Chapter 26

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"So this is it," I breathed, turning around to face Logan and his beautiful blue eyes before I walked into security. Logan forced a weak, sad smile and took both of my hands in his.

"This is it," he repeated, as if confirming it to himself. "Listen Ana, I had the most amazing time with you. You're the sweetest thing ever and I'm so glad I met you here. Know that I wouldn't be letting you leave if I didn't think this is what's best for you."

"I'm so sorry, Logan."

He squinted hard at me. "Why are you apologizing to me?"

"I'm just sorry for everything. For putting you through all of this with Niall and playing with your head, making you think what we had was serious," I explained, a flush of guilt suddenly consuming me. "I mean, I really did like you a lot but I realized that you were a replacement for Niall and I. . . You don't deserve that, or me."

"Ana," Logan cupped my cheeks and forced me to look at him directly. "I was incredibly lucky to have you in the first place. Sure, it didn't last as long as I had hoped but. . . it was damn good while it lasted."

I smiled shyly at him, releasing my luggage to hold his waist. "You know, you'll find a girl who loves you so much and will give you everything you need. But that girl isn't me. And I am so happy that you understand that."

"Of course I understand." Logan's arms wrapped around my neck as we embraced for the final time, savoring every bit of each other before I had to catch my flight. "I'm just glad I got to know you."

"Flight 18 to Montreal, Canada is now boarding. Plane takes off in aproximately thirty-two minutes. Vol 18 à Montréal, Canada est maintenant embarquement. Avion décolle à environ 32 minutes."

"Thank you, Logan," I whispered into his chest. "You're amazing. Text me anytime, I'll reply in minutes. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to call me. This isn't goodbye, you understand me?"

I felt Logan nod, his chin nuzzled into my hair. "This isn't goodbye."

My body detached from his and I looked up at his stunning eyes again, sending him the friendliest smile I could muster up. "So. . . I'll see you again soon?"

"Definitely. I guess I'd better be going then." Logan send me a sincere smile as I reached down to grab the handles of my dropped luggage. I picked up all of my bags along with my carry-on and turned around to go through security.

The process of stepping through a metal detector is actually terrifying, I thought to myself as the bulky man in a police uniform eyed me. It took a couple of minutes for the officers to scan through my bags, but when they were finally satisfied that I didn't have any weapons, they sent me off.

I turned around and saw that Logan was still watching me with a smile on his face. His hand rose and swiveled in the air, bidding me a final farewell. I grinned at him then mouthed a, "Goodbye," before turning and proceding to my flight.

God, I hate goodbyes.


"Wait wait wait." Lou, who was sitting to my left on the duvet in my room, waved her hands around in the air. The motion caused everyone else in the room to hush up immediantly. All eyes turned to the petite girl. "Let me get this straight. You and Adriana were basically doing foreplay. . . and you moaned another girl's name?"

"To be specific, Ana's name?" Ariana added, leaning closer to me from the chair opposite of me. Having to look at Ariana's face everyday was just a reminder that I had lost Ana. It was painful, but I dealt with it anyway.

I sighed, suddenly feeling guilty in Adriana's behalf. "I already answered this question. Yes, okay? And before you yell at me for being so rude to her, I texted her all last night apologizing."

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