6: Bad Ass Bex is Back

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10K's POV

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10K's POV

"Hand over our weapons?! Are you fucking crazy?!" Bex mutters, refusing to jump down from the back of the truck. I wasn't thrilled, either, but we wouldn't be here long.

"Killer, get out of the truck," I say, holding my hands out to catch her. She grumbles, moving away from me and jumping out the side of the truck, just to spite me. Maybe the world. Who knows anymore who she's angry with.

"Shit!" she yells, scraping her knees at her bad landing.

"You could've stopped being stubborn and let me help you," I remind her.

She grumbles the whole time she's handing over her guns and bow. When they ask her for her knife, I know she's going to lose it.

I place a hand on her back, going to talk to the guy. "It's her Dad's knife. She isn't going to trip and accidentally shank someone. Please don't take this away from her." The guy gives us sympathy, and lets us keep the small switchblade.

"Thanks, 10K," she says, clutching the closed knife to her chest.

Then it's my turn. I hand knife after knife, watching the guy's face morph to surprise at my mass of weapons. Then the woman waves the security wand over me, it beeping at my crotch.

I sigh, pulling out the ten-foot metal chain, ignoring the stunned faces. I really wanted my chain back when we left.

"Jesus, what else is down there, a Chastity belt?" Bex asks me. I roll my eyes, walking alongside her.

"Three of Jacob's flock are back," one of the people yell out. I look over to spot three people, begging to be let back in.

"What do you think of them," I whisper to Bex.

"They look fucking dangerous but I just hope we are out by the time they screw them over."

I nod, grabbing at her hand. She smiles, leaning into me. Together, we follow the military guy around on the tour, but neither one of us is really listening. We did perk up when food was offered.

"Oh dear zombie Jesus, they have fruit!" Bex yells, getting all eyes in the room on her. She grins sheepishly at everyone. "Sorry, I'll use my inside voice."

We both get food, her sitting next to Addy and I next to Doc.

"We should give the room to those two," Doc says, pointing to Warren and Charles.

"I am way too innocent to be hearing this conversation," Bex says, covering her ears with her hands. I throw a grape at her.

It's then I notice one of the "Flock" leaving, the girl. I place a kiss on Bex's head before leaving to follow the strange girl.

Bex's POV

"Maybe we should've left the room to you and 10K, huh?" Doc says to me, his eyes twinkling in mirth. I go to reply but one of the "Flock" stands up on a table, a large cross in his hand. Oh, this can't be good.

"Listen to me, all of you!" I roll my eyes. We are obviously all listening. "For I have good news! The Major didn't believe in the word of Jacob. But he will! All of you will be given another chance to hear his good word! And join the Resurrection Church!"

A man attempts to grab him. "What are you doing? Get down from there." The boy shrugs him off, grabbing the cross and pulling it apart. Great. It's a weapon.

I pull out my tiny pocketknife, slightly bigger than the cross knife. The man says a prayer of some sort, before slicing his own neck with the dagger.

"He's going to turn!" Mack yells to us, scrambling for a weapon of some kind, the others following suit.

When he bites the first person, I know I need to get out and find 10K, regardless of what the group does.

I leave the lunchroom right before the mass panic of people follows me out.

"10K!" I scream, afraid that yelling Killer would cause more panic and yelling Tommy would get me in trouble with him.

A body collides into mine, but I don't see who it is until I'm already hauled up and running next to them.

"10K!" I want to cry at the odds.

"Where are the others!" he yells at me.

"They were still in the lunchroom when I left!"

"Let's check the exits!" I nod, going to the first emergency exit. Against the door nob is a large cross, preventing anyone from leaving. Together, we pull it off and the door immediately opens. Our group is the first people out. Perfect timing.

We close the door again with the cross, to prevent anymore Zees from coming out. We go running around the building but are stopped by a bunch of armed people. I feel myself pushed behind 10K. Why would he do that?

"Raise your hands to the heavens or I'll resurrect you where you stand!" the ugly baby-faced man barks to us. Without even processing it, Cassandra grabs 10K and I's hands, pulling us behind her. I hear gunshots but feel no pain.

"Each of you, go get a sniping weapon and take a position," Cassandra tells us. I nod. I go through an emergency exit quietly, heading up white tiled stairs. A man is looking out a broken window with a crossbow, not paying attention to anything behind him. I crouch, sneaking along the floor before jumping up and ramming the tiny weapon as hard as I can into his skull.

When I'm sure he's dead, I grab my knife and the now free crossbow.

"Such an upgrade from my old weapon, eh?" I grin. Lifting up the crossbow, ready to fire, I take a position at the window, spotting 10K and Cassandra in a building next to mine. We nod to each other, looking back to the situation below.

I can't get a clear shot of the Reverend. I sigh in annoyance. Great. I'm going to have to get higher.

10K and Cassandra have the same thought process when we meet each other outside.

"Roof?" I ask, and they nod. I climb up behind 10K, leaning flat on my stomach.

"What the fuck is Murphy doing and how did it happen in such a short time?" I whisper to 10K. He rolls his eyes, looking through his scope.

"Shit," we mutter at the same time when a girl gets in our line of shot. I see Warren jump up, knocking the Reverend away, as he goes to take a shot at Murphy. Charles jumps in from of the bullet, taking the shot to the heart.

"Take the shot, 10K!" I yell as I take down the obstacle in our way to the Reverend. He also gets him in the heart, while taking out the Reverend's right-hand guy in the head. My arrow is loaded by then, hitting another of his flock.

Cassandra pulls up with the truck and some wirecutters for the fence.

"C'mon, 10K, we have to get out of here." I get up, run on the roof onto the next building then drop on the other side of the fence, 10K following close behind.

We get into the truck just as Warren is being dragged to it. I take one last look at Charles before the truck takes off.

Edited: 6/2022

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