Chapter 4

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"Welcome to paradice!"

I glanced up at Lou Teasedale, my oldest friend, dramatically. It very obvious that she was being sarcastic about 'paradice', considering that she was referring to a tour bus similar to the one the boys were on, but a little smaller. It was actually kind of big, though. I looked around, taking in the scenery. This is where I'll be living for the next few months, after all.

"It seems cramped up now," Caroline started, motioning around her. The room we were in was obviously the living room on the bus. It was completed with shiny leather couches, a large screen television, and a mini-fridge in the corner. "But it's much more roomier once we unpack and get things set up."

"We spend loads of time in actual hotels, too," Lou informed her, her bangs swaying slightly. I admired her hair, it was in a perfect messy bun. "Plus, you two will most likely be spending loads of time on the boys' bus, anyway."

"What makes you think that?" Ariana asked, biting into a banana.

Lou and Caroline exchanged looks, then shrugged. "Oh, you know. You've been gone for so long and they miss you, I bet they'll only want to spend time with you."

I smiled. "That's sweet, but are even allowed onto their bus?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if fans see us go over to their bus with pajamas and stuff, won't it seem like we're... you know. Doing bad things?"

"Bad things?" Caroline giggled. "Are you sure you're in uni?" I could feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of sex. With the boys? Ew. No thanks. "Erm, I guess their management just trusts you. You have been friends for so long now."

"I guess that's true."

Ariana glanced down at her phone, then back up at us. "Hey, Harry said to get dressed pretty and meet them outside of the hotel in an hour. The guys and the band are taking us out to eat, apparently."

"Yay, food!" I shouted in excitement, grabbing Lou's hand and dragging her out of the large bus. She had said her goodbyes to Lux before we showed up here. Tom was going to drop the beautiful baby off for the second half of the tour, though.

Caroline and Ariana followed closely behind Lou and I as we entered the hotel. Loads of fans were crowded into the lobby, trying to get a sneak-peak at the five boys who changed their lives. Security was forcefully holding them back, though, as we passed through. We had just checked in before Lou and Caroline decided to give us a quick tour of the bus, so the man at the front desk knew we already had a room. The four of us flashed him a sweet smile as we passed.

"Ariana, I love your hair!"

"Hi, Lou! Where's Lux?"

"Caroline, go back to Olly, you filthy whore!"

"That's the other Caroline, Macy."

"Oh. Well in that case, I LOVE YOU!"

"Ana, you're so tan!"

"I have such a girl crush on her, it isn't even healthy!"


All four of us snickered at all of the comments, keeping our heads low and smiling at the fans who actually had a room at the hotel. One of the security guys who worked closely with Paul, called Dillon, walked us to the elevator. He pressed our floor level number, which was thirteen, then we ascended upwards.

This hotel was incredibly fancy, if I do say so myself. Everything was so glossy and clean. I loved it.

Dillon showed us to our rooms; Ariana and I in suite 418, and Lou and Caroline in 419, just across the hall.

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