5. More Than Friends

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Bex's POV

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Bex's POV

I lean against the truck bed walls, dying internally. The scratch on my leg was finally coming to bite me in the ass.

"Humans 6 o'clock." I look behind us to see a broken-down orange beetle car. In front of us is a zombie barricade. Our car slows down.

"N-no, it's a trap," I moan. No one hears me, though, as everyone gets out to inspect.

"C'mon, you need to get out Bexley," I hear Murphy try to coax me. He lifts me up out of the truck bed before propping me against a wheel. I can't tell if I blacked out or not, but I'm moved to another vehicle, this one incredibly smaller as I'm laying again three bodies.

"Bex?" It's 10K.

"I'm here. I don't need a tardy slip." I don't open my eyes as I say this.

"She's burning up, Doc." This is Addy.


10K's POV

"I think I have her patched up but only time will tell. It's a pretty nasty infection. I just can't believe she went this long without saying anything," Doc says to me, getting up from inspecting Bex.

I pick her up and place her into the truck, before getting in beside her. Already, her fever is breaking.

"Hey Killer," she groans to me.

"Hey, Bex." She lays her head on me, closing her eyes.

Why does this feel so right?

We come upon a hospital settlement shortly after talking to Citizen Z.  By now, Bex is alert and ready to mercy pretty much anyone.

A huge turn-on, especially still in that dress. I think she hasn't changed just to torture me.

"Halt! Who goes there!?" A man with a gun pointed at us, asks.

"This is why I hate people," Bex mutters beside me.

Charles and Warren introduce themselves to the man. Even after explaining the mission, the officer turned us away, though makes us a deal if we spare some pain meds.

Basically, the officer is an addict.

"I'm starting to think I should get addicted to oxy. I'm way too square in this apocalypse," Bex says to me.

"We could be square together, you know," I remind her, as I'm not addicted either. It's probably what saved us in the apocalypse. There was a huge drug war shortly after the world went to shit.

"The general will see you now," the officer says airly, a smile on his face. While the rest of the group follows the man, Bex and I remain behind in the vehicle.

"Bex, we need to talk."

"Go ahead," she says, watching the group talk to a camera.

"Do you really hate this group?"

She looks at me, pausing a moment before answering. "Yeah, I do. I've been so weak since we joined up, with me being kidnapped, basically unconscious most of the action, then I get an infection from a fence trying to escape previously mentioned kidnapping. When it was just you and I, I was always looking out for you. That's what made me strong. But this group makes you strong, 10K. I didn't realize it before, but you need people. More than just me."

"You know I need you, Bex. You've been there through the whole apocalypse with me."

"Exactly, and you've said like three words to me during the last two years."

"Bex—" I start, at a loss of words. Again.

"What, Tommy?" It's then I noticed the unshed tears on her face. Without replying, I grab her wrist, pulling her on top of me, our lips meeting. '

"Shit, stop, Killer," she snaps, pulling away from me. I sit up, stunned.

"Don't give me that puppy dog look. Now is not the time."

Noticing my rejected expression, she says, "Maybe later, eh?" she winks at me. I smile, looking down at my feet, glad it isn't awkward.

"Bex! 10K! Cover our flank!" Charles yells to us while dragging the officer inside an elevator.

"Got it!" I yell back, focusing back on our group.

"What's your count now, 10K?" Bex asks me, shooting down a Zee.

"One thousand and ninety-three," I reply after a headshot.

"Nice," is her reply as she takes out another one.

"You really should count, too."

She scoffs. "That's your thing."

Soon, the group is trudging back to us. By their faces, it looked like the mission had gone unsuccessful. I also notice someone is missing.

"Where's Doc?" I ask Warren.

She sighs. "He didn't make it."

I stare in disbelief.

"Wait, is that Doc?" Bex points to a Zee headed our way. "Wait, he looks alive."

"I'll mercy him," Warren says, pulling out her handgun.

I look away, not able to watch. I feel a comforting hand from Bex, who gives me a light squeeze on my arm.

"What the hell, Warren!? You trying to kill me?" Doc screams. I look up excitedly.

"Told you he wasn't fucking dead, guys," Bex says, though I know she's joking.

"Give me a kiss, baby," he says to Warren as he approaches the truck.

Edited: 6/2022

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