26. Blood is Thicker than the Bite

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"So you turned the doctor and whole crew into your followers?" I ask incredulously as Murphy orders them to unload the raft.

"Don't act like that's a crime. They were going to run tests on you and I. I saved us! Your mother would be quite proud of me, ya know."

"I don't think proud is the word she'd use for you, Alvin."

"Apples and oranges, niece."

I scoff. "You don't even know what that means."

He ignores me. "Let's move out." He sighs, turning back to the raft. "Everyone, please."

"Give him a break," I mutter, heading over to help 10K.

"What happened? Where's Doc and Addy? Are you okay?" He pulls up his shirt, feeling his gunshot wound. "Bex?"

"I'm a little out of the loop myself. They drugged me."

"C'mon lovebirds, this way."

"Where are we going?" he asks.

"To start a new world."

We peel out in off-road ATVs, 10K sitting next to me. I can feel his anger and I'm worried he will direct it towards me. Right now, I'm just happy he's alive.


"Hmm?" He pulls me from my thoughts.

"You said they drugged you. Why?"

"Murphy said they were trying to experiment on me, him as well."

"Why, though? Is it because you're related? Do they think you have some zombie messiah powers like him?" His hands are almost white from the tight grip on his gun.

"I don't know, Tommy!" I snap at him. "I woke up with a sedative in my arm and my uncle trying to get me to safety. Sorry I'm not exactly a well of information right now."

"Bex, I'm sorry, I-"

I hold up my hand. "Forget it. You've been shot and going through stuff yourself. Can we just take a minute, please?"

"That minute will have to wait," Murphy says, hopping out. We follow alongside the others. There's a group of Zs heading towards us, 10K taking a couple out.

"Wait, they're carrying weapons..." I say quietly, taking another out.

"Those aren't Zs! Back in the vehicle!" Murphy yells. Dr. Merch complies but the Captain goes down.

"You take the left ones, I have the right," 10K says. I nod, going closer with my pistol. The military mixed Zs that Murphy made are gone but we make quick work of whatever this guerrilla warfare enemy we just faced.

We continue driving, stopping at another clearing. 10K grabs my hand, dragging me with him. He keeps stopping, groaning in aggravation. We turn around and spot Murphy.

"Why does this keep happening?" 10K asks.

"Come along kids."

10K sighs, following him. I raise an eyebrow, following them both.The trees crack behind us and I ball of zombies eating each other roll yards away.

"Yuck," I mutter, taking a step backwards.

"Cheer up, 10K. Put our brothers out of misery."

10K glares at him but does so. I go to help but Murphy pulls me back. "Let him. We don't do the dirty work in the new world."

When he's done, Murphy approaches him. "You've stopped counting," he says with a smirk. I know 10K has to be boiling inside.

We stop and switch to a tank vehicle. Driving some more and only stopping to eat. Finally we stop again.

"Why are we stopping?" 10K asks.

"Taking in the view." Murphy walks to the edge of the hill. "There it is. The home of the 1974 World Fair. You ever heard of the Lilac City, kids? Our new home. Spokane!"

We head down, making our way to the Museum of Progress. 10K stays between Murphy and me protectively. I think he's afraid he'll lose me too.

Murphy shows Dr. Merch a room she will be using then takes 10K and me to a large room. "This will be the nursery."

"Lucy is alive?" 10K asks.

"No, I fed her to Zs on a cracker. Yes of course she's alive. This room will also be a nursery for your guys' children. We have to expand the new world right?"

"This incubator is closed," I say, taking a step back as 10K takes a step in front of me.

"Oh please, I can make it very safe for you here. No running for your life or anything. Plus, 10K here has been wanting in your pants probably since the day you two met."

"Stop!" 10K shouts then backs down when Murphy puts his hand up.

It clicks.

All of it.


"10K doesn't get a choice, does it? You took that away from him, didn't you, Alvin?" I glare, my words cutting through.

"I did what I had to do to save him. I saved him for you."

I scoff. "I believe your bullshit less than my mother did."

We are interrupted by a commotion down the hallway. Running out, we meet a haggard feral man that the remaining military has strapped to a chair.

"What does she mean?" 10K asks.

"Shoot him," Murphy says, handing him a pistol.

"No, I will not." He shoots the man anyways. Thankfully, the gun is empty and it's just clearly a test.

"That's what I mean, Killer," I say softly, smiling sadly.

"You kids shouldn't play with guns," Murphy says, waving the gun around. It goes off for real this time, shooting the man. "Somebody clean that up."

10K pulls me into the empty future nursery, stripping out of his clothes.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" I ask, biting my lip and trying hard to look respectfully.

"Find the bite. Now."

"Turn around." He does and immediately I see it. A large bite mark on the back of his neck, still red and puffy. "It's here," I tell him, caressing it softly.

"Bex," he almost whimpers in agony, both mental and physical. "What if he makes me...makes us...I can't assault you. You'll need to kill me."


"Please. I couldn't live with myself if your first time was that."

I kiss his lips, bringing his forehead to mine. "I'm never going to kill you, unless it's a mercy. Do you understand?"

He nods, tears coming to the surface. "I love you. I need to say it before I lose the last of myself to him."

"I won't let you."

"I don't think we have a choice."

He redresses quietly and the air is thick. Murphy calls for us back into one of the former empty rooms. Now, it's a throne room apparently.

"Come sit, niece. There's a seat for you as well. Thomas, go sweep."

"I can help-"

"Nope sit." I look over at 10K before complying.

"There's someone here to see you," Dr. Merch says, coming in. "They said you healed their daughter."

"Send them away." They are already coming in, their daughter looking well but changed.

"We wanted to thank you," the father said, his little girl coming up to Murphy and hugging him. "She's healing and not afraid anymore. She's better than before. It's a miracle. We just have one more favor to ask? Would you bite my wife?"

10K and I exchange looks. This isn't good.

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