Chapter 2

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- Niall -

"It feels like I haven't been down this road in forever," Ana sighed, taking in the cool London air that she hasn't taken in for months. Her brown eyes were contrasting to the grey sky, and they were undeniably beautiful. We were walking arm-in-arm down a small road. Many little shops were on either side, and it looked pretty amazing at night with all the Christmas lights being out up and the lanterns.

"It's lovely, ain't it?" I asked, glancing down at her. She nodded and continued cheerfully down the road.

"I'm glad that we found time to get out. Ya know, just the two of us," Ana told me, her bare arm shooting warmth up mine. It was chilly out, and neither of us thought to bring a jacket. So, basically, we're both screwed later tonight. That is, if she doesn't want to go home before then.

"Lou didn't seem to be too happy about that." I chuckled, recalling when I told the lads I was hanging out with Ana for the evening. Harry, Liam, and Zayn smirked and told me not to kiss her. Their reactions were much better than Louis' though. He threw a temper tantrum and demanded for me to take him. Liam and Zayn had to restrain him on the couch before I left.

Ana laughed her infamous raspy laugh that I loved to hear so much.

Once we reached our destination, I gladly opened the door for her. I swooped my arm and bowed cheekily like a prince as she smiled. "After you, m'lady."

Her pink lips curled into a smile as she curtsied. "Why, thank you, sir."

"Is that who I think it is?" a familiar voice sounded from the front of the small Starbucks joint. This Starbucks was the least visited here in London. It was small and quaint, and hardly anyone came over here. There were few people seated here and there, though.

"It is." I smiled, shoved my hands into my pockets, and approached the counter. Ana was following right behind me. "Hey, Madge. How're you?"

"I'm great!" the older woman responded in excitement. "How's my favorite customer and superstar?"

I chuckled, loving how excited she was. Six months ago, Ana and I would always come here and get the same thing everytime. Madge had bothered to remember our names. She was a sweet older woman with slowely greying hair. She always wore her favorite white apron and she always smelt like nutmeg.

"He's amazing. I brought someone for you to see."

She looked at me in confusion. "And who might that be?"

I took a quick step to the side to reveal Ana to our old friend. She smiled and waved her arms into the air happily. "Surprise!"

Madge only stood there, staring deep into Ana's eyes. They looked like they were talking telepathically, which kind of scared me. Madge then looked down at the counter and tapped her finger. Finally, she looked back up, her eyes wide. "Is that my little Ana Jones?" Ana nodded. "Goodness me, look how big you've gotten!"

Ana and I laughed as she and Madge hugged each other.

"Jesus, I haven't seen you in quite some time! Where have you been? Look at you, you're so cute! You got a tan! You're so beautiful! Oh my god!"

"I've been at school in Florida," Ana answered, smiling widely. "It's been amazing. I love it there, but I'm so happy to be home."

Madge gasped. "What happened to your sweet London-school-girl accent?"

Ana sighed and shook her head. I did notice that her accent has slightly faded. "Six months in America can wear you out, Madge. It sucks, I know."

"Aw! Well, do you two want your usuals?" Madge asked, her face lighting up all over again. How on earth did she remember what our usuals were? See, she's amazing. "I'll go get those, then."

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