Chapter 14

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"Ana, wake up! This is important."

"If no one is dying, bringing me breakfast in bed, or bringing Adam Levine to me, it's not important," I grumbled, burying my face deeper into the fluffy white pillow. I didn't know exactly what time it was, but I had a good feeling that is was earlier than normal.

"Seriously, Ana? Adam Levine?" I heard Caroline ask.

Lou's voice came next. "He is pretty damn sexy."

"Girls, not the point!" Ariana quipped. "Ana, your reputation is on the line! If you don't get up right now, directioners will hate your guts." Shuffling sounds came from all around me, telling me that the girls weren't the only girls in the room.

"I don't think it's that serious, Ari," Zayn said casually. His deep, scruffy morning voice was irritating me for whatever reason. Maybe because it was early and tired Ana is not a happy Ana.

"It kind of is..." Liam chimed in.

"What the hell are you all doing in my room?!" I exclaimed, shooting up in my soft, plush bed. Big mistake; the pain that shot straight up into my head was unbearable. It literally felt like I was dying.

Sure enough, everyone was standing around my bed. Liam, Zayn, Harry, Louis, Niall, Ariana, Caroline, and Lou. Everyone. I didn't know if I should be worried, scared, or angry at them for interrupting my sleep. The boys have learned from past experiences to not wake me up before ten on a day off, and the clock on the side table reads 8:17.

"Okay, what's so important that it took all of you to come in here and wake me up extremely early?" I growled, eyeing over each of my friends. They all looked very tired: bags underneath their eyes, smeared make up, wrinkled shirts. "Shit," I mumbled again, rubbing my head in a soothing manor.

Anything to ease this pain. Note to self: Take it easy on the shots.

"Hangover?" Louis chirped, annoyingly happy for it to be so early. His smug grin just made me want to slap him for whatever reason. "Happens to the best of us, you lightweight."

"I am not a lightweight!"

"You kind of are."

"This is what's so important." Ariana basically shoved a magazine into my face.

I sighed, curiously taking it into my hands. I scanned over the front cover; it had a picture of all of us entering the venue where the party took place last night. In large, white letters on the top of the gossip magazine, it read: 'One Direction's Wild Night!'.

"So what?" I asked, glancing back up at my twin. "Magazines always write articles about the guys when they're seen in public."

"Page six," Zayn told me. "Read it out loud."

I narrowed my eyes at him, then obeyed and flipped on to page six. Sure enough, dozens of paparzzi shots of us drinking and dancing were plastered all over the pages. My eyes nearly buldged out of their sockets when I saw the HD picture of Niall, Harry, and those two tramps: it was Adriana and Cara.

I followed Zayn's instructions and read it aloud. "Everyone needs a night out sometimes - and the lads of One Direction are no exception. The superstars, along with their posse of super sexy girls and band members, all hit up a local party for some downtime in London."

I scanned down to the picture of Harry, Niall, the band, Adriana, and Cara. "Narry girls, be prepared. Niall and Harry cheekily flirted with supermodels Adriana Lima and Cara Delevigne. Witnesses claimed that the two were constantly touching the girls - an eye witness says: 'Niall and Harry kept touching their butts and making any excuse to touch them. It looked serious to me.' As far as we know, the two lads are single. Maybe not for long..."

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