Chapter 5

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"That was a fancy resturant," Ariana noted as we walked further down the hallway, the boys following close behind us. All three of the girls and I were carrying our heels in our hands and trudging through the halls with aching feet. I bet in anyone else's point of view, we looked very trashy and unkempt.

"Very fancy, indeed." Caroline nodded.

"Night, girls." I looked up to see Louis leaning in to kiss Lou on the cheek. Ariana and Harry hugged each other tightly as Liam and Niall took turns kissing Caroline. Niall finally came over to me, taking me in an incredibly tight hug.

"Niall," I breathed out, my air supply becomming low. "Cant breath."

"Oh, sorry," he mumbled while releasing himself from me. "Night, Ana."

"Goodnight, Niall." I grinned at the cheeky little boy as he turned to walk a bit further down the hall to his individual room. Was that a blush on his cheeks? Niall has always hugged me and felt ourselves pressed together, why was he blushing?

Caroline and Lou were smirking at me; Ariana was somewhere behind me. The tension was clearly in the air and I glanced back and forth at them awkwardly. Caroline crossed her arms and sent me a wink.

"What?" I wondered aloud.

Lou took a step forward to poke my stomach multiple times, much to my disliking. Everyone knew I was massively ticklish. "You and Niall!" she squealed, drawling out Niall's name, which was very unnecesary.

"What about us?" I asked, oblivious to their playful glares. When none of them answered me, I groaned in annoyance, finally realizing what they were hinting at. "For the last time, we are just friends!"

"Whatever you say, hunny." Caroline and Lou giggled and turned to head into their room. I gave them a cocky smile as they turaed the light on and closed the door behind them, escaping into the warmth of their room.

"Can you believe them?"

"Yes, actually."

I shot a deadly look at Ariana as I felt inside of my purse for the room key. My eyebrows crinkled when I couldn't feel it in my bag. I could have sworn I placed it in there. Oh well, I'm sure Ariana grabbed hers before we left for the resturant.

"Ari, can I see your room key? I left mine in there."

Suddenly, her big brown eyes widened. An unreadable expression slipped across her beautifully made-up face. "I thought you brought yours." My lips parted slightly. "I didn't bring mine."

"What do you mean you didn't bring yours?" I whisper-shouted, growing frustrated while wiggling the door knob frantically.

"Exactly how it sounds!"

"You are so irresponcible!" I accused, finally giving up on shaking the door knob.

Ariana gave me a look. "Me? You left yours, too!"

"What are we going to do?" I asked, ignoring her last statement. She shrugged and glared down at carpeted floor. My eyes found their way to Lou and Caroline's door. We could either have Dillon or Paul go down to the lobby and get us another room key, but that was the boring option.

Ariana seemed to catch on. "We could stay with one of the boys just for tonight."

I grinned. Off to Niall's!


Niall opened his door slowely, obviously not expecting any company for the night. Once his eyes landed on Ariana and I, his eyebrows crinkled. Only his head was poking through the small crack between the door and the wall.

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