Chapter 38

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"Logan...hi. How are you—"

Niall cut his girlfriend off, getting straight to the catch. "Why are you here?" He knew that Logan lived in Paris and by the looks of his living conditions, he wasn't moving anytime soon. So why, exactly, was he here in America? It was anybody's guess.

Ana smacked Niall's shoulder, earning an awkward chuckle from Logan. "I actually flew out here for a date and I heard you were modeling in this year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, so I kind of wanted to see you again. What are the chances?" He dry-chuckled again. "Congrats on the gig, by the way...I know how much it means to you."

", uh, have a girlfriend?"

"And you flew her all the way to another country just for a date?" Niall added, not believing a word this guy said. He was too perfect to be real. He just hoped Ana didn't see things the same way he did.

Logan smiled widely, shoving his hands down into his pockets. "Yeah, you know her actually! She just went to use the restroom for a bit."

On cue, an extremely familiar face appeared from behind a corner and ran up to Logan, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Adriana?" Ana and Niall both asked in unison.

"Whoa, hey, guys! What are the chances? Nice to see you two together again!"

Niall couldn't agree more. What were the chances? "'d this happen?"

Adriana and Logan exchanged loving looks, then turned back to Niall and Ana. "We started talking on twitter after Ana came to Los Angeles for the first time and just clicked! I flew out to meet him and he flew out to see me a few times and we were just perfect for each other."

"Why couldn't you figure that out before we all dated each other?" Niall asked, half honestly. He thought about how if Adriana met Logan before Ana did, none of this ever would have happened in the first place.

Adriana, Logan and Ana all laughed and they were all sure that this was the most awkward moment of their lives. There was a long pause before Ana spoke up again.

"Why didn't you tell me? We're like, best friends."

Adriana nodded, pouting. "Of course we are, I just didn't want you to feel weird about it, you know? But now I know that you and Niall are so happy together and so are me and Logan." She sent Logan a smile and Ana sent one right back.

It was about this point that Niall wanted to shoot himself.

"Why don't you join us for dinner?"

Actually, this was the point where Niall wanted to shoot himself.

"What, why?" Niall asked, mentally beating the hell out of Logan for ruining his proposal plan. He had waited months for this moment, this boy and his girlfriend weren't about to ruin it for him. "Why do we need to...why do...why?"

Ana looked at him weirdly. "Because we're all friends? Why not, come on."

"Yay!" Adriana clapped happily. "I'll get a table."

Not even ten minutes later, the group of four was sat at a booth in the corner of the restaurant, making awkward small talk and laughing at jokes that Niall didn't think were funny at all. He wanted desperately to call Ariana and get her to fake an emergency so they could go home. Ana's hand found his knee and Niall swore that was the only thing keeping him sane.

"So how have you been, Ana? It's been a while, no?"

Ana smiled at Logan from across the table. "Yeah, it's been really great. How about you...and Luke?"

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