Chapter 36

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Month 8/17

It didn't come often but when it did, it came hard. It came with the pressure of the ocean tides pulling you out further and further until you couldn't find your way to shore. It was so out of the blue that Ana sometimes had nothing to do about it but to cry.

The sadness. The loneliness. The feeling of emptiness without her best friends.

With the new album in full swing, the boys' ever growing popularity and the fashion show already being put together, there just wasn't time for them to speak everyday like they used to.

They all knew it'd be well worth it in the end. They didn't like it, but they accepted it. It was all they could do. But until she could see him in person or hear his voice again, Ana stared at all of the pictures she'd put up in her hotel (which was pretty much her temporary home now) until she'd fall asleep.

Month 10/17

Ana couldn't get that damn song out of her head, the one Adriana had mentioned a while back. Niall usually always shared his work with her first, she was honestly a little hurt that he hadn't even mentioned it to her yet. Adriana even said it was for her, the song was written all about her. This only made Ana even more angry because Niall's ex had heard it before she had. Granted they were "dating" at the time, it still felt like a stab in the chest.

Ana's curiosity grew more and more with every second, minute, hour, day... She couldn't take it anymore. During a long day of fittings and heel-walking, she sent Niall a quick text.

Hey, can I ask you something?

He replied in seconds.

Anything babe :)

Adriana told me you wrote a song for me and I wanna know why I haven't heard it yet...?

This time, his response came eight whole minutes later.

I wanted to play it for you in person cuz it's really special...n I just finished it not too long ago

Ana felt stupid for even asking.

Oh... Sorry.

Don't be :)

I miss you.

I miss you a shit ton more !

I doubt it.

Hey we're about t hit the stage. Talk t ya soon?

Yeah, sure. Knock 'em dead! I love you.

This time, she got no reply at all.

Month 12/17

She couldn't believe she had missed so many birthdays, so many celebrations, so many festivals. Ana felt like she wasn't even apart of the group anymore. She couldn't believe it had been a whole year since she had left to peruse her career. She couldn't believe she hadn't seen her friends in a year; she couldn't believe she hadn't seen Niall in a year.

"It feels like it's gone by so fast," he said, his voice echoing in the huge room. "Like you just left last week."

"I much is happening." Ana spoke back as she sank into her chair, letting her stylists get to work on her hair. "How are you guys doing while Zayn's on break?"

There was a long pause. "We're okay I guess. Just miss him 'is all."

"I bet."

"Hi Niall!" one of Ana's makeup artists yelled from across the room.

Niall had called so often while Ana was working, the whole Victoria's Secret team had learned to deal with it - and love him.

"Hi, Julia!" Niall shouted back. "How's the show comin' together?"

Ana closed her eyes to allow a man to apply a gold shimmer over her eyelids. "It's comin' along actually. I'm excited. Did you ask the team if you could make it?"

"Mmmm I'm not so sure if I can yet but I hope so. I don't think you've ever modeled underwear for me, so...I'd enjoy it...a lot."

Ana laughed. "You just better not check out any of my friends."

As if on cue, the door on the far end of the room flew open. "Ana!" the girl yelled, making her way over to the makeup corner of the room.

"Who that-"

"Hey, Adriana! How was your night?"

"Should I go?" Niall asked.

Adriana looked from Ana to the phone sitting on the makeup counter in front of her. "Niall? Is that you?"

There was a pause. The two of them haven't really spoken since the break up, so Ana was sure that this was beyond awkward for them. She found it hilarious, though. Adriana had grown to be an amazing friend to Ana over the past year. She guided her, had sleepovers with her, even took her out on nights when she felt particularly lonely.

"Hey... What's up?" Niall coughed and Ana almost died laughing then and there.

"God, you two act like you weren't a couple a year ago."

"Ana, I got to go. Harry's calling me. I love you, bye!"

Ana was about to say something when she heard a deep voice say, "What? But I'm right here-" but then the line went dead.

Adriana giggled. "You've got to stop making him so uncomfortable like that."

Month 15/17


"I'm not jealous at all."

"That is one big ass rock, mate."

"Niall, I've always thought of you as a brother. I'm so excited you're actually going to be it now!" Ariana squealed, jumping up and down excitedly.

Niall had just purchased the one of a kind, custom made Tiffany ring, inspired by a Disney princess line he had once saw; his engagement ring for Ana.

He was beyond nervous when he helped design it. This was a huge deal for him, for the entire group of friends.

"So this is it, yeah?" Louis started. "We're gonna start getting married and having kids? I can't get old, mate."

Niall chuckled half-heartedly. "I guess so." He looked down at the ring nervously and then back up, directly at Ariana. "Think she'll love it? I want her to love it. Actually, am I moving too fast? We're too young, aren't we? Oh God, what have I done?"

"Niall!" Ariana exclaimed, putting a delicate hand over his shoulder. "Are you kidding? My entire family has been waiting for you to propose for years now! You love her and she loves you. I know she'll say yes. Have some confidence, dude, stop being a little bitch."

This made everyone laugh and Niall's tensions eased slightly. She was right. He and Ana were made to be together. There was nothing for him to worry about.

"Let's go out for a dinner to celebrate?" Liam suggested. "Congrats, Niall. I know how much she means to you."

"I just wish Zayn was here to celebrate with us."

With somber glances, the group left.

Hello. I know the story is kind of boring now because Ana isn't with her friends, but as you can see, there's only two months left until they're together! A comment would greatly be appreciated. At most, there's five chapters left. :)

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