16. Always

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10K's POV

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10K's POV

I noticed with every minute Bex and Vasquez were getting closer. It felt like with everything I did, I just pushed them closer. I couldn't be bold, not like him. Maybe she deserved someone like him over me.

"Killer, what are you thinking about?" she asks, kicking my foot playfully. We're on our way to get Murphy, again, this time from a Z Weed facility, and Bex almost seemed...happier? I couldn't tell if it was because of Vasquez or the weed she might get. The more time went on, the more she seemed to remind me of Murphy, as odd as that sounds.

When we arrive, they point us to a garage to wait.

"Somebody help me!" We see a woman crawl out of another building, rushing to her aid. A rather moldy zombie is trying to grab onto her lower half. Vasquez and I both go to shoot it, but he's quicker than me. Warren helps the woman away from the now still Z.

"Told you, people, to move into the garage where it's safe," our hosts say, running over.

"Safety first, huh?" Doc sasses.

"You got a problem?"

"I always have a problem, but do you want me to have a problem with you?" Bex asks, standing next to Doc, smartly choosing not to aim her gun at the man.

"There's no problem here, Bex," Doc says, de-escalating the situation. She glares at the man who returns the staredown. "We're just here for the cure."

We go into the garage finally, seeing a little girl asleep on a mattress. Doc unwraps a pad, using it to patch up the injured woman and stop her bleeding. Bex snorts but tries to cover it up with a cough.

"Mama?" the little girl murmurs, starting to wake up.

"Hey baby, Mama's here." She pulls her into an embrace. "I came back to you just like I promised."

"Did you find it?"

I look at Bex to find her looking back quizzically at me. Both of us are curious by what the little girl means.

"Not yet sweetie. But we're getting close." She boops the girl on the nose lovingly. "Okay, lay down." The mother helps her back onto her back. When I look back over to the redhead, she's gone.

Bex doesn't return until Cal seems to coax her back into the garage. I know she doesn't mention it, but the death of her mother is a hard burden to carry each day. Watching this interaction had to have been hard on her. I want to reach out and hold her but I know she won't let me.

"How's she doing?" Doc asks the woman caring for the little girl.

"She's burning up," she replies, touching the girl's head for emphasis. "I can't keep her fever down."

"Have you tried antibiotics?" Doc asks, sitting down, Warren next to him.

"Nothing worked. Drug-resistant bacteria of some kind. I don't think she has much longer."

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