Chapter 17

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I sat in my hotel room in my over-sized sweater and an Obey snapback watching the rain drops race down the window. Both of the large, pale curtains were pulled back and I had placed myself in the armchair beside the window after making myself a steamy cup of tea. Rain had always fascinated me for some unknown reason. I just adored the feeling of it as it crashed into my skin from the unworldly heavens above.

I glanced over at the clock, then scowled at it. It was almost eleven o'clock at night. Niall promised he'd be back in time for our sleepover by eight-thirty. That was two and a half hours ago! Could I really blame him, though? He's just a teenage boy falling under the spell of an undeniably gorgeous super model.

This is tragic.

My eyes scanned down at the busy streets below. Driving around at night was also one of my favourite things in the entire world. Seeing all of the city lights and meeting strangers was just so magical. Of course, I used to do that with Niall before I left for Florida. I sighed, randomly feeling the urge to cry as I sipped more tea.

Maybe if I had been a better friend to Niall or maybe if I wasn't so attached, I wouldn't be feeling like this. Maybe this was actually all my fault and I only have myself to blame. Maybe I had changed since I got back from Florida and Niall didn't like me anymore. There was so many possible reasons that Niall would choose her over me. So many possibilities that shattered my hear into a million pieces.

Suddenly, my room door opened even though I swear I locked it. My attention turned to the door frame, my hair flying all over my shoulders. Niall stood there, his hair a mess and his shirt unbuttoned.

"Hi," he greeted cheerfully, smiling brightly at me. His hand rose, revealing the extra room key that I must have left in his room. "Mm, I smell tea. I'm stealing some." He directed himself to the small kitchen area, picking up the tea pot.

A part of me really wanted to kick him in the balls again, but another part of me just wanted to hug him and tell him I loved him. "You said you'd be here two hours ago," I finally said after he had made his tea. "I've been sitting here, waiting, for two hours."

"Two hours?" he asked, sipping the scorching tea. I secretly hoped it had burned his throat.

I nodded, staring at him blankly. "You promised."

"Oh, sorry about that, Ana." He tugged awkwardly on the hem line of his button up, revealing parts of his toned body to me. His bright red Supras clashed in my otherwise white room and I don't know why, but his attractiveness and ability to sexually frustrate me aggrivated me. "I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

"You've been breaking lots of promises lately, haven't you?" I asked bluntly.

His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he didn't know what I was talking about. "What does that mean?"

"You didn't even ask if the girls and I wanted to go out for dinner with you. You just left."

"Well I just figured -"

I quickly cut him off. "Forget it, I didn't want to go anyway."

"Look, Ana. I'm sorry, alright? Adriana just told us this hilarious story about her tripping on the runway and how the girl behind her fell. Then she had this brilliant idea to go ice skating at the -"

"Ah, Adriana's just full of brilliant ideas, isn't she?"

Niall sat down on the edge of my bed, facing me with his elbows resting on his knees. "What's up with you? I thought you were friends with her. You seem like you hate her and Cara. Let's not forget that you were the one who invited them to hang out in the first place."

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