Chapter 29

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"Well have you told him yet?"

"Of course I haven't told him."

"Babe, you're gonna have to sooner or later."

"I don't want to break his heart. . . I love him."

"And he loves you too, more than anything. It's only gonna hurt him if you don't tell him as soon as possible."

I groaned then hid my face in my hands, my hair cascading down like a curtain to shield my face from my pesky little sister. The email I had recieved a few days ago was amazing and horrible all in one. I wanted to be happy for myself but I didn't want to at the same time. Niall and I have only been dating for a little less than one month and I just. . . I couldn't dare hurt him. Not again.

"Believe me, sis," Ariana quipped whilst leaning down to pat my shoulder sympathetically. She had that one smile on her lips, the one where she didn't quite know what to do about a situation. Like she wanted to help, but she couldn't.

A gentle knock on the door ripped me away from my thoughts. "Come in!" Ariana called, still standing over me. The door was pushed open and a head of blonde hair popped inside. Oh lovely, I thought.

"Can I come in?" Niall asked politely, looking back and forth between my twin and I. When Ariana nodded, he pressed on. "You sure? It looks like you're having serious girl talks. If someone's on their period, please tell me now."

I chuckled then rolled over and pat the space on the bed that I once occupied. "No one's on their time of the month. Come in, babe."

"I'll just leave you two to talk about. . . stuff." Ariana winked at me, then switched places with Niall outside of the door. I rolled my eyes at her as she shut the door slowly and Niall sat criss-cross on the bed.

"What was that about?" Niall chuckled before leaning in to place a chaste kiss on my chin. I absolutely adored when he did that. Although it was rare because he loved kissing my head and lips the most, it was nice everytime I was lucky enough to get one on my chin.

"Nothing, just Ariana being stupid."

"Like always?"

I laughed. "Yup. Um, what'dya wanna talk about? You're not breaking up with me, are you?"

Niall quickly shook his head. "No, no! Why would I ever be bloody stupid enough to break up with the perfect girl like you?" Niall noticed my blush immediantly, so he grabbed my face and kissed me sloppily.

"Ew!" I giggled and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, ridding it of his sticky slobber. "Good, because I have the perfect boy. Then what did you need?"

"Um. . ." Niall folded his hands and placed them in his lap, suddenly much more interested in the patterns on the comforter than me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Niall was getting nervous. "This is a really embarassing, stupid thing for me to ask. So please don't laugh at me, Ana."

"Niall," I sighed, reaching out to touch his exposed knee and looking him dead in the eyes. "I would never, ever laugh at you. We're together now and we can tell each other anything and everything, alright?"

"Alright," Niall nodded, exhaling a very heavy breath.

"So spill."

"Uh, right. . .intamacy. Or, ya know. . .sex."

My face heated up at the mention of that word and I'm ninety-nine point nine percent sure that my face was the color of a mature rose. "Oh. What about it?" I asked, even though I knew exactly where he was going with this.

"I'm not going to pull the 'I'm a guy and I have needs' card with you because I completely respect you and your opinion and modesty. . .and I know we've only been technically dating for about a month now but I think we know each other really well and we've been best friends forever and -"

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