalia raised an eyebrow.

"Only a couple?" She asks.

"Listen, we did nothing like what you and Reyna were up to-"

"We didn't do anything, you idiot!" Thalia exclaims.

Soon, they are in a heated argument over what Reyna and Thalia did or did not do. Reyna and Annabeth roll their eyes.

"Bet you that we could run downstairs, get coffee, and come back up and they'd still be arguing," Bianca says. "They're always arguing. Like siblings but worse."

Jason laughs. "I don't understand their arguing. They'll start bickering for no reason. I think it's because Thalia's jealous that you might love Percy a little more."

"She does not! Tell him, Annie!" Thalia exclaims. "There's no way you love this kelp head more than you love me!"



"I'm sorry-"

"Don't you dare-"

"But Percy-"

"But me!" Thalia dramatically places her hand over her head. "Reyna and Jason, you still love me more, right?"

Reyna nods. Jason holds out his hand and wiggles it back and forth. "Not sure," he says.

"Jason!" Thalia gasps. "How dare you!"

"I'm sorry... but Percy and I are bros for life." Annabeth snorts as Percy gives Jason a fist bump.

Percy and Annabeth stay for a while to chat with the Huntress and Jason, who invite them to a party on Friday with all of Percy's friends. Then they go off to meet other friends like Grover and Juniper and Beckendorf– who was leaving work soon to go a date with Silena.

"We still need to go on our double date," Beckendorf says. Annabeth laughs.

"Definitely. That'd be a lot of fun. We'll see you soon, alright?"

He nods and leaves with a smile on his face.

"Well, Percy. Are we heading to your apartment?" Annabeth asks.

"I actually had another idea," Percy says as he grabs her hand. They walk the streets until they reach Central Park.

"Percy, this is the spot!" Annabeth exclaims.

"Yep, our first kiss was here, Wise Girl." Annabeth smiles as they sit down on the bench.

"I love this. But why are we here?" She asks.

"Just to talk about stuff. It's been so long, Annabeth. Is it cruel of me to want you all to myself for a while? I love my sister, but I know the second we go to my house, she'll take you from me." Annabeth laughs at her boyfriend.

"Are you jealous of the attention I give your sister?" He nods, giving her his baby seal eyes. She puts her arms around him and pulls him close. "I missed you. I'm never leaving you again."

"I missed you too." He gives her a kiss on the cheek and pulls her even closer. They stay there, holding each other, telling each other about their lives without one another. Then, they hold hands the whole way to Percy's apartment.

"I have a special meal to celebrate having both of you back here," Sally says as the oven beeps.

"I've missed it here," Annabeth says.

"You can come over as often as you want, sweetie. And you can stay here for as long as you want. We love having you here." Sally wraps Annabeth in a hug. "And you keep Percy out of trouble, so that's a bonus." Annabeth laughs.

"How much trouble did you get in while I was away, Percy?" Annabeth asks.

"Nothing too terrible-" Paul raises an eyebrow. "-okay so I almost got suspended from school, but it's okay." Annabeth rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"You might have to stick around for a while, Annabeth. Just to make sure your boyfriend is staying out of trouble," Paul says. "I have noticed, he is better when you're around-"

"And he's not grumpy!" Estelle adds.

"Percy? Were you grouchy while I was gone?"

"Miserable," Sally answers. Percy turns red and scratches the back of his head.

"I didn't think I was that bad..."

"Sweetie, you were terrible. Now sit down, I'm serving up the food." Sally had made a chicken parmesan for everyone. It was delicious.

"Annabeth! Can we play princesses?" Estelle asks after they finish eating. Without waiting for an answer, she grabs Annabeth's hand and drags her to her bedroom to get the princess makeover. Percy goes to help his mom with the dishes.

"I'm sorry I was grouchy while she was gone," Percy apologizes, wiping the water off the dish that his mom hands to him. She smiles at him.

"It's okay, Percy. I'm just glad you're all better. I was worried sick when I got the call about you in the hospital. And then you were in a coma for a day, finally you came to, but you immediately fell into a deep sleep. Percy, I was so worried for you. I was terrified, and I had to hide that from Estelle. She was in tears when she saw you. And everyday she would ask if you were okay. And I had to promise her everyday that you would be fine. But I didn't know. The doctors weren't even sure what was going on-"

Percy wraps his mom in a hug. "I'm sorry, mom."

"It's not your fault, sweetie. Just... never ever ever do that again or I will kick your butt and I have no doubt that Annabeth will help me. Okay?" Percy laughs.

"I don't plan on it." Sally gives her son a kiss on the cheek.

"Good. Now go, Estelle wants you to be the monster." Percy smiles and races off towards the living room, where Estelle and Annabeth were having a tea party.

"Oh no! It's the ugly monster!" Estelle exclaims.

"Estelle, don't call your brother ugly," Paul scolds.

Annabeth lets out a laugh. She missed this family.

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now