22. We Were Nowhere Near the Grand Canyon

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We've encountered a collector that wanted to keep Murphy and aliens since rescuing 10K from the gallows

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We've encountered a collector that wanted to keep Murphy and aliens since rescuing 10K from the gallows. Now we're trying to escape a storm on an RV.

"Where we at?" Warren asks, jolting up from sleep.

"About a hundred miles North of Flagstaff I'm thinking," Addy says.

"I'm not sure how much longer this old bucket of bolts is going to keep running," Doc calls from the front seat.

"Talking about yourself or the rig?" Addy smirks at him at her joke.

"Both. I think we're getting near the Grand Canyon."

"I went there once as a kid," Murphy says from where he's laying down. "It was beautiful. What? Can't believe I was a kid once?" He becomes defensive immediately.

"What's that?" Warren asks, moving to the passenger seat.

"That is another zombie tsunami," I pipe up from the backseat, pushing a sleeping Cal away from me when drool falls onto my clothes.

"Okay, we need some recon. How's that radio coming along?" Warren looks at Addy.

"We're about to find out." 10K takes the antenna to the roof.

"Northern Light, Northern Light, do you copy?" Addy speaks on the radio.

"When's the last time you talked to that guy anyway? Probably isn't even alive anymore," Murphy mutters. Although he has a point, none of us want to hear that.

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine this morning," Vasquez says, sitting up from his sleep.

"Well, excuse me, Princess. That's what happens when you haven't had a decent cup of coffee in half a decade."

"Citizen Z, this is Addison Carver, your old pal," she tries again. We wait with our breaths held.

"I copy you, it's me, Citizen Z," a voice comes out through the handheld.

"It's so good to hear your voice! I can't believe you're still alive."

"How's the package?"

"He hates being called that! His name is Murphy!" the man in question yells. "The Murphy thanks to you, blabbermouth."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to sic the whole world onto you."

"Yeah right."

"We're going to need those coordinates," Warren calls over her shoulder, reminding Addy of why we called in the first place.

"Right. Hey, Citizen Z? We need you to transmit the GPS coordinates again. Last time, the transmission was breaking up. We didn't get them all. Repeat."

"Roger that. I'll send them as soon as I can find them. The place is kind of a mess. Zombie issues. Listen, there's a massive Z Storm headed your way. I strongly suggest you turn south. Possibly as far out as Mexico to outflank this horde. It's miles wide and moving fast." We can hear him shuffling in the background, looking for the location.

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