Chapter 20

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Saying goodbye to my mum is always the hardest thing to do. But going to Paris with my closest friends definitely made up for it. Everyone on tour got a three-day break before meeting at the airport to jet off to France. During those three days, Niall and Harry have been texting me nonstop. It was cute and annoying at the same time. Adriana has also been texting me about my Victoria's Secret contract and occasionally asking about Niall. That was more annoying than cute.

I'm pretty sure Ariana is a little pissed off at me for texting her little boyfriend all weekend as well. All Harry does is tease me about Niall, but she won't give me a chance to explain that. Plus, if I told her then she'd find out about the kiss and I don't want that to happen.

We all met at the airport in the afternoon. I put my bags on the cart with the other girls' things, I strode over to their small circle.

"Everyone's here, yeah?" Paul asked, looking over everyone. We were all scattered around the lot, making it complicated for poor Paul to manage and keep us together so a fan doesn't kidnap someone.

"All of the girls are present," Caroline assured him, looking over the rest of us. Lou and I grinned cheekily at her, showing off all of our teeth.

"Harry? Niall?" Paul called out. We all looked backwards where the boys were standing. Niall and Harry both waved in his direction, assuring him of their presense. "Zayn?"

"Right here, mate," Zayn answered with his arm around Perrie. I swear, watching the boys say goodbye to their girlfriends was horribly disgusting and romantic at the same time.


A girly giggle pierced the air. "He's here, Paul!" Danielle squeaked, laughing and trying to swat Liam away from peppering tender kisses to her neck. She was wearing his beanie, which I found adorable.

"Louis? . . . Where is Lou? Is he here? . . . Louis?!"

"Louis William Tomlinson and Eleanor Jane Calder!" I shouted, stomping my feet on the pavement. They both snapped away from each other, confusion flashing across their features. "Can you quit sucking each others' faces off for two seconds so Paul can make sure you're alive?!"

Eleanor blushed madly, burrying her face in Louis' jacket. "Oh, Ana, I hate you," she whined playfully.

"We're here, Paully Pocket," Louis growled, his arms wrapped protectively around El's tiny waist.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't call me that, yeah?" Paul mumbled, looking over the papers in his hands. "Alright, we're all ready to go. Let's head to Paris!"

"Yay!" Lou squealed happily, locking her arm in the crook of mine. Our large group headed inside of the massive airport one by one. The burst of air conditioning swarmed over my face as we entered.

The shouts of fans, which I was used to by now, echoed throughout the entire place. Some adults waiting for their delayed flights looked highly pissed at the young girls' shouts. The boys stopped to take pictures and sign autographs, so the girls and I got on the plane first. Even though our flight would be short, they were getting out pillows and putting in their headphones, meaning they would be asleep shortly.

The guys eventually got on board. We had this entire cabin to ourselves, which was very nice. Harry took the row behind Ariana and Niall took the row across from me. Once he had his bags in the storage above our heads, he moved himself to the seat right next to mine.

"What'cha listening to?" he asked, pointing at the navy blue Beats covering my hair and ears. He was dressed really comfortable in sweats, a tee and a Chicago Bulls snapback on backwards.

"Phillip Phillips," I answered, humming along to Gone, Gone, Gone silently in my head.

"Yeah, I don't care. I just needed an excuse to come sit next to you." Niall grabbed my hand and tugged me forward. His eyes fluttered closed as he leaned closer to me and I already knew what he was trying to do.

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