Chapter 10

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"I don't like mornings. I am not a morning person. Therefore, I am grumpy."

I watched Ana talk intensely. Everything she said was flawless. To me, anyway. Maybe to the others it was a tad annoying, but I loved every bit of it. Even when she was in sweats with her hair tied up, like now, I still find her so fascinating. Ana Jones is an overall flawless human being.

"Come on, love. Manchester is waiting." Lou's voice stuck out immediantly from our large group of stage hands, crew, and bodyguards. "We'll have a girly night and pick up Starbucks before rehearsal, sound good?"

"You drink so much Starbucks," Louis whined. "You're going to get fat and blow up and die. Then who'll do my hair and make me look shmexy?"

"We'll get fat, blow up, and die?" Ariana questioned, narrowing her eyes at the tired lad. Louis was the last to wake up and didn't get any tea. I wouldn't be surprised if he collapsed right at this moment.

"Says the guy who goes on Starbucks runs with his girlfriend every two minutes," Caroline shot back. Harry and Zayn chuckled while they were chatting up with crew members.

Louis stuck out his tongue at her. "Not every two minutes! More like every two hours."

"Thank you for proving my point, Tomlinson."

"When the bloody hell are we getting on the bus? It's freezing out here!" Ana complained. I could feel the smirk rising on my face; she was definitely on her period.

"It isn't freezing, it is a lovely day," Liam declared.

Ana pouted. "You live in Florida for half a year and come back, then you'd know it was freezing."

"We can go." Caroline rolled her eyes, grabbed Ana's shoulders, and pushed her towards their bus. My eyes roamed over all of them as they were stepping on slowly. "See you lot in a bit!"

"Make sure Ana Banana doesn't kill someone!" I called, a hint of honesty in my voice.

Manchester was a while away. We'd probably arrive later today; around eight or nine. Being in Manchester also meant the arrival of Eleanor and Danielle. Hopefully the boys will all be busy with their girlfriends, leaving Ana and I alone.

But how? How do you make your best friend fall in love with you?

"Easy. Seduce her."

"Holy fuck." I turned around, startled by whoever was speaking in my ear. Unsurprisingly, it was Harry. He had his signiture grin on his lips and his eyes were twinkling with mischeif. "Did you hear me?"

"Niall, everyone knows you speak your thoughts out loud a lot." His arms folded over his chest.

A sudden heat blew over my cheeks, a blush. "I really need to stop that."

"Tell me what's up," Harry coaxed, nudging his shoulder into mine encouragingly. "Wait, you don't have to tell me. You love Ana and you want to date her, but you don't know how. Typical love story."

"I'm not saying you're correct, but how would you deal with that sort of situation?" I asked, actually interested in his responce.

"Didn't you just hear me? Seduce her," he answered. His curls bounced around lightly in the wind, making it hard to take him seriously.

"I am not seducing her," I replied simply.

"Why not?"

"I'm too much of a gentleman."

Harry shrugged. "I'm just saying, she wants the Horan D. There's no denying that. Although, you should wait a week."

"A week? Why wait that long?"

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