20. Sketchy and Skeezy

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10K's POV

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10K's POV

We spot a boat along the shore. I look to my left, anticipating Bex's reaction but realize that she's not there. Instead, she's further up ahead with Cal and Trish, giving me the space I want. We've been so off with each other lately, and I know it's my fault. First, it was Red and now Cassandra. I really am a Killer.

"We can take this South to Memphis then head West," Warren says. We take care of the Z's on the boat fairly quickly, finding the owner of it cowered on the floor.

"It's our boat now," Vasquez says.

"I don't like this deal. Can we negotiate?"

"Death or we get the boat?" Bex says, lifting her ax up a bit. I smile at her wittiness.

"Listen, this boat is hard to operate. I'd be a great asset."

"Forget it. You talk too much," Vasquez says and I see now why him and Bex get along so well now.

"No listen, I can keep quiet. You won't hear a peep."

"Can you take us South to Memphis?" Warren asks.

"Well, hell yes." The man begins to babble more as he starts up the machine.

"Shut up," Vasquez and Bex say in unison, looking at one another with a smile. I clench my fists in anger.

"Does this thing run?"

"I swear it ran as soon as yesterday."

"10K, check the motor," Warren tells me and I nod, hopping around to the back. Pulling it up, I find a Z wrapped around the motor blades. Addy comes up beside me, using her bat to beat the body off.

We head down the river soon after, coming upon two men in a tiny pedal boat.

"I think I know those two men," Addy says. "Sketchy and Skeezy."

"Slow down."

"I say run them over with a name like that," Bex says.

"Agreed. Don't slow down," Vasquez adds on.

"Let's check it out," Warren says.

"Never get off the boat," Murphy mutters.

We help them onto the boat and their trunk as well. Bex glares at them from the corner she's residing in. She's always distrustful of new people so I can't say that I'm surprised by her reaction. I just wish she and Vasquez weren't so together on it. Then, of course, there's her and Murphy's odd relationship that I haven't quite put together.

"Oh, I understand, you two are a bunch of lying morons," Murphy says and I'm pulled back to the present. I need to get my head into the game.

"You act as though The Murphy is a chupacabra or something. He's not. Fucking idiots," Bex says, crossing her legs and sighing.

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